After they rode through woods, tunnels avoided Tempo knights, Sun warriors, and Dog man, they finally arrived, Madison and Arabella got off their horses,in let everyone rode inside and close the gates and locked the gates, they put the shields up. Lord Lancelot, and Lady Clara, and Lord Nicodemus and Lady Isadora got out of the carriage, Madison and Baulkin, Arabella and Abraham, " we are here, my king, sir and queens, said. Arabella, " good, my good people welcome to your new homes find your new houses unpack get saddle in, we talk with our commanders see where is
Farm grounds
Wood grounds
water holes
Hunting grounds
And fashions grounds are, said. Lord Lancelot, " tonight we start building shops and taverns again to entertain everyone, said. Sir. Nicodemus, they rode into the stables and walked inside of the castle, has the people went to find their houses and unload their wagons, as they enter their rooms to rest," look at the view, said. Baulkin, " you want the view or me? He looked at her, she smiled at him," now we can work on having a family what you want son or an daughter, asked. Madison, Baulkin smiled, " can we have an son? They kissed each other, " yes we can have a son. They start to make love to each other, white smoke fills the air,and the next room,Arabella and Abraham is on the bed," now we can start a family now, said. Arabella, " what do you want son or a daughter? " I rather have a daughter who go is like her mother. She smiled and they kissed each other, as they make love to each other, smoke fill the air, as the people in the village is doing chores, outside of the fortress, they ground is moving, what the ground is moving!? Back to the story. In Madison and Baulkin room, the smoke disappeared, " wow please tell me we are? Making love to my wife is amazing, said. Baulkin, " something moving in me feels like an ball of fire, " I am we going to have an baby? He smiled, he put his hand on her belly it warm and moving, he smiled, lord Lancelot and Lady Clara entered the room they since they were going to be grandparents, " yes mother and father you going to be grandparents to a element of fire boy or girl, and you are the proud father to a son or daughter, he jump up," yes I going to be a dad, oh Madison you made me so happy, I love you! They kissed each other, and next door, " you are so amazing, said. Abraham, " thank you we are with a snow ball, he smiled,Sir. Nicodemus and Lady Isadora entered the room, they to sense they are grandparents, and you are going to have a snow ball boy or girl,he jump out of the bed,flashing his in laws, " I don't care if we have a girl long as she looks like you. said, Abraham. Next door in Madison and Baulkin room , " When the fire ball hotter its a boy when its bright red its a girl, said, lord. Lancelot, " our son need his father to pick his name, said. Madison, she got up off the bed and her armor appears on her, he put his on, " traditional that the new father to name his newborn, said. Lady Clara, " Isaac, said. Baulkin, " what an strong name for a prince, said. Lord Lancelot, and next door in Arabella and Abraham Room, " not growing. We having a girl, said. Arabella, " I have a daughter? Asked. Abraham, " what is our daughter name? Asked. Arabella, " wait I get to name her? " like my best friend what you and Baulkin picks we will accept, said. Arabella. " Sorcha , said. Abraham, " Gotcha what a beautiful name for vampire princess, said. Isadora, " valiant,strong, cutting name, said. Sir. Nicodemus, they got out of the bed, Arabella armored appeared on her and Abraham put his on, all four. Walked out the rooms, Lord Lancelot and sir. Nicodemus pick up the speaker mic, "( good people of the Elements, we had news. Our commanders commander Madison and Baulkin Fire is having a baby a son ,) said. Lord Lancelot, " ( and Commander Arabella and Abraham Winter is having a girl,) said. Sir. Nicodemus, all clapped and cheered out,accepted for Celeste and Selena, they are p|$$ and ferrous, get over it they didn't want your polish butts, back to the story. "( so tonight we are going to celebrate the news and sessions that they be journey through, like always all four is off limits, ) said. Lady Clara, " ( that goes for the future crowns touch our grandkids will result to thrown out the fortress, that goes to our daughters and sons to,) said. Lady Isadora. What news that princess and commander Madison and Arabella is going to have a baby, back to the story. They walked out of the roomd," you both need to eat , have a seat they bring us food, you know now the fairy lands is daddy from us now, we need to find hunting and wood lands, the cooks bring out plates of food and mugs of rashions, " thank you, we can risk you two making that journey Madison and Arabella, we need a new fairy lands that has food,wood meats,and rashions, said, Lord Lancelot, they drunk from their cups, as they eat their meat plates, " that means for the woodlands we are going to need wood cutters, saw mills and lumber jacks, for the hunting grounds we going to need hunters and trappers, for water holes we going to need fisherman, for the farm lands we going to need farmers, and rashioners, said. Madison," fairy land with all would benice, that is close by, said. Arabella, " we go out to night and search, what you said boys you find wood cutters, Lumber jacks, fishermen ,hunters, Farmers , trappers, and a Rashioners? Said. Madison, " you carrying my son how about the four of us go," I agree to that, said. Abraham, " the four of you go with the knights,we start a sight sheet to sign who want to do what, said. Lady Isadora, so the four will head out to look for game lands, to live off, back to the story