SUNDAY. 3:00 PM.
"I have Netflix, sci-fi novels, popcorn, hot boys magazine, educational flyers and I even brought my make up kit and my nail polish. A lot of things to do so we won't get bored on this 5 hour drive."
I stare at Jenny whose eyes is wide with excitement. "Wow, you really came prepared." I say.
"Yes I did. I'm super excited for this camping trip. I get to go on Campeek! in my sophomore year, junior year and senior year again."
I chuckle at how excited she looks.
"So what do we do first?" She asks me.
I look down at the open bag on her lap, which has all of the things. I squint my eyes at them. "How about we watch Netflix, paint our nails, look at photos of hot boys and sleep."
She laughs. "You're only saying that because you don't want to read." She lifts up a sci-fi novel. "This novel is no ordinary novel,"
I smile at her, "Yeah, I bet it is." She punches me on the arm, gently though.