I can't believe gabby has agreed to this. Looking over to gabby thinking she lost her mind. She smiling exacted for this in adventure. Looking out of the window seeing the desert passing by as Gerry drove his BMW. " how far is it Gerry?. Gabby asking almost jumping out if her sit in exactment. Gerry just smiled & looked at me " just few minutes gabby". I rolled my eyes knowing Gerry is lying to gabby he only told her were going spend time in hotel in la & were going see al the sites . I know were going some compound were hunters are for I don't know how long. I just wish that Gerry stop lying to gabby cuase his getting me in deeper hole I can't dig out of. Sighing hoping that gabby won't figure out what going on & doesn't ask questions.
"Here we are girls " we both gasped what hell it looks like a mansion I thought it was a compound of some kind. I look over Gerry what in the hell are you taking us? He'd just smirk proud of him self.
Pulling up to the house it like two story house with green grass everywhere oh my God. Gerry stop the car got out and opened all our doors. I got still looking at this house that I'm going stay at for how long I don't know.
Looking at Gerry wanting him explain this . Is this his house if so how rich is he? I look at gabby whose already stepping up to the door. I was about to grab her cause you don't know what Danger there's is in there. Someone opened the door with welcome and exactment I flowned maybe I'm worng stepping up to the doorway seeing this woman with red hair breaded in the back wearing jeans and nice shirts she gasped looking at Gerry for exclamation . Than look back at me smiling welcome rosalind so glad to meet you after what Gerry has told us you are always welcome here.
Yeah right . But I smiled & walked in the entryway feeling at home but at guard werid. Looking for gabby but she disappeared wondering were she went. Looking over at Gerry & this woman whispering at each other & they don't look happy. I starting to get pissed " Gerry if me & gabby are not welcome we find another place that's safer." They both looked over Gerry just smirk the woman flowned not looking happy at all.
"You're always welcome ros were just concerned is all." Gerry said I looked at the woman who looking away. I guess she just has lived until I find a another place for me & gabby.
"I'll show you your rooms" the red head said I looked over Gerry who just smiled. God can stop smiling and tell me what going on! Flowing the lady feeling more annoyed with Gerry then ever. Following the red head so I'm I aloud to know your name or should I call you red?" Shed looked sad " I'm rebecca. I lived as many others who live I this house you'll meet them In the morning ". I nodded hoping they were nicer than rebecca has shown me.
Gerry is enjoying that roseland is confused and the whole is on uproar on what I did . I know Tristan will want to talk to me soon before dinner starts which is pretty soon. Walking to the dining room seeing Tristan and rebecca setting the table they looked up looking not to happy . I flowned & enter the room " okay tell me I shouldn't have brought her." Tristan hiss " you know you'd have shouldn't bright her Gerry but you did it anyways ". Rebecca stoud back watching "I had to Tristan she in trouble . She not safe out there but in here we can protect her ". Tristan just steered at me " you broke the rules Gerry you know why we can't have her here. " I nodded "why not?" Closing my eyes knowing rosalind is there hearing the conversation I opened seeing Tristan & rebecca very shock and saddened by seeing rosalind I look at her "you have stayed in your room love" she looked at me not happy " if I'm not welcome here ill find another place to stay. Maybe my uncle will have place." She walked out room taking my heart with her.
Tristan just stood there "why don't you go after her Tristan? Tell her why she have cravings and killing whatever she craves." Hed looked at me stunned" no she to young". "You know better than that Tristan" I walked up closer to him. Rebecca just stood there shunted. "I can't Gerry. Susanna want to keep her safe from our world that was her dieing wish." Tristan looked about to break he'd never mentioned his wife ever. It pains him too much that's why he'd removed every picture anything that's remind him of her.
" I know that Tristan but she not safe. The hunters are tracking her now . Not knowing if she's killed a human being or something form the other world " I wanted to shack him nock some since in him. He looked drown . I sighed running after rosalind .