Bloom read this long list over and over again while feeling amazed by all this. "I now understand the reason for Sharel and her boss panic," he muttered before finding an option to check the current number of forces stationed in the fort by now.
"Regalis fort military stats: number of total forces currently are five thousand armed men. The total capacity of the inner zone is twenty thousand men, and the total capacity of the outer zone is fifty thousand men. The total capacity of the fortress is ten thousand men, and the total capacity of the area around the fort and surrounded by the sentry posts is two hundred thousand men."
"Damn!" he couldn't help but suck cold air of breath, "how can I get such forces!"
Yet this alarmed him of another dilemma, the army that would come at him wouldn't be simple. "Such a fort must have been protected by a grand army," he thought before starting to explore more options.