Chereads / Faith/Fate / Chapter 21 - A Complicated Family Part 2

Chapter 21 - A Complicated Family Part 2

"Tsk! This was your plan all along huh, Kallen?"

He did not know how much Kallen had planned ahead but he doubts that this public reintroduction was not the end of it.

'After all that hardwork erasing my presence in England's records...that damned Kallen had to go and develop a brain to make such a plan! Damn it!'

Cursing his own luck, he felt like wanting to hunt down Kallen after he dumps Guinnevere here by the river. But then there was another problem, and it was in the form of a young girl who now approached him with joyful steps.


The joyful voice of Evaline resounded as she approached. Making Ashen hesitate in just dumping Guinnevere here and running away.

"Heh!", suddenly, Guinnevere makes a smug smile as she clung her arms ever so tightly around Ashen's neck, "There is no escaping now, Ashen. Or should I call you my dearest Ashen?"

Ashen felt a vein pop in his head, "Want me to unilaterally throw you into the river and have my beloved daughter freeze the surface?"


"On second thought...I'll just throw you in."

"Wait! She will not be pleased with that!"

"I can just make an excuse that we're playing and that would be it so...sayonara!"

"You little-"


'Oh shit...', just as Ashen had thrown Guinnevere into the river out of irritation, he remembers that in an attempt to curb his escape attempts, Guinnevere had attached a magical shackle that he could not break no matter how many times he tugged at it, on his arm that would appear the moment he tries to separate himself from Guinnevere.

With the momentum pulling him along, Ashen also fell into the river causing a huge splash.

"Pweh! Pweh!", Ashen spat out. Unlike the time where he threw Rosseweisse and the knights into a deeper part of the river using all his strength, because of the shackle killing the momentum of his throw, he was pulled along with Guinnevere and the two fell down a shallow part of the river.

"Father are you ok?!", Evaline cried out worriedly but as she was about to enter the water;

"Don't! Worry about us Eva. Just stay right there and don't enter the water!", he ordered her to stay back.

"Ehehe...", Guinnevere who was also sitting in the water with him chuckled, "You sure are quite the over-protective daddy. Just admit it, you just do not want her feet to feel cold since she is wearing metal sabatons.", she remarked while smiling wryly.

This caused another vein to pop in Ashen's head. But as he clearly saw that if he makes a move on Guinnevere right now, Evaline would not like it.

"You little-I will definitely hit you when she's not around. You hear me Gummy Bear?!"

He swore with a strained smile.

"Heh! Your words lack their original bite, you cannot do anything bad in front of your daughter huh?", Guinnevere retorted. Her tone, obviously confident that Ashen was not going to do anything to her right now.

But, it is not in Ashen's nature to just stay on the receiving end of her taunts.

So he opened his mouth to make a witty comeback, but Evaline immediately ordered a couple of the black knights to help him and Guinnevere out of the water.

"Ah. Thank you Knights.", Guinnevere was the first to offer her gratitude. The two knights bowed to her and then turned towards Ashen who looked at them with his displeasure completely visible on his contorted face.

"It is an honor to see you once more Milord.", one of them offered him some humble words for greetings.

"Hmph! I for one, wished I never saw you shitheads ever again."

Ashen returned their humble greetings with his honest feelings. Completely eliminating the otherwise calming atmosphere.

"Hey...are you sure that rude guy is her Majesty's husband? He sure does not look like one of noble birth."

"Heck look at him! He's missing an arm!"

"He looks like some homeless bum with his tattered clothes!"

Ashen could hear such murmurs from the surrounding knights but he paid them no mind. Of course, he would have left it at that, but then-

"Who said those words?! Come over here and say it to my face!"

-Evaline took offense for some reason and dared the ones who ridiculed him to come before her and say it to her face.

Her reaction shocked Ashen as it was something he did not imagine from Evaline whom he knew to be a meek and shy girl.

Was it perhaps the adrenaline after getting excited when she saw him again? Or maybe it's because of something else?

Looking at the other knights suggests the latter since they seemed hesitant to approach her. The black knights on stand by aren't doing anything either, they're just standing there looking at the situation like statues or golems waiting for a command.

"The only possible conclusion would be-", with a knowing gaze, he turned to Guinnevere who-upon seeing his questioning stare, twitched and then nervously turned her face away.

'I knew it.'

That was all he needed to understand.

"Oi, Guinn!"


Guinnevere stuttered as she stole anxious glances at Ashen.

"If I recall, I explicably told you that along with focusing on being a princess, you are to teach Evaline how to be a proper lady..."

He raised his cuffed hand and pointed at the fuming Evaline.

"That girl right there is not the proper lady I told you to raise before I left. What did you do?"

One look at the rather confrontational and intimidating Evaline, and Ashen felt like somehow his plan to leave the young girl in England was a bad idea.

As for how it felt like a bad idea, he'll know once Guinnevere explains herself to him.

"Eh? I do not remember you asking that of me. I only remember you nagging me to stay and act like a proper princess...", Guinnevere stuttered while looking away from him. Her free hand, nervously scratching her cheek.

"The way she is poised to draw that magically camouflaged broadsword on her her how to wield a sword didn't you?"

Ashen saw Guinnevere twitch.

Bull's eye.

"I'll deal with you later. First things first..."

Ashen finally reached the limit of his patience.

He then gestured for one of the black knights, "Oi, one of you drag that child over here for me."

"Eh? But Milord...she would react violently or worse-"

"Did you not hear me Knight? Bring. Her. To. Me."

He immediately denied the knight's plea to reconsider. The knight, almost two heads taller than Ashen, trembled and quickly lowered his head in a show of assent before heading to bring Evaline before Ashen.

The surroundings fell silent and Ashen could feel some unpleasant gazes directed at him, but he did not care. Right now, his first priority was stopping Evaline's rather unlady-like actions or else she might end up being like Guinnevere, a failure of a lady who knows nothing but to blow up and vaporize entire areas into nothingness and would never find herself a husband in the future.

"Hey! Let me go! I have yet to get whoever it was that insulted my revered father to face me!"

"Forgive me, Milady."

The knight held the petite Evaline who flailed like a child throwing a tantrum by her armpits, then carried her over before Ashen who awaited with hand on his hip. Placing her right in front of him as ordered.

"Father? Please give me a minute, I shall deal with the one who-"

"My daughter, Evaline."

At his mention of her name, Evaline fell silent and quickly she got down on her knees and lowered her head.

"What did I tell you when facing me while wearing something on your head?"

"But Father, Mother has instructed me to keep my helm on whenever I am on the battlefield, lest I suffer from an unexpected sneak attack by the ene-"

"What did 'I' tell you?"

Ashen stressed menacingly. Causing Evaline to tremble.

"Father, told me to remove it.", she answered sheepishly then gingerly unclasped the straps of her helm and then removed it slowly before placing it on a spot beside her.

He could hear Jack's gasps of awe. But he already expected that. Afterall, Evaline was a beauty of her own right and out of all the humans in this world, she is one of those whom he recognizes as such;

Jet-black eyes and pink lips, her skin was fair and even though it was bundled at the back of her head, her beautiful ash-white hair looked silky enough. Though he is supposed to reprimand her for it, Ashen admits that Evaline looked good in her current attire-the white dress, the silver made her look like a warrior princess from some novel he had read years ago.

'Give her a black ribbon, some emerald contacts, dye her hair blonde, and replace that weird-looking broadsword behind her with a sleek and gilded longsword and one can get the lily-version of that certain Saber in that novel...'

He thought to himself, but quickly waved it off. Right now, he has to remonstrate her, not compliment her looks.

"Evaline, before I left England, I entrusted you to your 'Mother' for a specific reason. Do you know what that reason is?"

Evaline kept mum after the question. Her head hung low and her hands clenched atop her lap. She was totally being meek which was convenient for Ashen.

"It was so you can become a proper lady. One who is both beautiful and graceful, one who spreads awe amongst her people, not one who spreads fear amongst her enemies. Do you even understand just how much you have disappointed me?"

He did not even hold back and outright told her that she disappointed him greatly. He could tell some of the people watching are calling him names in their minds but he did not care.

There was a slight moment of silence and then-

"Forgive me, Father."

-Evaline responds in a low tone. Her voice almost cracking out of fear but then she raised her head and faced Ashen.

"But I did this because I wanted to be like you, Father! I could not just stay and sit on a pretty chair and watch my people suffer while I live in safety.", she effused albeit in a slightly lower tone.

If anything, this would be a scene that inspired poets to write about; a scene where a child finally resolves herself, one where she no longer needs the protection of her parent.

However, that meant jack shit to Ashen who quickly made a retort of his own,

"Do you not understand that a battlefield is no place for a child like you?! A battlefield is for adults who have lived life twice your total lifespan! It is a place meant for people ready to die at a moment's notice! What can you even contribute in a battlefield in your current state?!"

"I could-"

"You can contribute absolutely nothing! Get that into your goddamned nogging!"


"No buts!"

With that, Evaline gave up and fell silent. The onlookers cast looks of pity at her, and glares of contempt at Ashen. Noticing that, Ashen returned the glare with bloodthirst mixed in, and the onlookers quickly averted their eyes.

"Hmph. Pussies."

Ashen returns his attention at Evaline. Her apologetic figure evoking the image of a whimpering puppy who got scolded for pooping on the couch.

'Hmm...she seems repentant at least. But that was not what I wanted her to do...'

Although the result of his scolding had a different effect, he decided that the scolding was enough and so with a sigh, he squats down to Evaline's level and then puts a hand on her head.


"Look here Eva...", this time, Ashen referred to her with her nickname, "I'm not saying that taking charge and leading your people yourself is a bad thing. In truth, I am quite proud of you for thinking that way. That is very much like me."


Ashen nodded, "Yes it is. But you know Evaline, there are certain things that I, as your Father, do not want to happen to you. I bet you know already what that is right?"

"Yes Father..."

Hearing her reply, Ashen smiled slightly. Taking care not to let other people notice before saying, "Well. You don't need to say them out loud but as long as you know those, then you will understand the reason why I scolded you today right?"

Evaline silently nodded.

"Very well. Then this discussion is over.", Ashen then helps Evaline to stand, not minding having to drag Guinnevere over because he was shackled to her. Making the two of them look like parents helping their child get up. Which is quite the heartwarming scene to look at if not for the next scolding that happened as Ashen also made Guinnevere explain herself.

But before it progressed further, another person which he would rather not have intervene appears.

Accompanied by numerous knights wearing white heavy-looking armor the same as the black knights, a woman wearing a black military trench coat with a luxurious azure royal cape draped over her shoulders approaches them while chuckling.

"Tsk! What are you doing here your Majesty?"

Ashen, annoyed by the interruption, scowled.

"Ufufufufu! Fancy meeting you here in the battlefield my dear son-in-law?", the woman continued to chuckle in delight.

"All knights! You are in the presence of the Queen Regnant!"

Upon the declaration of one white-armored knight behind the woman, all other knights kneeled. Including Guinnevere, Evaline, and Jack.

Apparently, Rosseweisse who is a Saint is not obligated to kneel before her. Something Ashen found to be rather weird considering that he thought that Saints are supposed to be humble.

Not that he is one to talk.


"Milord, you are before the Queen Regnant. Where are your manners?"

-just as the white knight had implied with his question, Ashen was not kneeling or to be precise;

"So what?"

He refused to kneel at all. Not even hesitating to show that he did not care at all.

"You...whoever you are, we have laws here in our Kingdom, no one, not even a royal is exempt from them!", the white knight's bitter tone resounded grimly from within his helm.

But even then,

"I don't even give a damn about YOUR laws dumbass. I don't kneel, and will never kneel before any human for as long as I live."

Ashen refused with a smug face and a defiant tone. Completely disregarding the fact that he was surrounded by knights.

"Why you-!", the white knight drew his sword and approached Ashen.

In the eyes of many, of course it's quite the reasonable reaction for a knight. Especially since disrespecting monarchs is tantamount to treason and treason in a monarchial government once resulted in capital punishment. It was abolished during the early 21st century but was reinstated after the chaos that the End-of-the-Century war had wrought where consecutive monarchs of England perished.

Thus, as Ashen was blatantly refusing to kneel out of defiance to the Queen, the white knight's act of killing Ashen on the spot would be justifiable.

But then-

"Your mother is before you Ashen. Where are your manners?", Olivia interjected. Though her tone wasn't exactly grave, the way she said it made Ashen feel like a son being chided by his mother.

Plus, Olivia directed a wry smile at him.

'Tsk...this woman just can't be helped...still clinging to that faint hope after all these years.'

Ashen somehow could not bring himself to totally hate the queen and so he could only sigh. Thinking that the queen who-in his eyes, still clung to the ideal he had long since abandoned, was still the same and probably would never change until her death.

'This is one of the reasons why I hate humans...'

But even with that one thought in mind, he tugged at his shackles to urge Guinnevere to stand up. Strangely, Guinnevere looked up at him and after a brief moment, smiled wryly and stood up.

Ashen then approached Olivia with not a single hint of hesitation nor fear in his mind; Guinnevere following closely behind him.

As soon as he was before Olivia, he looked at her;

Short white hair, an aged face that still seemed to retain vestiges of her youth, and purple eyes that still shone with mischievousness and life. Add the fact that she still wore a military trenchcoat and stood upright like how a knight would, she looked like your typical dignified grandma in her prime.

And towards such a queen, Ashen took her hand. Placed it on his forehead and bowed slightly before saying-

"I am back, Mother. Sorry I did not bring any gifts this time and for the mess the talking Gummy Bear had caused today."

-a greeting that caused Jack and Rosseweisse to exclaim in shock once more.

Not that he cared.

'Damn...with Evaline and the queen together, I don't think escape is gonna be easy!'

Afterall, he was now regretting the fact he even let himself be dragged back to England greatly. His face of regret and frustration hidden by his slight bow.

"Umu. Good of you to greet me properly my son.", Olivia made an approving remark and gestured for the white knight to ensheathe his sword. Then she turned towards the rest of the knights, "All of you! The fight is now at its last stages! Let the Knights of the Lion Queen handle the rest!", she declares with a voice that belied her age. A shout that was akin to a roar that echoed in the air and soon, more shouts echoed in the distance.

To Ashen, it was nothing more than a certainty that Olivia's declaration, was the end of the siege of London. At least, for today.

In his heart however, he wished that the queen arrived earlier so he didn't have to jump off the airship because Guinnevere couldn't be trusted to handle the situation well.

"Now then, where is this, Saint from Lothargien that should be arriving alongside you today?", Olivia then inquires Ashen.

"Behind you. The nitwit who is on her ass shivering in the cold over there."

"The one in the cardigan?"

"Duh. Is there anyone else over there on their ass and shivering?"

Ashen made an exasperated remark.

"Really now. You still have not gotten over your habit of not calling others by their names. If the Saint's Guard approaching from over there hears you, you would be in trouble.", Olivia shrugged as she walked over towards Rosseweisse.

"Che! Who gives a fuck about them? They should be grateful to me for bringing the damned nitwit to them at the cost of my left arm and for the record I do call Evaline by her name.", Ashen retorted while following after her. Guinnevere who was still shackled with him followed along without complaint and even gestured for Evaline to follow them.

The scene that he and the royal family painted was so confusing and really complicated in the eyes of his two travelling companions who stared at him in utter shock and disbelief.

Both of their faces betraying their thoughts;

'He is the most complicated person I have ever met!'

But as usual, he did not care. He simply shrugged as the day ended in his complete defeat.