Chapter 8 - Chapter 7

"What's going on?" Yuji asked?

"It's doing something like... It's about to launch itself" said Layla.

"Where is it facing?" Yuji asked.

"That direction" Layla pointed out.

"Then  it's not going to hit us" said Ryan "let's get ready after it moves..."

While Ryan was talking, Yuji quickly ran far left where another wall stands and screamed, "HEY!".

The akuma faced the direction of the sound.

"It's facing at Yujis direction!" Layla said.

"What the heck are you doing!?" Ryan shouted.

The Akuma suddenly faced Ryan's direction.


"STAY QUIET" Yuji shouted back making the Akuma face back on his direction.

"TRUST ME!" As Yuji prepared another granade on his hand.

"Don't tell me his going to..." Ryan said.

"IM NOT GOING TO KILL MY SELF!" Yuji shouted, "not after I've gone this far...".

"I don't want to die..."


Yuji screamed on his head.

Layla took a Glance at the akuma then Glared back at Yuji, as if she was saying, "It's coming!".

Yuji assigned all his focus on his situation and stopped all his emotions of fear, anxiety and any other feelings unnecessary for his situation. There was only one goal he had inside his mind at that point.

"SURVIVE!" his voice inside his head repeated and repeated, until.


The akuma came dashing really fast.

Yuji managed to dodge it by running earlier after he made sure the akuma was going to that direction.

Right after Yuji dodged, He said,

"Four...five" Then quickly threw a grenade on the akumas face as it was trying to recover from it's dash".


The grenade exploded right on the akumas face, blocking it's vision.

Yuji kept a blank face, as if he was a robot with no emotion.

Yuji then quickly, pulled out a what seemed to be a pistol from his pocket and aimed at the akuma with both hands.


Yuji's expression quickly shifted due to surprise, as the bullet that came out of the pistol was fired with an unexpected power.

As the bullet hit the akuma behind the smoke, an explosion materialized.

"Exploding bullets!?" Ryan said in surprise.

"Wait, is that pistol..." Layla came close to check the pistol as Yuji gave it to her, "This, Is a specialized weapon for D classes! you can tell by the letter imprinted on the handle".

"You fired a weapon for D classes, when you don't even have a class?" Ryan said.

"hehe, it really hurt my arm, but I think I'm good" Yuji said, "Anyways Layla you take it, your the only one who can have a clear vision of the akuma while it's covered with smoke".

"All right" Layla said, "Huh?" She said in surprise, "I think the Serums effect is wearing off..."

As Layla's vision of the Akuma fades into the smoke.

Layla quickly grabbed the syringe on her skirt pocket and injected herself.

Layla then looked at the akuma.

"WATCH OUT!" Everyone did not think twice after hearing Layla and  just scattered instinctively.

The akuma Dashes and Hit the wall behind them, as they scattered on different directions.

Yuji and Elizabeth we're on the left and Ryan and Layla was on the right.

"LAYLA, SHOOT THE GROUND!" Yuji shouted.

Layla quickly did what Yuji said and shot the ground, making the ground explode as dust covers the akumas vision.

The Akuma then, Dashed a little forward making itself place at the center of the field, right between them.

The Akuma recovered from it's dash and was aiming at Yujis direction.

"LAYLA!" Yuji shouted"

Layla quickly Shot the Akuma in the back making the Akuma loose it's form, then shot the ground right under it, once again making the Akuma loose vision.

"Where!?" Yuji shouted.

"It's facing at you!" Layla replied.

"Alright" Yuji said, as he was preparing himself to dodge at any moment.


"COUGH! COUGH!" Elizabeth let out a loud cough, as she was obviously struggling to breath. She held her chest and gripped her uniform, as she went down on her knees, facing the ground.

Elizabeth tried to get the syringe on her skirt pocket, but  she dropped the syringe on the ground, and was not able to pick it up due to the pain she was feeling.

"ELIZABETH!" Layla shouted, "Crap! why now!?".

Layla looked at the akuma, as it switched directions and faced Elizabeth.


Layla tried to fire more bullets, but the weapon ran out of ammo.

"NO WAY!" Layla shouted.

Yuji ran as fast as he could to get to Elizabeth, as the smoke covering the akumas vision disappear, making the Akuma get a clear sight on its target.

The Akuma had taken it's form, Yuji was at Max speed.

Yuji jumped at Elizabeth, he held Elizabeth tightly in his arms, as they both rolled on the ground, when the Akuma Dashes quickly and barely missed it's target.

Elizabeth started coughing louder and looked like she was in pain, as Yuji sat down.

"Inject her!" Layla shouted, "She will be okay once you inject her!".

Yuji Grabbed the syringe Elizabeth dropped and dashed quickly back to her. Yuji pulled up her sleeve as he injects the serum on Elizabeth.

"Ahh!" Elizabeth let out a soft shout, sounding like a moan.

"Eh!?" Yuji said, as he was confused with what he heard, with a slight blush on his face.

Elizabeth quickly covered her mouth and sat down being bashful, as if she wasn't even suffering seconds ago.

Just like that Elizabeth was back to normal.

As Yuji was confused on how Elizabeth quickly turned back to normal, Yuji looked behind him and saw the akuma, which was already in form, ready to launch itself.

"No way...that fast!?" Yuji thought, "CRAP!".

Yuji grabbed Elizabeths arm and Tried to stand up, to Dodge. But as they were about to Stand, Ryan suddenly appeared beside them, as their vision began to shake vigorously.


"this is!" said Yuji as he fell down, along with Elizabeth who fell down on him.

noticing their position, Yuji blushed a little, as he was laying upwards on the ground and Elizabeth was on top of him, with her head on his chest.

"Don't take your sweet time there!" Ryan said, "I'm buying you time, go ahead and think of something".

Elizabeth gripped a part of Yujis Uniform as she buried her face on Yujis chest, as if she was praying for an idea to come to Yuji.

Yuji gathered all his thoughts together and focused on the situation, "He's right, I don't want to waste this," Yuji went back to being focused and took a look at his surroundings, and while looking around he noticed something.

"Ryan, turn your ability off!" Said Yuji, "this is how we'll get out of this situation!".

"Huh! that fast?" said Ryan.

"Trust me! and don't activate your ability no matter what!" said Yuji, "Elizabeth I need you to act quick and move as far as possible".

"Then here we go..." said Ryan, being nervous, as he shuts down his ability.

"The akuma completely fell down because of Ryans ability, it should be enough..." Yuji thought.

Elizabeth and Ryan quickly moved positions, as they go farther to have better chance of dodging the Akuma. Except for Yuji, who was kneeled on the ground and did not move from his position, as he stared straight at the akuma while it's recovering from Ryans ability.

"What is he doing!?" Ryan thought.

The akuma fully recovered and was taking it's form, targeting Yuji.

"CRAP! I should..." Ryan thought, but he remembered, "Dont activate your ability, "no matter what" he said,".

"Is this part of his plan!?" Ryan said.

Yuji and the Akuma was intensely staring at each other.

"That's right just keep looking at me" said Yuji.

Everyone showed obvious worries, as they had no idea what was on Yujis mind.

"Keep looking at me..." Yuji stared intensely at the akuma, as the akuma completes its form, and a drop of sweat fell down from Yuji's face.

"keep looking at me..." Yuji showed a big smug smile, then he Shouted, "AND DON'T NOTICE HIM!".

Everyone's face brightened with surprise, as they saw Jaspher running fast, close to the akuma.

They noticed Jaspher when he was already close to the akuma.

As the akuma notices Jaspher,  he had already pulled his arm backwards as he was about to deliver a powerful punch.

Jaspher was wearing a glove, that made a whistling sound, as if something was about to explode, like the sound a mortar makes when it's ammunition is about to fall down and Hit the ground.

Jaspher delivered a powerful punch, as strong waves of wind came rushing out from the back of his gloves , making the Akuma fly across the field and Hit the brick yard wall of the building causing it to crack.


Cover illustrated by: -IG

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