Me, my dad, Agumon, and Sunmon were trying to find someone else. I was hoping to find my mom and Biyomon. I really want my mom. We came to a beach. We saw Mimi and Palmon. "I am not surprised." Dad said. "Mimi!"
She looked at us as we came over. "Oh hey guys. Me and Palmon decided to get some sun." Mimi said getting up.
"Now is not the time. We are all separated and some of us have in training digimon." Dad said.
I suddenly grabbed my head. I felt really weird. I looked at the water and backed up. It made me super uncomfortable for some reason. "Are you alright James?" Agumon asked.
"I don't know." I said confused. I noticed the water was moving. "Dad something is in the water."
They looked over as this huge digimon came out of the water. "Its Seadramon!" Palmom yelled.
"Tai, me and Palmon need to digivolve." Agumon said.
"Right." Dad and Mimi said.
Their digivices went off. "Agumon digivolve to........." Agumon said. "Greymon."Me, my dad, Agumon, and Sunmon were trying to find someone else. I was hoping to find my mom and Biyomon. I really want my mom. We came to a beach. We saw Mimi and Palmon. "I am not surprised." Dad said. "Mimi!"
She looked at us as we came over. "Oh hey guys. Me and Palmon decided to get some sun." Mimi said getting up.
"Now is not the time. We are all separated and some of us have in training digimon." Dad said.
I suddenly grabbed my head. I felt really weird. I looked at the water and backed up. It made me super uncomfortable for some reason. "Are you alright James?" Agumon asked.
"I don't know." I said confused. I noticed the water was moving. "Dad something is in the water."
They looked over as this huge digimon came out of the water. "Its Seadramon!" Palmom yelled.
"Tai, me and Palmon need to digivolve." Agumon said.
"Right." Dad and Mimi said.
Their digivices went off. "Agumon digivolve to........." Agumon said. "Greymon."
"Palmon digivolve to..........." Palmon said. "Togemon!"
I weird t-rex looking thing and a giant cactus stood in front of us. "Whoa." I said looking at them.
"Nova blast!" Greymon shot a ball of fire at Seadramon.
"Needle spray!" Togemon spun and needles flew at Seadramon but he didn't go down.
I grabbed my head again. It hurts more. "James are you okay?" Sunmon asked.
"My head hurts." I said.
Greymon and Togemon were knocked down. They changed back to their rookie forms. "Oh no." Mimi said. "Now what do we do."
"James you need to use your digivice so I can digivolve." Sunmon said.
"I can't." I said.
"Yes you can." Sunmon said going towards Seadramon.
I gripped my digivice and closed my eyes and focused. The device quickly began going off. And Sunmon began glowing.
"Sunmon digivolve to........." He said. "Coronamon!"
"Corona-knuckle!" Coronamon said attacking Seadramon.
Seadramon couldn't hit Coronamon and soon retreated to the sea. Coronamon came back over. "I told you, you could do it." He said.
"Thanks buddy." I said smiling.
"This doesn't make sense." Dad said.
"What doesn't make sense Tai?" Palmon asked.
"How come a rookie level digimon could beat a champion level but 2 champion levels couldn't?" Dad asked.
"That doesn't really make sense." Mimi said.
"Hey guys!!" A voice said.
We turned to see Joe, Gomamom, Abbey and I'm assuming Moonmon running towards us. "Finally found some more people." Joe said.
"What happened to Moonmon?" I asked.
"Actually its Lunamon now." Abbey said. "She digivolved to protect me."
"So did Sunmom.....or Coronamon now." I said.
"Alright. Let's go look for the others." Dad said. "We'll figure out what's going on when we are together."