Chereads / Faith/Fate / Chapter 44 - The Fourth Prologue: Somewhere in the Tundra

Chapter 44 - The Fourth Prologue: Somewhere in the Tundra

The wind howls accompanied with wintery chill.

The trees-covered in snow, danced wildly along with the wintery gale.

Everywhere one deems to look, a scene of pure white stares back at them.

Such is the land that is called the Russian Tundra, and that is where our unlikely group of travelers are currently passing through.

"Couldn't we like just taken an airship to get to Russia?! Do you even realize how far we've walked for the past days?!"

"112 km from Buckingham to New Ramsgate Port, then 50 km by boat to Calais, then 1,652 km by race car-"


"-Whatever. 1,652 km by race car to Marijampole, and then-"

"You stole another car."

"Borrowed, Nitiwit. I borrowed it from a friend"

"Which you just ran off a cliff somewhere in the wilderness."

"103 km somewhere in Jonava. Not in the middle of nowhere dumbass. Anyway and from there, 481 km on foot while we head to Moscow...I'm guessing we're about 355 to 360 km away from Moscow..."

"What's your point?! And wait-you were bloody counting?!"

"My point is, we were not strictly walking you imbecile and yes, I count any distance I travel subconsciously."

Such were the voices of Ashen and his company as they trekked through the snowy wilderness of Russia.

Yes. It was already winter and currently, a weak blizzard is blowing through.

Regardless, Ashen pushed through the storm without care followed closely by his daughter, Evaline and the Saintess he is tasked with guarding, Rosseweisse. A few feet behind them, a couple members of Rosseweisse's Saint's Guard; Kyrie and Maria, followed. However, unlike the former 3, Kyrie and Maria were slow and shivered under their cloaks.


Hearing her shout for the umpteenth time, "Could you shut the hell up? This is not even close to an actual Russian blizzard.", Ashen snapped. Unfazed by the bone-chilling gale.

'If these nitwits even experienced a REAL Russian blizzard, they'd be dead and frozen way before we've even reached this point in our trek.', he thought to himself.

"Mr. Ashen, I believe not many humans are as resilient to the cold as you.", Kyrie responded with a shiver.

Ashen clicked his tongue, "My daughter is right here beside me not even affected. Heck your nitwit of a Saint is also following after me without problems."

'Well, maybe in the case of Nitwit here, the world just doesn't want to make her suffer? The snow and sleet are basically avoiding her but who cares? Just go die already you stupid Saint.'

It didn't matter to Ashen whatever the hell the world was doing regarding Rosseweisse so he simply shrugged and trudged on. His mind, dead-set on accomplishing his plan to as close as he could possibly get to the deadline.

But just like the previous times, Mother Nature and him, really do not get along.

The blizzard picked up and the howling of the chilly wind grew louder. It wasn't really a problem for Ashen until he hears Maria and Kyrie groan.

'Tsk! At this rate, the two of them would freeze to death sooner or later.'

Ashen grimaced as he realizes his intended plan would be definitely get delayed again.

'Fuck this stupid planet!', he curses the world in his mind. A rogue piece of wood flew into his face and hit him with a very dull thud.

'I swear-', he quickly stopped and tried to calm himself down. There was no point in him letting his blood rush to his head right now and so-

"Fine.", with an exasperated sigh, he stops and looks around.

Normally, it would be very hard for a human to see through the white gloom of the blizzard, but because Ashen is completely used to harsh environments due to his travels around the world, seeing through a blizzard is not a problem.

"We're heading there.", Ashen points at a direction.

"Where?! There's only snowfields all around us you bloody lunatic!", Maria snapped. Her voice almost muffled by the howl of the snowy gales.

Ashen sighed in exasperation at the remark. Thinking that it was just going to annoy him even further if he retorts, Ashen decided to just walk towards the direction he had previously pointed at. Forcing the rest of them to follow him.

'Stupid deadweights...I should've left their sorry asses back in England!'

Such was the annoyance of Ashen as he walked through the blizzard as he realized that from the very start, this plan of his was bound to not end well.