Current Year: 2089
What will happen: The Apocalypse. But not just any; Propaganda that supposedly leaks secrets about the government from an unknown person that spreads to many faster than most air-borne viruses. But as we all know from playing the telephone game, at the end of the line, it's a whole other story.
Dawn: [Female]
Before the breakout, she spent her time lounging with her friend Grant from High School. As of 2089, she is 15 years old and has naturally blonde hair. (That will change in a few chapters).
Grant: [Male]
At 17 years old, he got held back a few years in school due to a mental illness that runs in his family. His birthparents left him at birth when they found out, and currently lives with his foster parents. Occasionally, he hangs around Dawn at the end of the day to catch some shut-eye or to talk about life. He views Dawn as his protector that he never had.