Chereads / Ale House of Bones / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: A Stowaway

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: A Stowaway

1928 was the year and the prohibition was in full swing. Speakeasies were all over the place. Booze was a booming business. Naturally, Raymond Click took full advantage of this. Raymond owns Club Elysium. The club was full of alcohol and the sweet sound of the trumpet. Frank Best was living up to his last name by being the best bartender in the state. To prevent trouble Clint Nickels stayed outside the club and let select people in. As for the swinging trumpet sound the customers can thank a new member of the crew, Opal Woods.

Monday morning. Time to start the week. Frank jumped out of bed and saw that the sun had come out. He got up late. Dawn was his prime time, two in the morning, to be more specific. Pulling on his suspenders and putting on a hat Frank ran down the hallway waking up the rest of the crew.

"Hey! What's the big idea?" Opal shouted from her room.

"The sun is up, we are late!" Frank yelled back.

"Shit!" Clint exclaimed as he fell to the floor.

"What do you mean we?" Raymond was up, dressed and making his bed.

"Sorry boss, overslept."

"It's ok Frank, you need the sleep."

"What do we need to do today?"

"Well I need a ride to talk business with the Morris'."

Clint and Opal joined Frank outside of Raymond's room.

"Clint you take the B-70 and pick up some more alcohol, don't worry about paying, the Adler family still owes us six cases." Raymond turned to Opal, "Opal honey, please start cleaning around the house and we will help when we get back."

"Yes sir!" Frank and Opal answered in sync.

"You got it boss," Clint mumbled as he walked away.

"Alright let's go Frank."

Frank and Raymond walked out to the yellow model T. Not far behind them Clint went to the grey B-70. The engines roared to life. Opal watched the yellow and grey cars out the window until they were small dots. Of course they got to do the fun stuff while she had to play a maid. Oh well at least she wasn't the one getting shot at, that is one positive of the boring job.

The yellow model T cruised down a curving country road. Frank reluctantly slowed down so they could find the Morris' driveway. Taking a sharp left Frank smiled at Raymond.

"I always forget where it is, sorry boss."

"Don't let it happen again."

"Got it," Frank whispered to himself.

Raymond brushed Frank's shoulder as he walked to the door. Knock, knock, knock. Mrs. Morris came to the door. Her eyes got large and her skin went pale.

"Honey!" Her voice was thin and almost shaking.

"Yes?" Mr. Morris asked innocently.

"Mr. Click is here."

That ended the conversation as Mr. Morris almost tripped down the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairs with his wife Morris tried to calm himself.

"Come in Mr. Click, Mr. Best," Morris nodded to them as they walked in.

"Thank you," Frank murmured.

"Would you two like anything to drink?" Mrs. Morris asked.

"Water sounds lovely, thank you," Raymond responded.

"No thank you," Frank answered.

Raymond and Mr. Morris sat down. With a coffee table in between them. They started to talk but Frank tried to ignore them. This was Raymond's forte not his. Mrs. Morris then came back with the water. She silently sat it on the coffee table. Then she went back to the kitchen. Music caught Frank's attention. Who else lived here? Last time he talked to Mrs. Morris her daughter was living with some friends. Maybe she came back to visit? Then he heard her voice, oh yeah that was definitely Mabel. He had only heard her sing once a few months ago when they first started business with the family. It was a sound he never forgot. Her singing was the best thing he ever heard, well that, and Opal's trumpet.

"I am aware Mr. Morris, but you owe me money that I can't wait much longer for," Raymond's voice raised and stole Frank's attention.

A light went off in Frank's head.

"Boss, I have an idea," Frank interrupted.

Raymond looked over in shock, "And what is it?"

"Well if they can't pay in money what if Ms. Mabel sings at the speakeasy to pay off the debt?" Frank spoke slowly, scared of the reaction he would get.

Everyone downstairs got quiet. The only sound was Mabel and her music. Frank could see the gears turning in Raymond's head.

"That is an amazing idea Frank!"

"And did I say I would let my daughter work in a place like that?"

"If she can't then I need the money right now."

The Morris' looked at each other worried.

"Well, what is it?"

Mr. Morris sighed, "Fine, she will sing for your bar. Give her today to pack and I will send her over tomorrow morning."

"Pleasure doing business with you," Raymond stuck out his hand with a smug smile.

The two men shook hands. After that Frank and Raymond got back in the car. That car ride was one of the few times Frank saw Raymond that happy. Pulling back into Club Elysium Frank saw Opal and Clint hauling cases of giggle water down to the basement. Once he parked Frank jumped out of the car to help.

"Did you manage to get all six cases out of one meeting with the Adler family?" Frank asked in shock.

"Sure did!" Clint beamed.

"Shocking they try to give you the bare minimum to get you to leave."

"I know I was surprised too."

Opal then joined in, "That was the last one."

"You two work fast, I didn't even get to help."

"Good job guys, now let's clean the house," Raymond said holding open the door.

"There shouldn't be too much left, mostly just bedrooms because I didn't want to touch your stuff."

Everyone walked inside to find the house was almost spotless. The guys went up to their rooms to clean as Opal finished the kitchen.

When he was done making his bed Frank made his way to the basement. He was the one that usually unloaded the cases onto the shelves. To his surprise when he got down there Clint was opening cases. None of it was put away yet but getting the cases open was half the battle. Frank joined and opened the last two cases. With all the cases open they started to put bottles on the bar. When the bar was full Frank and Clint split off. Clint started putting up the cases for later use while Frank went behind the bar and started to put the bottles on the shelves. The tag team got it done in record time.

"Hey Clint?"


"Why have you been so nice today?"

"What do you mean? I'm just doing my job."

"I mean you helped with my job and haven't been making fun of me today. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't want my head bit off by the boss for teasing you today."

"That makes sense."

Clint walked up the stairs back into the house. Frank followed close behind. Clint opened the door out of the basement and both of the guys were greeted by Mabel looking around. Frank's first thought was why is she here so early? Opal came out from behind Mabel. She must have been giving a tour of the house. Clint moved to the other side of the room, trying to figure out what was happening. Raymond must have heard the girls talking because he walked down the stairs looking for them.

"Hello ladies."

"Hey boss, just showing our guest around," Opal explained.

"Hello Mr. Click," Mabel responded.

"Please call me Raymond."

"Alright. This is a fine house Raymond."

"Thank you. Oh I should probably introduce my friends. Mabel this is Frank, that is Clint and it seems you have already met Opal."

"Nice to meet you all."

The boys simply nodded at her.

"Boss may I ask what Ms. Mabel is doing here?" Clint inquired.

"Oh you haven't heard? She is going to sing on stage for us while Ms. Opal plays trumpet."

"Good idea, that might bring in more people."

"It was my idea," Frank added.

"Well let's allow Ms. Mabel to rest before her first night of work. You three find something to do and I will show our guest to her room." Raymond stuck out his arm for Mabel to grab, "Right this way Ms. Mabel."

"Thank you."

Raymond led Mabel up the stairs to all the bedrooms. Seven rooms are up there. Only four of them are being used right now. Mabel will make it five. The room to the left of Opal's became Mabel's new home.

After watching Mabel walk away Opal followed to help unpack. Frank wanted to help but then realized how weird it could be a man helping her unpack clothes and such. Clint didn't see the need to help in the first place. Mabel wouldn't need much help since she only had the clothes on her back and a bag of clothes and jewelry.

Finally the girls were done unpacking and giggling about who knows what. When they join the guys in the living room they all get ready to explain the business and rules to Mabel. Mabel took a seat on the couch in between Raymond and Clint. Opal joined Frank on a small loveseat.

"Mabel darling," Raymond starts, "before you start we need to explain some things."

"Ok," Mabel started bouncing her leg slightly.

"So we run a speakeasy called Club Elysium."

"I know that, dad loves this place."

"Well since you are working for us, you are a part of our crew."

"We call it the skeleton crew, since we are so small," Frank explained as he tried not to laugh at the joke.

"Clever," Mabel giggled and stopped fidgeting.

"We all wear something to show we are a part of the crew," Raymond continues.

"Like a uniform?"

"Kind of but you have some options. All us guys wear pins. Then Opal wears some earrings which you can do too or something else."

"Ok then what part of it matches?"

"They all have a skull design."

"Should have figured that out based on the name."

"I have a brooch that could work if you would like," Opal offered.

"Thank you Opal, I would like that."

"With that settled we have a few more simple rules. Rule one, don't tell anyone about the speakeasy. Rule two, don't get too drunk before you perform and finally, rule three, no standing around on the job."

"Yes sir, those are all very reasonable."

"Glad to hear that," Raymond said with a smile as he got off the couch.

"The club opens at eight so we try to get down there around seven thirty to get ready," Clint informs her.

Everyone got up. Clint looked at the clock on the other side of the room. Following his line of sight Mabel found the clock. It was already six. She needed to get ready. Opal must have thought the same thing because she was heading up to her room. Frank followed Opal up the stairs. Mabel then jogged up to her room. Clint went outside for a short walk. None of them knew where Raymond went but he was probably on the phone with someone or something.

Opal opened her closet to pick out a dress for the night. There was the maroon one she could never go wrong with but she wanted to do something different. Picking out a random dress Opal was greeted by a voice.

"Great pick, that color looks amazing on you," Frank was leaning in her doorway.

"Hey! Get out of here, I am getting ready for the night."

"I know, but you always take forever to pick a dress so I figured I would speed up the process."

"Whatever. Now get out I need to change."

Frank left the room smiling. Opal shut the door and shook her head at Frank. She slipped on the emerald green dress. After that she brushed her hair and sat down to put on makeup. In the mirror she stared at her bobbed light brown hair and deep blue eyes. She shook her head and grabbed out her makeup bag. She put on some dark red lipstick, mascara, black eyeliner and black eyeshadow. Then she got out her skull earrings and put them in. When she was done she walked over to Mabel's room to check in on her.

Mabel's door was wide open, she was still looking for an outfit. When Opal walked in a gold dress caught her attention.

"Why don't you wear that one?" Opal asked, pointing to the shiny dress.

"Oh Opal, I didn't see you come in. I don't know what I want to wear."

"That one will make a statement on your first night."

"True, that one catches the eye easily. I think I will wear it, thanks Opal."

"You're welcome. Well I will let you get dressed. When you are done come to my room to get your brooch."

As she left the room Opal saw Frank looking into her room. What on earth was he doing? Did he lose something? Probably, Frank never knew where anything was. Even if he did lose something, why would it be in her room? Opal stomped over to Frank. She tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and jumped when he saw her.

"Sorry I was looking for my pin."

"Why would it be in my room?"

"I was thinking maybe Clint hid it in there to get me in trouble with you, if so it worked."

"That does sound like something he would do. Well I guess you can go in to look."

"Thank you! I promise I won't snoop."

"I know you won't because I will be in here to practice."

They both entered the room. Frank immediately started looking around. Grabbing her trumpet case Opal sat on her bed. She took out the shiny silver trumpet. Then she wiped off the mouth piece and put together the trumpet. She got only a note or two out when Mabel entered the room. Mabel's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to figure out what was happening. All she saw was Frank on his hands and knees and Opal sitting on her bed playing the trumpet.

"Excuse me, what is happening?" Mabel asked.

"Oh, I was practicing," Opal answered.

Frank sat up, "I lost my pin."

"I saw a pin on the coffee table down in the living room, but I don't know who it belongs to."

"I will look, thanks Mabel," Frank called as he jogged down to the living room.

"Can I see the brooch?"

"Oh yeah, let me grab it." Opal sat down her trumpet. Then she opened a drawer and grabbed the skull brooch. "Here you go."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome, would you like some help putting it on?"

"Yes please, can you hold my necklaces together with it?"

"Of course."

Opal took the brooch and clipped it around both of the pearl necklaces on Mabel's neck. One of them was long and almost reached her belly button, the other was short and hit her collar bone. When Opal was done putting it one she backed up to admire Mabel's look. The bright gold contrasts her beautiful dark skin. Her curly hair rests on her shoulders. After admiring Mabel for a moment Opal peered at the clock in her room. It was seven twenty.

"Ok we need to head down to the club to set up."

"Oh right, let's go."

The girls started down the stairs. Frank heard their footsteps and figured he should head to the club too. Once he was in the basement he stepped behind the bar to get ready. On the stage Opal was warming up. Mabel was putting the microphone onto the stage. Frank could see Mabel taking deep breaths. Poor girl, she must be so nervous.

"Mabel, would you like a drink to calm your nerves?" Frank asked.

"Not at all, but thank you for the offer Frank," Mabel answered.

"It would mine," Opal took up the offer.

"Oh yeah because you are the one that is nervous tonight."

"Hey even after all these months I still get nervous, it's only natural."

"Fine," Frank sighs as he pours a drink.

Opal walks over to the bar to grab a drink. Frank held it out for her. When she tried to grab it he pulled it close to his chest. Opal climbed over the bar and stole the drink from Frank. When she got back in front of the bar she chugged the giggle water. Bam. The glass hit the bar. Opal's face twisted into an odd expression.

"That taste good?"

"Yep," Opal said with tears in her eyes.

Raymond walked into the club. He turned to see Frank and Opal talking.

"How many drinks have you guys had?" Raymond inquired.

"None sir," Frank shouted as he turned around.

"None," Mabel answered from across the small room.

"Just one shot," Opal choked.

"Ok good, you aren't wasting our supply," Raymond joked. He looked at his silver watch. "Go time kids!"

Opal ran back over to the stage. She sat down on her stool. As she brought her trumpet to her face she winked at Frank. The bartender winked back with a smile. Customers started trickling in. Music filled the room. Young girls took to the empty part of the room to dance. The older gentlemen sat at the bar chatting Frank's ear off. Younger men drank and watched the girls. A few of the more bold boys joined in on the dancing. Quite a few of the boys in the crowd were staring at the girls on stage. Frank couldn't blame them, both of the girls are breathtaking.

Finally the long night ended. It was a very busy night. Mabel's signing probably brought in a lot of new people. There were a lot of new faces. The crew made their way back into the house. Raymond was grinning from ear to ear. Clint seemed to be half asleep. Frank's head was pounding but it was a good night. Opal was peeling off her heels as she walked and Mabel was trying not to look too excited. Seeing how bad Opal's feet were hurting Frank helped her walk up the stairs. Mabel made her way over to Clint.

"Are they," Mabel pointed at Frank and Opal,"a thing?"

"Them?" Clint scoffed, "No they both avoid dating like the plague."

Being a bit of an eavesdropper Raymond joined the conversation, "They should be a pair shouldn't they? I have always thought that but they would hate me for saying it."

"I wasn't trying to force anything, I was just trying to figure out their relationship."

"I know, but I have been trying for a few months to nudge them together."

Clint must have got mad at Raymond for interrupting the conversation because he slowed and drifted behind the rest of the group. No one else noticed or if they did, they didn't care enough to ask Clint what was wrong. When he got up to his room he flopped onto his bed. Through the wall to his right he could hear Frank talking to Opal. Clint rolled his eyes. Those two just need to talk it out already to put the rest of the group out of their misery. Not surprisingly Frank left the room with no lipstick on his face.

Frank had basically carried Opal up to her room. After her performance she drank some alcohol to celebrate her and Mabel's success. Once up in her room Frank started to put Opal on her bed.

"Kiss me," Opal whispered.

Frank didn't even entertain the idea, "Opal, you're drunk."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Whatever, just let me sleep."

Frank walked out, in the corner of his eye he saw Clint staring at him. Great now he thinks that Opal and Frank were having some fun. This didn't bother Frank too much because that is the first thing anyone asks about when they see him and Opal talk. Sure it got annoying but at least no one was too vocal about it.

"No lipstick loverboy?"

"Sorry Clint not tonight."

"A shame I was thinking you two finally swallowed your pride."

"Good night Clint."

"Good night."

Finally Frank got to slip off his hat and sleep. Most nights he only got a few hours of sleep. More sleep than that makes him groggy. The rest of the group shared similar sleeping habits.

Ring, ring, ring. Only three or four hours after laying down his alarm went off. As usual Frank was the first person up. Before waking up everyone else he showers so he doesn't have to fight everyone for the bathroom. After getting dressed Frank knocked on all the bedroom doors. When everyone is done getting dressed they meet up in the living room. Opal appeared pretty hungover with Mabel even helping her stand up. Clint was annoyed as usual and Raymond looked like he was still asleep. There was a voice in the back of Frank's head that told him that today was going to be interesting. But then again when you work in a speakeasy everyday is pretty crazy.

"So what do I have to do today? I really hope it is nothing so I can sleep," Opal struggled to speak.

Raymond sipped coffee and started, "Well you can recover, Mabel can help you. Frank, Clint and I will clean the house and club then come up with a plan for the rest of the day."

"Sounds good," Mabel answered.

"We need breakfast first," Clint grunted.

Frank walked over to the kitchen, "I got it."

It wasn't a great breakfast but it was food. The choice of toast and eggs was catered towards the hungover Opal. The girls ate up in Opal's room. Raymond and Clint sat in the kitchen. Without sitting down Frank inhaled his food. As soon as his food was gone Frank went up to his room. Making his bed Frank could hear the girls a few doors down. Then suddenly Frank heard crying. Should he check in? Or would it make it worse? After ten seconds of thinking about it Frank decided Opal is too close of a friend to not check in.

Standing in the doorway Frank saw Mabel hugging a sobbing Opal. Frank didn't say anything, instead he gave Mabel a questioning look. Mood swings Mabel mouthed back. Oh yeah with how much alcohol she had last night that makes sense. With that being explained Frank went back to finish cleaning his room.

"Frank!" Raymond yelled up the stairs.

He didn't even say anything. In response Frank just went to see what the fuss was about. As soon as Frank reached the bottom of the stairs Clint grabbed him by the arm. Raymond was nowhere to be seen. Frank's first thought was something happened to the club. Did agents find them? Then a worse idea came to mind. What if Caym found them? Oh no there are going back to tartarus.

Sure enough Clint brought Frank down to the basement. Great agents found the club. Or not. When Frank enters the bar he sees Raymond sitting in a booth. Clint and Frank join Raymond at the booth.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked.

Raymond looked at the stage, "I found something."

"What did you find?"


A little girl came out from her poor hiding place under the piano. Her curly blonde hair was in knots and her deep brown eyes were red and puffy. She shuffled over to the men.

"What is your name?" Frank asked softly.

The girl sniffled, "Lu."

As he stuck out his hand Frank said, "Nice to meet you Lu, my name is Frank."

"I'm Clint."

"And I am Raymond."

"Lu where are your parents?" Frank tried to keep his voice down.

Lu just shook her head with tears in her eyes. At this point the other two realized that Frank had the situation under control. When they realized this they just went back upstairs. Lu saw this and relaxed her muscles. When Frank saw this he relaxed too. With the other two gone he might actually get somewhere with this kid.

"You don't know them?"


"I am sorry to hear that. Where do you live?"

"No where."

"Alright, how did you find this place?"

No response, Frank's luck had run out. Well he got enough information for right now. He can ask more later after he got Lu some food and water and maybe even let her clean up.

"Would you like some water?"

"Yes please."

"You stay here, I will get you some food and water."

Frank went up stairs and grabbed some toast and a glass of water. As he went back to the basement he heard music. It couldn't have been from upstairs because it was getting louder as he went down. At the bottom of the stairs he saw Lu sitting at the piano. Her fingers flew as she pounded on the keys. For the second time in the last two days Frank was blown away by the music.

Clapping broke Lu's concentration. She spun around to see Frank sitting with her food and clapping. Within a few seconds she could feel the heat radiating off her face.

"Great job kid, brought you some food and water."

"Thank you," Lu walked over to the booth.

Without anymore talking Lu ate her food as fast as possible. When the food was gone she gulped down the water and slammed the glass on the table. Frank just sat, hoping Lu would open up after she ate. Lu just stared at him. No such luck. Well maybe she would talk more after she got cleaned up.

"If you want, you can go up stairs and clean up."

"No more clothes."

"Maybe one of the girls can help you with that."


"Yeah, if you need help they can help you out so it's not as weird."


Frank led Lu up the stairs. When she was in the house Lu scanned the house. Lu felt tiny in the large house. It's not really decorated or that pretty but the size was enough to blow her mind. As Frank led her through the house she was trying to figure out how they could afford the borderline mansion but little possessions. When they got to the bathroom Frank walked away. Her guess was he was getting one of the girls he was talking about earlier.

A minute or so later a short girl was following Frank. She was super pretty, with a very curvy body, blue eyes and short light brown hair. When the girl noticed Lu her face let up.

"She is so cute!"

Frank motioned to the girl then back to Lu, "Lu this is Opal and Opal this is Lu."

"Nice to meet you Lu. If you want to shower you look tall enough to fit into some of my clothes."

"Yes please."

"Ok give me a second then I will help you start up the shower."

Frank waved and walked back down stairs. Lu waved back and waited on Opal. When Opal came back she had a wad of clothes and towels in her hand. She sat the clothes down in the bathroom and waved for Lu to follow her.

"Ok so I got the water running. Pull the handle up to make the water hotter and pull down to make the water colder. Yell for me when you are done and I can turn off the water."


Lu hops into the shower and washes off as fast as possible. Her hair became a larger knot from her scrubbing. When she got out she dried off and slipped on a dress that was a little loose. After Opal turned off the water she walked Lu downstairs. Lu knew a full on interrogation was coming. As her foot hit the floor she took a deep breath and prepared for the worst.