introduction:the story contain many characters but first there was a boy named Alex and their families and friends as the story moves we will introduce the new characters .
i am(Alex ) an ordinary looking boy who don't have many friends but some let me be honest I am a shy kind of a boy who doesn't able to take decision quickly and use to think a lot while performing any work I belong to a very supportive family my father ( Garry ) and my mother (Annie ) we live in a society where all the persons are so greedy they just want make there profit and don't want to understand the other person's problem everything was going normal til that day .
there was a rumour about that the neighour nation attacked on our nation suddenly an order from higher authority had been passed that each house has to send a man to serve the nation while encountering the enemies as I am so young I am not able to serve. it means yes my father (Garry) has to go but while living house father has called me so I went to meet him he said while I m not present hear you are the one who has to take care of your mother then he left the house as days passed the news about the war has been coming from the battel field where we have advantage where we might be weak and suddenly a letter come from the authority to us.