SUNDAY. 7:20 PM.
"Very funny." She recovers from her laughter. "Oh and since I don't trust you." She begins and I frown. "I put someone in charge of you, to monitor your every move since you really are a hyperactive mushroom."
"Mom!" I yell.
"Hey don't raise your voice at me."
"Why would you do that? Gosh, that's one of the aims of camping. To take us away from parental eyes and you're still watching me when you're like 100km away." I argue.
"After what happened on Friday, I sent Lennon to be my eyes and ears."
I sigh. Of course it'll be Lennon. "Well you might as well just forget about that because he's doing a terrible job," I say, looking left and right for the light brown haired bodyguard. "since he's no where to be found around—" I stop myself when I turn around to see Lennon standing beside me, giving me a decent smile almost amused.
"Well looks like you've found him." my mum says.