Chereads / Little Sparrow / Chapter 68 - Sad Hour

Chapter 68 - Sad Hour

"What's going on," I ask, bringing attention to myself. Sky's eyes are red from crying. Nick looks like he's ready to commit murder.

"That asshole Ryan is what happened," Nick growls. At the sound of that name, my face turns to stone.

"What did he do?" Sky lowers her head and starts crying again. Nick stands up abruptly. He grabs his jacket off the table, puts it on, and walks to the key holder by the door. He grabs his keys and walks past me to the door.

"Where are you going," I ask him. He's breathing out of his nostrils at a fast, almost monstrous pace.

"I'm going to go teach that asshole a lesson!" Sky's head pops back up, her face filled with fear.

"No! Don't do it, Nick. You'll just end up in prison," she tries to warn him. He walks out the door and Sky tries to follow him, but I stop her.

"Don't worry. He won't find him anyways. He'll just drive around until he cools off," I tell her. She sniffles and nods her head.

"You probably want me to go. I don't know why I came here," she says, going to grab her bag from the couch.

"No. I told you I'd be here for you. Whenever." She nods her head and bursts into tears again. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug.

I knew this was going to happen, but it doesn't hurt any less seeing my friend heartbroken.

"Tell me what he did." She shakes her head no.

"It's too embarrassing," she whines.

"I told you what he did to me. Took my innocence and next day I saw him kissing my best friend. That's pretty embarrassing, but I still told you. Tell me what he did and I swear it'll feel liberating," I tell her.

She hesitates. I know she doesn't want to talk about it, but keeping it in is worse. It tortures you until you finally break.

"We were at his apartment and we were making out and stuff," she said between her sobs. "I was ready to give myself to him, but then he called me some other girl's name. I was upset and I told him, but he just acted like he didn't care. So, I told him I didn't want to do anything anymore and he got mad. He start calling names like useless and naïve. I didn't know what else to do, but run out of there."

She tries to hold back her weeping, but it doesn't work. I just hold her tight and let her cry on my shoulder.

I hate this. I really hope karma will come for Ryan soon.

"Forget everything he said. None of it is true," I tell her.

"It's harder actually trying to do it. I can't help but think he might be right. I'm so stupid. I should've just listened to you."

"Don't beat yourself up, Sky. Everyone makes mistakes. We just have to learn from them. Nothing he said was true. I know it's hard because I had to do the same thing. It's still hard for me sometimes, but you're smarter than me. You didn't give yourself to him."

We stay silent for a little bit and my mom comes out of the kitchen. I hadn't known she was even in there.

She mouths if we're okay and I nod my head.

"Girls, I'm making some fries and wings. I can pop some popcorn and you guys can have a movie night," my mom says.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kingsley," Sky says.

"Can I invite the other girls," I ask her and she nods her answer. She walks off back to the kitchen.

"You should go freshen up and I'll give you some pjs. I'm going to call the girls. It'll cheer you up."

She wipes her tears and heads upstairs. I pull out my phone and call Alexandra first. She picks up on the third ring.

"What's up, Spence," she answers.

"Sky's over at my house and needs cheering up. Are you up for a sleepover?"

"Yeah. Definitely. I'll be right over." I can hear the sadness in her voice. I bet she's imagining how down Sky is right now.

I hang up and call Hope, but she doesn't answer. I send her a text message and she answers after a couple of minutes saying she's on her way.

I call Jamie, my last person. She's usually home by now, but she isn't.

"Hey, Spency," she answers energetically.

"Hey, where are you?"

"I'm on a date with Parker right now. Did you need something?" I hesitate, not sure if I should tell her.

"It's okay. I'll tell you later. Enjoy your date."

"No. Tell me what's wrong," she demands.

"Sky is over an-" I don't get to finish because she interrupts.

"That idiot hurt her," she says angrily.

"Yeah," I answer in a soft voice.

"I'll be there in a couple minutes." Before I can argue she hangs up.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Thanks guys," Sky says.

"Yeah, it's whatever. Stop being such a baby," Alexandra jokes. Sky laughs and punches her in the arm.

"You know we're here, no matter what," Hope says, hugging Sky.

"Even after you were a major asshole," Jamie says. Sky pouts and we all laugh. I'm happy we can all be together like this again.

"Forget about heartbreak. Friendships are forever," I tell them.

"You're so cheesy, Spence," Alex says, faking vomiting. I throw a pillow at her. "Your just all happy today because you were with Chester."

All the other girls gasp and I just blush from being exposed by Alex.

"Why'd you have to tell them, you stalker," I shriek.

"So you were with him," Hope says, pointing at me.

"You better tell us everything that happened," Jamie demands.

"Guys, it's not that serious. We're friends," I tell them at the same time I remember our little kiss. I know I'm blushing like crazy.

"You're lying," Sky accuses me.

"I just hope he does better this time around," Jamie says.

"If he doesn't, I'll kill him with my bare hands," Alex says all murderous.

"He will. I can already tell this time around is going to be different." I say that full heartedly.