When Ally unlocked the bathroom, the bell rang indicating the start of the fourth period. Break was over. Ally nodded at me and I walked back to my locker to quickly get my books. Ally had styled my hair a bit so it wouldn't have a wild look. I looked up and saw Oliver approaching me. I shook my head...this boy had a death wish.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yes, I am. I assume you have the same class as me right now?"
"Yeah, I do. We have Mathematics."
"Good, let's go."
He reached out, stopping me. His eyes searching me.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, concerned.
I gave him a weak smile.
"Of course I am."
I turned and we hurriedly got to our class but we were kinda late and Mrs. Kruger looked at us with a scrowl on her face.
"Lusi you have extacly two words to explain. Beware I'm not kin on lies..." She said.
"New. Kid" I said as I walked to my chair and nodded to my partner.
"Oh okay, your lucky than. You must be Oliver. Pleasure to meet you. Please seat next to Tyler over at the right hand. I'll have you your missed notes tomorrow since your a late new student." She said hurriedly to Him. He smiled and sat next to Tyler.
"So let's get on with this lesson. As I was saying the formula to calculate the total amount of time to get the same as the one..." Mrs Kruger began but I was long gone. I would usually pay attention but my mind was somewhere else. Only at James. Oh that devil. What can I do to be rid off you. To reverse everything...
The day went by quite painfully slow and I just wanted to get to a gym. To release or atleast go home and have ice cream.
By the time last period ended I was out. I rested my head on the table and was bout 30 seconds away from falling asleep. When I heard someone pull a chair next to me. I looked up to see Oliver but no class. Shit not good. I looked up at him and just shook my head.
"I wanna know what's going on between you and James cause it's very obvious you guys have tension and a hella lot of heartache in you'll relationship. But than what's a relationship without that." He said
"Don't step into something you don't know you might find yourself in the streets in a minute." I said as I stood up taking my bag.
"Sorry babe but gonna have to object that. Now spill the beans..."
"How about you leave me alone and drop this or else."
"Or else what babe?"
"Or else I'll beat you with my fists to death and make sure your family suffers if you don't step away from my senorita capice señor?" James snapped from the door.
Oliver looked taken back as he watched James March angrily at us but he recovered standing his ground.
"I don't take threats easily little boy..." Oliver said.
"And I don't make threats I state facts. Truths." James said infact change that he stated.
"The two of you stop it please. Mi amoure let's go please. And Oliver dont place yourself in the middle of a battle field cause you will get burned. One way or another." I whispered.
James looked at me concerned but quickly tried to cover it up. He grabbed my hand and opened the door for me and let me walked out first. Though I had a feeling this will not be the last we heard from Oliver.