Chereads / Elemental 2: The Shattered Future / Chapter 13 - Investigation (2)

Chapter 13 - Investigation (2)

The man tripped Aya with his leg, she fell and slammed her head against the ground, knocking her out.

Amora slid back toward the wall to avoid the man's grasp at her.

The man began to stand up and Amora reached for her blade as the man approached.

Aya re-awoke and grabbed onto the man's leg, making it impossible for him to reach Amora. The man moved his attention to Aya.

Amora took this opportunity and flung her right knee into his face. He falls back, and she continues kicking and punching at him.

Eventually he stops moving and is bleeding a lot of blood. Somehow, this blood smells quite... tasty?

She feels for his pulse and after learning that he was alive, she stepped back and watched Aya heal herself slowly, and then run up to her and heal the wounds on Amora's neck and arms.

"You… can heal others?" Amora asked, feeling a bit better.

"Well, yeah, but if I were to heal myself, it would take longer and wouldn't heal all the way."

Amora understood this, knowing each element had its limits.


Eventually Reyon and Leon walked in and discovered the two.

"Amora?! Are you alright?!" Leon asked quickly.

"Yeah... I managed to help Aya."

"Aya? Is that her name?" Reyon asked, going in to shake Aya's hand.


On the way back home, Aya came along. The police were going to take her to an orphanage, but Reyon decided to hold onto Aya for as long as possible.

Leon scolded Amora for fighting the man, but she just went along with it calmly, not wanting to anger him.

Amora decided to share a room with Aya and showed her the room they would share. Reyon help set up a side of the room for Aya to sleep on another bed.

Reyon back into the room and sat with Aya, explaining to her that the guy would never hurt her again and was locked up.

Aya smiled and thanked Reyon for the company and Reyon decided to ask her age.

"17, I'm almost 18, and then I'll try to get my own place." She said, smiling hopefully.

"Well even after you're 18, just know that you are always welcome here. You can come back whenever you need to."

Reyon's words even brought hope to Amora. They were taking such good care of them and she needed to find a way to repay them at some point. She knew she had to.


Hours passed and Aya was staring at the roof, replying to Amora every once and a while.

It was difficult for Amora to get used to sharing a room, especially with a girl she had just met.

"So, what are you doing here? Are they your parents?" Aya asked, moving her fingers along her bed.

"No, they found me and Andre- a classmate of mine on a school trip. Some kind of tornado took our... bus and thrashed us around." Amora said. The story sounding completely fake.

"Oh, I see. Did anyone die?" Aya asked. Amora's heart sank.

"Well... not that we know of. Everyone else was just gone." Amora replied, looking away, to which Aya replied with a "Huh."

"Anyway, what do you do for fun here?"

"Oh well, I usually walk around near the house and stuff. They have a lot of property out here."

Aya didn't say anything else, but they both heard the front door open, and Reyon entered.

"I assume both of you don't have phones, do you?"

"Nope, my parents were too strict for that, I could only use my school's computers," Aya said blandly.

"I did, but after the bus crash, I seemed to have lost it." Amora also answered the question.

"Well, you two are in luck. I just so happened to buy some." Reyon said, smiling creepily.

"Wait. Really?!" Aya asked, smiling and breathing heavily.

"Yeah, I felt like you guys would be really bored without something to do, so I decided the best option would be to get you guys some entertainment."

She handed Aya and Amora the same type of phone and smiled.

"If you need help setting it up or something, just come get me," Reyon said, leaving the room.


Aya and Amora set up their phones, with Aya sometimes asking Amora what to do. They logged into their social media accounts and Amora knew what she had to do.

She began messaging Shirley's account on Instabook.

To Amora's dismay, the messages did not go through.

"Her phone isn't on." Amora thought sadly. "That doesn't mean she is..."

Amora was about to think of something horrible, but Aya began speaking, pulling Amora out of her dark thoughts.

"Hey, do you have Instabook?" Aya asked quietly.

"Yeah." Amora quickly told Aya her username and Aya soon followed her. Amora followed back and they both smiled.

Amora proceeded to check her phone's phone number and told Aya how to add her to her contacts.

After they had everything they needed set up, Aya snapped a picture with Amora, posting it to her Instabook profile.

"Look at you! So pretty!"

Amora blushed gently, Shirley would say the same things, but she thought Shirley had only said it to make her feel better. Hearing someone else tell her that, it was comforting.

"Thank you, but honestly look at you!"

The two girls continued complementing each other as Reyon smiled from the hallway, heading upstairs to Andrew.


Shirley woke up, the old couple that had found them was asleep. She checked to make sure that everyone was there still, the only two who were on the bus trip that wasn't here, was Amora and Andrew.

All of the missing students had woken up in the forest, a fire approaching fast. An old couple found them and took them to their house. Taking care of them, since their calls to the police were useless.

The police just didn't believe that a whole school bus full of kids was found in the forest. So the old couple called Hexcorp, which was Shirley's idea.

Hexcorp listened better than the police and told the two old ladies that they would be there at some point in the week.

After seeing that everyone was fine, she picked up her phone and checked Instabook. She went to Amora's account and saw the tagged photo of Amora with another girl.

"What is this?" She was happy that Amora was okay, but had Amora moved on? Had she forgotten about her friend? Had she really forgotten someone who did everything for her?

"Amora..." Shirley said quietly, holding her phone close. Hoping to see her soon. Hoping that Amora knew she was okay.

Buzz Buzz

Buzz Buzz

Shirley looked down at her phone to see that Amora had just messaged her twice. She began to type right away.