Again, why the duck is he here?
Hello Universe, could you do me a favor throwing this guy off a cliff? So I won't have to come in contact with him.
But since that can't happen, I'll just ignore him.
"So, you still haven't explained how you heard the screams. Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I ask Benji, ignoring Madison, Adrian and Jake.
"Not everyone sleeps at night, Kins." He answers with a smug look. "Some of us are out there looking for fresh blood to feast on." He purposely looks to Jen to try to scare her.
I give him bored eyes, "Oh really?"
"Yeah, so I was hanging around and when I heard a girl scream, I knew it was Jenny babe-"
Jenny gasps, "That name…" She nudges him as she feels embarrassed having him call that in front of people.
"-so I had to come to the rescue, I didn't want any of my vampire friends coming to feast on what's mine."
"Stop already, you'd scare Jenny." Madison laughs at him.