Back at Ur-tir'ak, Shishio walked into a large room filled with several people walking about in haste. In the center of the room, were seven amen, seated on the floor with their legs crossed and wearing large square helmets connected to a creature resembling a jellyfish floating in the center of the room.
"Sorry," an amen apologized after bumping into Shishio.
"Someone get the Black ops captain!"
"He just left!"
Shishio walked past all the commotion to one of the amen with the helmets on.
"Heat Fury, any update on him?"
"Yes. I'm connecting you to him."
Back on the surface, Heat felt a telepathic connection he was expecting.
"Hello, captain commander."
"Mr. Fury. Is it done?"
"The vampire, yes, but I'm left with the amaroq."
"Good. Expect a team at the location within the minute. After they arrive, you are free to move on."
The connection ended and Heat slumped to the ground, exhausted.
"Your friends are coming to pick me up huh?" Akami asked.
"Yeah, you'll meet them if you don't bleed to death first."
Four amen arrived at Heat's location.
"We're here to take over, let me have a look at your wounds," the tallest in the group spoke.
He tended to Heat while four others went to Akami.
"Combat squad, secure unit technique 15, Web Cage."
Giant spider webs came out of their ribs and formed a cage around the vampire. One of them went to the cage and placed and inscription which read 'seal' on the cage.
"Well that was disgusting."
"Stay still, Heat."
The amen placed his hands on Heat, releasing spa that covered his wounds till they were healed.
"Not bad, thanks."
"You're welcome. We'll be waiting for you back at Ur-tir'ak."
The amen disappeared with their prisoner, leaving Heat to continue his mission.
Heat continued his mission, moving on from the site of his battle. As he journeyed deeper into the forest, his ground reception sensed a small home. Moving in almost complete silence, he approached it. The small structure looked like an aging cabin. Unsure of how he should approach it, Heat hesitated.
"How long are you going to stand there?" he heard a voice ask.
"Well, crap."
Heat walked up to the door and knocked.
"Did you seriously just knock?"
"The element of surprise was lost, so why not?"
He opened the door and walked in.
"Finally, you've arrived, Heat Fury."
The owner of the voice was a large figure seated in a dark corner of the cabin.
"How do you know my name?"
"By this time every amen knows your name, Heat."
"You're the amaroq?"
"You ask?"
"No seriously, if you are, come out for us to fight and get this over with because you're making this feel like some kind of supernatural movie or show. Not that I'm against that, but I'll like to keep my 100% attendance at school. Ok, that's a lie; my attendance is not 100%, but you get the idea."
"Oh, I'm sorry, let me come out of the dark then."
He got up, pulled the chair out of the dark and sat on it again. Sitting across the room from Heat was a man who made the large sofa he sat on look like a regular chair.
"So, do you think a lowlife like you can beat me?" he asked.
"If there's one thing I'm not, that's a lowlife, like you. Unlike other amen, I'm human, the kind the Creator cherishes the most, even more than his messengers, according to various religious writings." Heat paused. "Well, more like one or two, or just one, but you get the point."
"You have got to be kidding me." The amaroq rubbed his forehead. "Now there's amen who are human? Amaroqs are losing their touch!"
"Calm down, big guy. As much as we both want to achieve our goals, please gently come with me to Ur-tir'ak, so that we don't have to fight," Heat said with a stupid smile on his face.
The amaroq did not share that sense of humor. His expression remained unchanged.
"I take it that's a no," Heat said. "Jeez. Who thought calling someone a lowlife would get to them that much? Maybe-"
"Oh shut up! How did you defeat Akami? Talk him to near death?"
"How did you guys become amaroqs? You spoke too much that the Awš'umyou developed a mental problem or something like that, right?"
"I wouldn't have you insult-"
"Shut up! Okay, now we're even."
The amaroq pinned him to the wall with one hand.
Heat had a grin on his face. Sensing something was amiss, amaroq jumped back to where his seat was. A Snake's Hiss suddenly hit the Heat who was held on the wall. The real Heat then shut the door.
"Man, this plan would've worked if you guys were not so sensitive," he said with a smile.
His plan to rile the amaroq and knock him out with a surprise attack almost succeeded.
"Go to hell."
"That's amazing, the reason we have these powers is down there."
Heat's statement was followed with silence. Across the cabin, a group of ants marched, the loudest activity in the room.
"Deucalion is the name."
"I believe you already know mine."