I placed myself in the middle of his bed with my legs folded under me and my wings relaxed to the sides, and he resumed his pacing from downstairs along the bottom of his bed. He was panicked, and I didn't know how to help him, I just wanted what was best for him. I hadn't thought inviting his father to dinner would have made him this upset. It was what was best for him, but that didn't mean he would like it. He had every right to throw a fit, but if he tried to back out I was going to step in. Letting him talk it out was the best way to ensure that he followed through with this. He needed it, sailing was dangerous especially if he was untrained. He was walking hazard his mind could become tangled with someone who was stronger than him. I couldn't save him from that and I think that's what scared me the most. Not being able to protect him from a threat we couldn't see.