Dae Hyun gave a code by blinking a few times at Soo Yin to pretend that her arm hurted. He didn't want Park Soo Hyun to find out about their relationship before his plan was successful.
"Ah, right, sir. My hand still hurts a bit," Soo Yin stammered with cold sweat that had already left her body and her heart was also beating very fast.
"Let me see it, why weren't you careful?" Park Soo Hyun then massaged Soo Yin's wrist.
Dae Hyun clenched his fists trying to hold back the emotion and chaos in his heart. Luckily he was able to find an excuse so that his younger brother would not be suspicious.
"Hyeong, you better let me feed Soo Yin," said Park Soo Hyun.
With great compulsion, finally Dae Hyun got up and went to his desk without a word being spoken. If he refused it, it was likely that Park Soo Hyun will be even more suspicious.
Park Soo Hyun sat and massaged Soo Yin's finger gently while blowing on it.