FBI coroner notes
Three bodies were found outside the small town near the famous city of Rachel, Nevada. The region that enjoys a certain celebrity because of ufologists and located near base 51 this week saw the discovery of three bodies, probably tourists on the Extraterrestrial Highway. The population of just over two hundred inhabitants according to the last census was horrified by the brutality witnessed in the victims.
State of Goiás, Brazil
Two bodies were found mutilated and with visible signs of probable murder. Experts say the victims, a worker, and his wife returning home were found far from the city after relatives reported the disappearance. Maria and her husband Jorge were found dead, with the bodies showing signs of contact with toxic chemicals.
Cook Straight, which divides the southern island from the northern island of New Zealand.
The city of Kaikoura watched in horror the rescue of two tourists who were found dead with the mutilated bodies. The deaths show signs of perforation in the victims' stomach and intestines and extensive burns that may suggest contact with chemicals. Authorities search the region while the necropsy report is awaited.
According to the North American news network ABC news, Xiaoshan Airport has once again suspended operations. Inhabitants of the city of Hangzhow after enthusiastic discussions about amateur images and videos about unidentified flying objects, witness police authorities search for three missing teenagers. One victim was located near an abandoned site with visible traces of violent murder with the body showing necrotic tissues on the face and intense burn marks, as well as perforations in the stomach and intestines.
The Japan Meteorological Agency is unaware of new camera images from residents of the Sendai region that have been posted again on social media. A spokesman for the agency's department says it could be spying on some foreign government.
Rachel, Nevada
Police authorities continue to search for a group of cyclists who disappeared late Thursday afternoon. Witness reports report that the discovery of a mutilated body has the same characteristics as the murders in the small town of Small Mountain. According to neighbors' reports, the barbaric crime left the bodies with disfigured faces as if they had suffered necrosis of the tissues of the face. Investigations continue and the police chief denies the possibility of association with the deaths in the city of Rachel, saying he is not a serial killer.
Several cities around the planet have had reports from residents claiming to have seen unidentified flying objects and NASA officials still deny the existence of extraterrestrial life despite accusations by ufologists that the truth has been hidden from humanity.
- No! Nothing like that! Don't even think about freshman prank calls at the College, Nessa. I want you home. No, it is not negotiable.
Grant Barner's voice echoed loudly and steadily as he reread the reports of an FBI friend. Grumbling, he ended the call worried about his daughter in Los Angeles. There was so little left for retirement. And now this.
Reports of mutilated bodies were found around the world. WHO was waiting to release guidelines to combat a new virus detected in the Central African region. Nobody knew what was going on there. Reporters were kept away. A small village showed signs of an unknown disease that was not Ebola. All victims presented the same picture of deaths that they read in the reports. Picture of victims as if they had been exposed to chemical substances with severe perforation in the stomach and intestines beyond the face with advanced necrosis in the tissues that left the bodies unrecognizable.
There were several speculations about the incubation time. The only fact that seemed to have the agreement of the authorities was the time of evolution of the disease after exposure to the pathogen. The transmission was incredibly fast. More optimistic statistics estimated perhaps six months for the virus to reach all continents.
Grant doubted it all when he returned from Africa and examined new victims with similar symptoms. TWO mutilated bodies in an advanced stage of deterioration in the town of Small Mountain made him swear when filing new reports. Extensive burns and dissolved upper limb bones. There was also dehydration of the skin tissues with necrosis of the epidermal tissue.
Sighing, the doctor looked at dinner without appetite. He began to fear the worst if the unknown virus was transmitted through the air. The statistics would be wrong. It wouldn't be months.
Cursing under his breath, he pushed the papers away on the table, looking for his cell phone. In this one, his wife still hadn't come back from the trip. The medical examiner's career was an old argument between them. He looked at the screen of his cell phone cursing more as he read the e-mail he received.
Grant did not approve of his wife's decisions when it involved violent crimes.
"At 2:30 pm on the 22nd of July in the year 2025, in this city of Salvador, in the state of Bahia, and at the headquarters of the Legal Medical Institute, by Director João Fernandes Gomes, the coroner, Esse Grant, was appointed official expert to carry out NECROSCOPIC EXAMINATION, on the body of a child to comply with the request of the police authorities, Dr. Paulo Vando at DP RJ / RJ, describing with truth and all circumstances what to find, observe and discover, as well as answer the final questions formulated.
As a result, the expert starts to perform the requested examination and investigations that he deems necessary.
Place of occurrence: City of Salvador / BA
Date of occurrence: 7/22/2025
Place of death: Salvador / BA
A brief history of the occurrence: Periciada was found on the outskirts of the city around midnight by a police vehicle.
The reality of death:
Death is characterized by Thanatological signs:
1- Immediate: the absence of facial expressions with an advanced state of necrosis in epithelial tissues. Tissue rupture in the chest cavity with deep perforation and crushing of organs of the digestive and respiratory system,
2- Consecutive: Generalized cadaveric stiffness. Proximal and distal softened. Depression of eyeballs, transparent and whitish eye corneas, but exams in tissue samples ...
External examination: I found it to be the body of an adolescent, perhaps twelve years old, female. From what looks like foam nostrils flow abundant Foam Mushroom
External injuries and signs of interest to the coroner:
Thorax: perforating lesion with legal medical interest.
Abdomen: skin tissue rupture with legal medical interest
Head: skin tissues with advanced deterioration with the presence of Foam Mushroom.
Grant was not a God-fearing man. But those reports and photos ... His stomach churned with the bitter, hot coffee when he dialed his wife.
-In this ?! Damn it, answer the fucking cell phone!
It took forever. Grant swore angrily and worriedly. Why soon a coroner? And why work for the FBI?
-Hi ... Grant, dear...
The doctor sighed with immediate relief. It was another epidemic. There were vaccines for epidemics. It could take some research time, but still ...
-I want you to leave the city morgue and pack your luggage. - Grant tried not to pass distress in his voice to his wife.
Ness took a moment of stunned silence.
-Did something happen? Andie is ...
The doctor took a deep breath and let the body fall heavily on the chair with a shiver.
-That's all the signs, baby. WHO has been notified. They already speculate about the possibility of a new virus worse than Ebola. Love, just grab your stuff and board your first flight to the USA before the borders are closed. Me and our daughter ...
-The cell phone stopped dead and the call dropped.
Grant had no idea it was the last time he spoke to his wife. There the first began to awaken. And it was just the beginning.
They were not zombies. They were something else. And smart and violent.
Ness didn't even react. There was no time, but still, his cry of fear echoed loudly before he died.
In a small motel room, someone was also observing the same evidence through a sophisticated computer-controlled by artificial intelligence.
Zorack shook his head, cursing women and females in general.
The ship's security protocol prevented him from returning to Spartackus. However, against all expectations, a hybrid was beginning to present the beginning of the same picture.