And as both sides head towards each other, Bloom still has the upper hand here. "Fog of gravity," as he activated one of his last second life saving skills.
The next second fog dissipated from him, expanding fast to cover fifty meters in one second.
As the monsters were close, so close from getting him; they all paused! "Slice, swift kick!" and at this moment he linked his two skills towards one wolf, sending it flying in the air while he followed suit.
"Grrr…" the effect of his skill was just one second, yet he escaped and already had covered five meters with that wolf. The moment the skill effect vanished, the wolf growled as it was about to attack him with its teeth and sharp claws.
"Didn't your alpha teach you not play with humans?!" Bloom was already landing on the ground, and as the slice skill was about to finish, he landed putting the body of the wolf between him and the vast group of angry monsters.
"Bye bye, swift kick!"