Next morning, I was escorted to the king's mother's chamber by a guard. His mother was suffering from paralysis as well. Her whole body was paralysed, unlike my mom who could still use her upper body. Taking care of my mom I already knew what all things are to be done and what protocol is to be followed. I entered her chamber and I was enthralled by the beauty around. There was a big chandelier in the middle of a huge room. Our 10 quarters put together would make a room this big. My eyes literally popped out of the socket after taking in the charismatic view. There were huge curtains around the bed and the bed was placed on a platform. At one side of the room, there were musical instruments lined and kept in proper order. The guard must have noticed me looking there. "This is her personal musician's stage. She loves music and the live music plays here when she wants to listen to it.", he said. To say I was astonished would be an understatement. In the place where we couldn't get the honour to watch stage shows our queen had a personal stage and musicians. "If you stare at all the stuff like this you will definitely be a curse to us.", a voice said. I turned around to find the king standing there. everyone bowed immediately and so did I. "I am sorry your majesty.", I said. "Lord Ba Hoek.", he replied. I looked at him all confused. "Call me Lord Ba Hoek, not your majesty. It gets nerve-racking after a while." Everyone around got a bit weirded out and so did I. He smiled and went to look at his mom. The guard told me that the king comes to wake his mom up every morning. The king went to his mother's side and he woke her up with utter care, respect and so much love. And I was astounded for the third time today. I could have never imagined such a soft gesture from someone so rude. Once the queen was up the king kissed her on the forehead and left. The guard left me in care of Ji Su Ah, the head caretaker. She was very sweet and gentle. My first task was to help with the queen's freshening up. We helped her into the washroom and then in bathing her and in changing clothes. The first day was indeed a bit hard. I was used to working in administration which was more of mental work but here it was more of physical work. Being my first day Ji Su let me go on one extra hour of break. I was sitting under the same cherry blossom tree. This place was my go-to place. "listening to the birds without them knowing again?", a voice said, a voice I knew too well. "They are well aware of my presence.", I said without even opening my eyes. "No respect, I see.", he laughed. I heard the grass rustle and I knew he was now sitting beside me. "I heard my brother and you are closer to first name basis now?", he asked just too curiously. "Apparently, it is your brother who is keeping no secrets, so isn't it fair to reward him a little extra.", I replied. "So, we are going there again.", he said. I could feel him smile. "Okay, ask what you want to, I will reply.", he said. "Why so modest all of a sudden?", I asked sarcastically after opening my eyes and having a look at him now. He was wearing the same outfit as yesterday but his hair was a bit messier. He was sweating and was also covered in mud. "Where are you coming from?", I asked laughing at his condition. "The world needed their saviour once again.", he remarked with a straight face. I laughed more. "I am Lee Min Ho, the younger brother of king Ba Hoek. You can call me Min Ho.", he said. "Min Ho.", I whispered to myself. He smiled reading my lip movement. "Aren't we getting on a first-name basis too fast?" I asked. "I wanted to win something from my brother.", he said smiling. I couldn't get much sense out of his words so I preferred to ignore. We both sat there for a while and talked, laughed and just had a nice laugh on each other as well. After a while, I realised it was time for me to leave for work. I stood up and bid him farewell. "Hyun, meet me here after dinner. I will wait.", he said. I nodded and ran to the palace. After helping the queen with lunch, her afternoon nap, evening music show and her dinner I returned back to my quarter. My sisters were waiting eagerly for me. "How are the rooms in the palace?", Mi So asked as soon as I entered the quarter. "They are huge.", I replied. She led me inside and I told her everything about what all the queen's room has. With every detail, her eyes became more of the size of a saucer. I laughed at her reaction. Kang was astonished too. After having dinner, I told them I want to get some fresh air and I left to meet Min Ho. I was near the tree when my feet slipped. There was water that must have splashed down from the fountain. I anticipated a great fall, but it never came. A firm arm held me tight. I looked up to see Min Ho holding me tight. He helped me stand up and a blush crept onto my face. My hand was still in his. I looked at our hands when a sharp pain shot into my head. He jerked his hand away. I looked at him and his eyes were full of regret. "This shouldn't have happened now.", he said. I was on the ground holding my head as the pain was unbearable. I felt my eyes close and the next moment all was dark. The last thing I remember was someone call me, but they didn't say, Hyun. That someone called me Macy!