He begins typing quickly, his eyes darting to his fingers and back up to the screen. He continues typing a fake ID he is making, making each detail more and more realistic. "No. That's not right." He snapped a photo of himself and put it on the ID.
He leans back on the chair and stands up, quickly stretches, and leaves the room. He gets a drink from a water fountain. "Abandoned buildings usually don't have working water, looks like I hit the jackpot." The man says as he looks up and sees someone standing in front of him. They speak to him through his mind, the man's own voice. "You think that you can stay here until Amora is 18 or something, don't you?" The man shakes his head while laughing. "Nope, I plan to make her despair life and living... kill off everyone she loves until she gives up, then I'll use her anger and revenge for energy. Then I'll kill and drain her of her blood. That way, I'll gain so much... so much energy!" The man begins laughing, seeming very crazy. "Of course. You megalomaniac." The Masked Man says in a hissing tone, still in the other man's voice, and steps out, walking away. The Purple-Eyed Man smiles and goes back inside. He sees a missing poster for Cole Peters online.
"Huh. You cannot be serious. I don't fucking care about that missing kid!" He clicks the three dots next to the post and clicks "I'm not interested." in the post. "I keep doing the same shit for it to just fuck up and bring it back over and over again." He takes a second and closes his eyes, covering them with his hands, and counts to ten and back again. "Calm... calm... I need to stay calm... think of something..." he sat still for about a minute before speaking again. "If someone goes back in time, and kills their grandfather, they would then be erased from existence, but since they didn't exist to kill their grandfather, he'd come back and so would you. Right?" This practice seemed to work and he was calm. "Way better than meditation, I would've just killed another of Leon's friends, but I was close to being caught when I attacked Jackson." With him talking to himself was getting a little creepy and anyone outside could overhear him.
The man heard a clicking sound outside and peered outside. Outside was a girl loudly clicking a broken pen, the ink was leaking onto her pants, and she is just watching it. She uses the end of the broken pen to draw on her pants with the ink and the man yells out at her. "Hey! Could you be quiet?" The girl turns and begins laughing. "If you give me something to eat I will!" the man was getting very annoyed, and reluctantly agreed. She began running toward the door, and he met her there. "What's your name? Are you homeless?" He asked. "Nah, I just don't really like going home, oh wait... I answered in the wrong order. Eh? Whatever. My name is Kori!"
The girl looked very short and had short brown hair, she was red in the cheeks from the cold outside, and she was wearing a red sweater. She also kept a smile on her face, even when going into the same house as this man.
Kori walks past him and sits down on the wooden stairs. The kitchen is destroyed, but the man gets a cup of noodles and pours boiling water in it. He hands it to her and goes back to his work. He can hear her loudly slurping it downstairs and her constant release of air after every slurp. "So annoying..." eventually she comes upstairs and thanked him before leaving, happily humming "The Devil's Trill" by Giuseppe Tartini. The man is quite tired and decides to sleep, letting himself believe that the girl had left, and he would be safe to sleep now.
No one would wake him up...
No one could find him...
He could kill again...
Soon, once again...
He could hurt someone else.