Year 510
'Has it really been 500 years?'
I wondered blankly to myself, the tone of the question sounding one like someone asking if a window was closed or maybe asking somebody if they are alright even though you don't particularly like them. Why am I acting so calmly about this you ask? well, having the passive skill -Calm Mind- can be Marvellous to have in situations like these. But also, you learn after 50 years that age is a mere number.
Let me point out that I'm NOT an old man, -God's Voice- claims that I'm now in the adolescent stage of my growth. Pretty crazy, right? but enough of that, Your probably wondering what happened within these 500 years. Where do I even start.....oh yeah. Let talk about my physical growth to start.
To say that I'm gigantic would be an understatement, right now I'm currently 200 meters in length and 70 meters in height(that's big, even by Bewilderbeast standard's!)and I'm still growing. One can only imagine how titanic I'm going to grow in my adult stage. I also developed long blunt spikes on my back and at the back of my head for added protection, according to the information my trusted sidekick provided(seriously, it's like having a living and talking library in your head),they are used for taking damage from surprise attacks rather than stabbing. At the sides of my back are 2 large wing like fins, not large enough for flight, but enough for you to torpedo underwater.
However, the biggest change of my body are my humongous tusks, these babies are monsters, they literally teared apart anything that got in their way. I even impaled a massive kraken and devoured it.
Unfortunately, my travelling had to come to an end. Simply put, I'm too big. I keep knocking down glacier's accidentally from my sheer size and that was starting to spook my food into new areas. I couldn't have that, so I decided to make a territory. My territory looked like a huge mountain from a distance, but is actually a structure made of carefully placed ice. If you look at it from the outside it looks like an ice mountain with a giant hole in it. However, on the inside, it's extremely spacious. The structure is circular, measuring 5000 meters all around, with the ceiling having a giant hole in it for light and ventilation(if I'm still awake at night, I stargaze sometimes). At north in the mountain, there is a large river of water, it's deep enough to submerge 80% of my body. The river is also connected to the ocean, and with my Extra skill -Sea Life Command- my dinner comes straight to me, I created this skill because I couldn't be bothered to find my food anymore. I'm a lazy ass, I know.
My Extra skill -Magic Power Perception and Manipulation- has expanded to unimaginable lengths, my "eyes" reaching all over the continent, so if you are worried about my mental health by being isolated in my home then don't worry, I quite literally have the entire continent as my television. My current skills aren't the only things that I've gained and evolved, in my long life I have obtained many resistances, Common skills and Extra skills, these include: -Blizzard Control-, -Blizzard Creation-, -Icicle Lance-, -Monster's Lesser Haki-, -Raw Magicule Release-, -Wind Manipulation-, -Gravity Manipulation-, ect.
I also gained some Unique skills here and there, but my most destructive Unique skill by far is -Concentrated Magicule Hyper Release- which, in basic hindsight, is like the move "Hyper Beam" from pokemon. For me I had to open my maw and channel my magicules between my tusks without giving the magic any affinities. The result was a dark purple ball with black aura and light purple lighting dancing around it. It was so powerful and hard to control that if I didn't fire it, it would of combusted in my face. So I did the most responsible thing I could do. Release it in a random direction without looking, the beam was MASSIVE, it travelled for a good 20 miles before hitting a particularly large mountain. The consequences were.... complete and total annihilation, there wasn't even a pebble left. Not the greatest solution, I could have pointed my head to the sky to avoid any destruction, but I was panicking at the time okay? gimme a break.
Although the skill may seem overpowered, the price of using it was 20% of my magicules for each use and I feel a bit tired after using it once. Needless to say, I'm not using that skill recklessly again. I'm only going to use it only if absolutely necessary. Usually skills don't require magicules to use them, but this is an Unique skill, giving it an exception for this rule.
My -Magic Sense- which is part of -Magic Power Perception and Manipulation- picked up a large number of magical signatures north, around 15 miles away and headed towards my territories direction. This is odd. unintelligent monsters and other creatures instinctively stay away because of my Extra skill -Monster's Lesser Haki- usually scares them off. Although there are the occasional stronger monsters that take my Haki as a sign of challenge and often try to claim my territory, one of them being the kraken I mentioned earlier. Some the stronger monsters reactions after seeing me are hilarious. They come in my home and roar dramatically as a sign of dominance, only to pale when they see my towering stature and unamused glare. They run off with their tails between their legs in seconds.
Fun times.
As amusing as it is to remember of those pathetic monsters, I focused on the task at hand(or paw in this case) and focus on the the magical signatures leading in my direction. I was surprised at what I saw. There was a very large group of humanoids, looking mostly human but instead of blunt ears like humans usually have, they had long pointed ears. Their skin was a pale blue and had white hair. They wore neatly created thick cloths made out of the hides of various animals that seemed to do a pretty good job at keeping them warm while carrying damaged enchanted weapons, some supplies and what appeared to be camping equipment.
One at the front of the group caught my eye. This one was female, and appeared to be the tallest of them all, around 6'4, by the amount of magicules she was hiding, She was probably the most powerful. Instead of having white hair like the rest of her kin, she had white platinum hair. Likely a Unique class.
She must be the leader.
'Are those....elves?'
[You are almost correct, but the proper name for this species are Ice elves.]
Ah yes. I forgot to mention that -God's Voice- has gained a more casual personality after all these years. Instead of having the emotionless robotic tone when talking to me, she now has a more confident and all knowing approach now. Not arrogant by any means, it's just a little annoying of how sarcastic she can be sometimes, but it's still nice to have someone to communicate with.
'I wonder what they are doing here?'
[The answer is unknown. However, I am detecting the following emotions from them: fear, frustration, anger and the most common emotion emitted is desperation.]
'They're desperate?' My eyes narrowed slightly in confusion while humming to think of a way to deal with this situation.
'How many are there?'
[I have calculated that there are 9542 Ice elves in total. With 1053 Elders, 5671 Adults and 2818 children in the group.]
I blinked at the abnormal number. This was no ordinary travel.
'How long till they get here?'
[I have calculated that it will take them at least 5 hours to arrive at our location, but it could take them longer due to the active blizzard.]
Oh yeah. I designed the Extra skill -Blizzard Control- to keep flying type monsters away from my home due to them usually being so dumb that they can't feel my Haki. One of them even had the nerve to shit on me! Stupid birds.
I shook my head to get focused. This is my first chance to get some social activity in hundreds of years.
'Deactivate -Blizzard Creation- please.'
[-Blizzard Creation- has been deactivated.]
Almost instantly, the blizzard surrounding my territory vanished. Like it never existed in the first place.
'This should make it easier for them.'
[Ice elf chief POV]
We cannot give up.
Ever since the humans attacked our village we have been on the run for months. To be honest, I'm surprised we've made it this far with our somewhat many numbers that managed to escape the slaughter in time.
I suspect the humans attacked us for our frost enchanted armor and weapons. Even with those backing us we were still wiped out due to their abnormally powerful soldiers.
I couldn't believe humans could get that strong. Especially that Warlord, he was so powerful that it can be described as..... unnatural. He tore through our finest warriors left and right like paper, there was barely any resistance at all.
He was not normal.
I am the nameless chieftain of Snow Haven village, or ex-chieftain at least and daughter of the previous village chieftain. Ever since of the fall of our village we have been spending our rations extremely carefully to survive while heading north. Last night, one of the elders passed away from starvation because we ran out of food 2 days ago. We're crumbling apart. If we don't find new place to migrate soon. We will grow too weak to go on.
I turned to the voice that called me. It was young male elf, about 5'10 and looking terrible skinny, almost anorexic but not at that level yet. If he was at normal weight then he would look quite handsome, but his pained and tired face went against his good looks.
"We cannot go on cheif! we're running out of food, water and money. if we keep continue to wander aimlessly in this Blizzard then we will grow too weak to go on!!!'
I let out a sigh of tiredness, though the sound of it was inaudible thanks to the roaring blizzard. I couldn't help but pity the young elf, he was trying so hard to stay strong for the others while having a reassuring smile, it kept the morale of the others on their feet. But I knew it won't last long. Not until we find a new home.
"I have explained to you about this before, if we stop now, there's a chance the humans might be able to track us. We can't stop and rest because our tents have been torn, there is no visible cover for us and, like you said, we have no food. I know we're weak and it pains me to know that we are all suffering. But we need to keep movin-"
A small child at the mere age of 7 yelled out and pointed to the sky. We all looked up, noticing something. The blizzard was stopping, only lightly snowing now. The adults, elders and myself looked at the sky in disbelief, all wondering why the sheer cold decided to stop tormenting them. (Us Ice elves have developed a minor resistance and ice magic after living in it for long, but travelling in a blizzard without proper preparation is dangerous, even for us).
"Wh-what happened?"
"Has the blizzard finally stopped?"
"Blizzard's don't just stop like that! it's been going on non-stop for day's!"
"Well at least there isn't the possibility of us freezing to death anymore."
While everyone was discussing why the powerful blizzard suddenly stopped. My eyes caught the sight of a mountain made out right ahead of us. I also noticed a large hole in the centre of it, like a cave. I think we finally just found our shelter! and possibly our new home!
My heart was feeling true hope for the first time in months.
I exclaimed loudly, gaining their attention.
"I see shelter right ahead of us! we can finally rest!" I shouted with glee.
The reaction was Instantaneous, everybody's faces brightened up significantly. Morale higher than it has ever been! Cheers can be heard from everyone, from elder, adults and even the children we're jumping in joy. I, on the other hand, had a small hopeful smile on my face.
"What are we waiting for!? come on!!"
We all charged forward to close the distance faster.....only to slow down within minutes after running. Completely forgetting that we were all exhausted from the journey, even with the Common skill -Enhanced Stamina- elves have from their heritage. Everyone looked at each other with awkward smiles and awkward chuckles. But that didn't dwindle the hope in their hearts. They'll get there.
In time, of course.
"I believe we should make our new village here."
I told the high ranking elders and adults with confidence, we were seated on chairs made of ice, courtesy of the Extra skill -Ice Manipulation-, at the north inside the mountain while eating some fish that we cooked from the fire, we found them in a large river with a moderately sized glacier in the centre(not sure why it's there).
"Hmm. It's not a bad idea to make the village in a place like this, it has a steady supply of edible fish life, the ice and snow are fertile enough for some plants to grow, fortunately it's spacious enough to have plenty of room to make a village and for the young ones to search and explore. Also, funnily enough, the ceiling has a giant hole in it for light."
The wizened elder explained, he looked aged with an aura the makes it obvious that he had seen and experienced a lot of things in life. Looking quite pleased at the result of their searching. The others were nodding in agreement.
"Indeed, and we are in a good location, almost impossible for the humans to find us." The high ranking adult smiled.
The others were voicing there agreement's, looking happy that they finally found a suitable home. I smiled, it went unnoticed from the discussion, but that didn't matter. I Stood up, gaining everyone's attention.
"From the tradition's from the village, any decision that can impact the village must be voted for, please raise your hands if you wish to make the new village here."
Everyone immediately raised their hands to show they wanted to stay and make the village here, no objections it appears. I grinned widely.
"From the results of the vote, as chieftain of the Snow Haven village. I declare that we build our new home here and live our lives in peace!"
Smiles and cheers came from my declaration. Everyone sure that we will no longer have to run from the humans in fear anymore. Truly, this has to be the happiest day of my-
A deep, booming voice that resembled a growl shook the mountain made us all freeze. The glacier in the middle of the river started to submerge, suddenly getting much bigger, moving in the direction of our camp. The end of the glacier emerged the most, revealing a towering tusked head that looked at me with glowing, slightly narrowed ice blue slitted eyes. I realized what I was looking at.
It was a dragon.
An absolutely MASSIVE dragon.
Name: Nameless
Race: Primordial Dragon
Species: Bewilderbeast
Growth Stage: Adolescent
Title: None
Known Magic: None
Known Abilities:
Unique skill -God's Voice-
Unique skill -Cell Rejuvenation-
Unique skill -Concentrated Magicule Hyper Release-
Passive skill -Calm Mind-
Extra skill -Magic Power Perception and Manipulation-
Extra skill -High Pressured Hydro Breath-
Extra skill -Presence Concealment-
Extra skill -Sea Life Command-
Extra skill -Blizzard Control-
Extra skill -Blizzard Creation-
Extra skill -Icicle Lance-
Extra skill -Monster's Lesser Haki-
Extra skill -Raw Magicule Release-
Extra skill -Wind Manipulation-
Extra skill -Gravity Manipulation-
Whew! That was difficult! I had some trouble deciding what creature our main character would meet first and how to shift the POV, but it looks like it turned okay.
By the way guys for the Status sheet, I decided to put the word KNOWN to Magic and Abilities in it, meaning it only shows the skills and magic that we've seen so far. This is because he has LOAD'S of skills and certain types of magic that are too many too be named. Comes to show how many things one individual can gain in 500 years.
I also won't be writing for the next few days as I have college work to do, they work you to the bone I tell you!
Improvements will be made when I check it tomorrow, it's midnight and I'm super tired.
As usual I hope you enjoyed my fanfiction.
Stay tooned!