Sweet Dreams or Beautiful Nightmares

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Chapter 1 - PROLOGUE

"Tate! Hurry! You need to go now!" Aurora gasping for air as she runs in haste.

Tate, a barrel-chested man with purple hair, halts from his work and looks over the window after hearing someone outside calling out for him. It was her beloved Encantada, Aurora. Her white hair, untucked with her pointed ear, is flowing with the wind in response to her velocity. She struggles to keep up the speed; it looks like somebody was chasing after her.

Tate goes out to meet her, startled, "You look anxious; what happened?"

"King Avodi is declaring a war against the barangan. He commanded to kill or put all of you in a dungeon. Oh, Tate, I love you. I can't bear to see you die or suffer. So please leave now." A sparkling crystal clear teardrops fall from her mesmerizing blue eyes.

"Why? Why would he do that? He's the king with the greatest sense of justice I've known. He always brought peace between Encantos and the Barangan. So tell me, what's with the sudden change in his perspective?"

"He is enraged after knowing that there's a group of barangans who's intentionally destroyed all the cacao plantations in the human world. The farmers now are struggling over the low of production, not only the farmers but also the chocolate factory workers. He cared about these humans so much that he can't keep his temper over the one who caused their predicaments."

"But I didn't know that, I didn't even know that the king of the Encantos is doing business in the human world. I even thought it was only we the barangan can freely go in and out of both dimension."

"We can also disguise as a human, but it's forbidden for us simple encantos, but the royals can simply do that in a flick, and the king would like to help humans, that's why he gave them seeds to produce the most exquisite chocolates, the food for the king. But, let's quit the topic, no more questions please, you need to go!"

Not long, the sound of a hundred flapping wings is getting more and more audible. They both looked up, and indeed, they see hundreds of Encanto armies in the sky, riding on their winged horses.

"Tate, go!" Aurora pushed Tate warily.

"But how about you, how about our child?" Tate hesitated to move, looking down Aurora's stomach.

"I will raise her as a real Encanto, and they won't know that she has the blood of a barangan."

Tate escaped through a deep well. It's like a tunnel portal to the human world. He came out through a cave in the middle of the woods. He walked a mile before he spotted a small nipa hut. He starts to peek at it to make sure that he arrived in another dimension and not in the mystical land of the encantos, before knocking.

He knocks on the door, revealing a fair maiden in brown skin, slightly burn and reddish but still looks attractive in her sweet face and shiny black straight hair. She is Ofelia, A simple farmer maiden who lives alone in the woods with her garden and lives stock for a living.

With some mixture of a love potion, Tate made Ofelia fall in love with him. They live together and marry. They bear a child, a timid little girl, who mostly looks a lot like her mother.

As the years go by, Ofelia's life is getting better with Tate; their dwelling grows bigger, her used to be nipa hut now turns into a stone house with three bedrooms. However, one of those bedrooms is strictly prohibited for Ofelia to enter or even to peek. Many times that Ofelia woke up in the wee hours without Tate besides her. She walked out to the next room and heard Tate voicing some cryptic words, like chanting, and a few days after, Tate traveled to the city to sell their products and never came back.

Ofelia didn't know how to explain it to her daughter, she just said that he died on his travel and went missing.