I sat downstairs in the living room, watching nothing on the overly large TV. I heard the door open and I leaned back over the couch. And my mother walked in with my father, dressed nicely. Of course, they were either at a fundraiser, or they had gone to dinner and completely forgotten I was coming today. I flipped over the back of the couch and walked to the doorway. Standing there with my arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. My father helped my mother off with her coat, and I waited for them to notice me. My mom turned around and nearly came out of her skin. She put her hand over her heart, and my father looked over his shoulder and jumped a bit.
"You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow!" My mother looked to my father for help, like he was going to send me back to make me come back when it was convenient for my mother. He smiled at me and opened his arms.