"Mr Jenkins?"
{mmhh French toast}
"Mr Jenkins?"
I hear a loud thump that jolts me awake. "Hmm??" I look up to Mr Bradshaw shaking his head furiously.
"2nd Time..."
"I'm sorry sir it won't happen again."
"let me finish!" He grits out and slams his palm on the desk. "2nd time, in this this class. Do you really expect me to believe that it won't happen again? So tell me, why does my voice put you to sleep so easily?"
I opened my mouth to speak but he shut whatever I had to say down.
"Shush! not another word! Detention! After School!"
"Yes sir."
"Okay class where were we?" He strolls back to the front of the class room.
"psst psst. Dude!" I turn sideways to Marcus.
"Did you stand guard on your own?"
"Yeah I had to, everyone else was gone and well, it is, my house." I shrug.
"But the group agreed on turns mehn!"
"I know but everyone else had one thing or the other to do."
"That's bull shit, I leave for the weekend and everyone suddenly gets a life..."
"Mr Winfrey! care to join Mr Jenkins in detention?"
"No sir, thank you sir."
"Well I believe you do. Detention after school!"
Marcus gets up abruptly. "That's total bull Mr Brad!"
"That's Mr Bradshaw for you and you don't swear in my class."
"I didn't, I said bull not bullshit."
"That's it two periods of detention!"
"Want to make it 3?"
"No sir." Marcus whispers in anger.
"What did you say?, I can't seem to hear you."
"No sir!!" He shouts and it rumbles the whole class room.
"I thought as much." Mr Bradshaw turns around. Marcus punches his fists in the air furiously then flips him off.
"Take your seat Marcus, you don't need my help doing that do you?"
Marcus ignores him and sits down.
"Dude, you need to calm the fuck down, he doesn't know what we do for him to still be able to breathe air."
"Yeah I know but he's so stupid, I just want to smack him in the head 69 times!" He groans.
"69? Why 69?"
"I'll save the last smack for you." He smirks.
"Are you sure about that cupcake." I mimick a girl's voice and blink my eyes in a girly way.
"You're so damn stupid."
"No you both are going to be the stupid ones if you don't shut up before Mr Bradabitch sees you talking." An eerily annoying yet very correct voice spoke behind me. {Cindy!}
"Remind me again why I'm friends with you?" I speak without turning to look at her.
"I ask myself that same question all the time."
" Ughh."
"Yo what time do we meet up." she asks.
"After school, same time we always do. Why are you asking?"
"Well, I can't make it cause I have a date."
"Since when do you date boys?" Marcus snorts. "I thought you were in love with yourself enough for you to never date anyone."
"Well things have changed, prom is coming and I don't want to be one of those low-key pained girls that be like they are going to prom with their friends because #sistersbeforemisters, when the reality is that no one asked them out."
"So your solution to that problem is to get a boyfriend before prom?" I ask in a hushed tone.
"Exactly." she sighs blissfully.
"Cool." Marcus says.
My wrist watch starts beeping. {That's weird, this is my trap catching watch and it only beeps when...}
"Holy shit!!"
"Mr Jenkins!!" Mr Bradshaw yells and I realize that I said that a little too loud.
"Ummh sorry sir, may I be excused?" I start stuffing my notes into my backpack which seems to have shrunk profusely since I last used it.
"No you may not Mr Jenkins!!"
"Thank you sir, have a lovely day." I rush forward and pat his shoulder then walkout.
I hear him calling me to come back immediately but I have important business to take care of. Moments later I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and Cindy and Marcus are right behind me.
"What happened, why'd you leave the class like that? Bradabitch must be shaking in his boots." Cindy giggles.
I turn around and face them but continue walking. "Well let me just say, we need to call the gang together." I smirk.
"What the fuck bro! Cindy and I didn't just get detention for leaving the class without permission for a little group chat!!"
"Do you call this little? I show him my watch and Cindy peers over his shoulder then their eyes go wide. We reach the parking lot and I open my car from afar.
"Wait! it worked!?" They say simultaneously.
"Yup! it did." I fist bump Cindy.
"So what do we do now?" Cindy asks and Marcus nods in agreement.
"Like I said before, we call the gang together,..." I open my boot and grab my metal base ball bat. "...we have some ass to whop." I take a swing at the air then slam the boot shut.