For every Ruler, there must be another half, no matter how ill-suited the fit. This is the case for most. I am not excluded.
My Advantage? I am the Ruler. The King is the match.
However, my disadvantage almost seems to be worse.. to give birth. To bear this man a Child.
Coitus with a man with whom I am repulsed. His weakness and submissive, groveling nature is enough to make any REAL Woman's stomach turn. He is high risk. With him comes the potential of seeing My Queendom burn.
A man in physicality, a Child who never Matured unto the Proper way to carry himself in this World. His Heart too easily turned with the slightest glance from another woman, threat from an outsider, strong drink at the table, deck of cards.. the list goes on.
His Heart is impure. His Self-Discipline reviling.
And with this man a Child must be born - lest the People suffer.
When presented with this betrothal, I was but thirteen. Aware of my Duties and what this pairing would mean, I Respectably agreed. Now his People are My People - his dilapidated Kingdom is in a much Better state.
Everyone is happy. Everyone that is, except me.
I long for a Child to Cultivate, to Raise UP into the MOST WORTHY KING or QUEEN. My Child will Become the next Ruler.
The caveat? I will not lay with that king. He is not worthy of My Fertility.
Let him lay with his brothel of harlots with whom he drunkenly parades. Let him fall asleep even in our shared bed. But for this selfish man, I will not Bear Fruit. He is too poorly raised.
If only there was another way..
My Heart is heavy. To Give myself to this man - this so-called king - would be a betrayal to My SOUL, a widely-Known Sacrifice for My People. They are Aware of who their king is. They have never been under any illusions. They Know of his past, of his present and undoubtedly his future continuing actions.
That is why they Chose Me. To Rule. To Lead. To Think and Consider the Welfare and Well-Being of Others outside of just Me.
Granted, there will always be those who revere him as a "good and noble king" despite his crass behavior because they are all one in the same. The king must play and squalor somewhere, and it is with these individuals who seemingly believe that their alliance with the king is a lateral move toward a Relationship with Me.
How silly. Don't they Know that where there is no Respect, there is no Trust? And without Trust, how could one even BEGIN to Lay a Foundation in Building a Relationship with Me.
Silly things.
But alas, it was too much to ask for a TRUE Partner. A Man who is not easily swayed. A GOOD Ruler Whom was well Raised. A Counterpart with the Capacity to Lead. The Yin to My Yang. A Balanced Harmony - an Equal - a KING.