Chereads / 10XT / Chapter 7 - >>7<<Closet To Penthouse To Alley>>7<<

Chapter 7 - >>7<<Closet To Penthouse To Alley>>7<<

Time:0947 AM


Battery Death in..



As 10XT simply sat in silence,he decided to familiarize himself with the Cybernet. It was certainly a vast,toxic place,where some seem to get their daily contract's pay by simply posting a video online about any small matter,or writing the essay to end all essays.

Sapphire groans softly,leaning up after a groggy wakeup,"So Blue,what were you screaming about earlier..?" She asks as she rubs the gogginess out of her eyes.

"It wasn't anything important." 10XT said dismissively.

"Yeah and Im the daughter of an old 2000's rock band. Blue,you need to tell me what happened."

10XT closes the screen before him,"Why?"

"Because I know that look,and I know that mood. You're scared of something..?"

10XT sighs gently..

"In my dreams..I saw a Posthuman,that was highly modified..He said he knew me...and that I was him.."

"Sounds like a nightmare with a message,I won't pay it anymore thought,but stuff like that concerns not just you,but everyone. Be ready,okay?" She asked.

10XT nods.

As Sapphire got up,and leaned against the back wall of the closet,it gave way like a door,opening the closet up into an open,unfurnished penthouse.

"And yes. Penthouse." 10XT said as he pokes his head in. It was quite roomy,enough to probably do some physical training.

"I kinda regret sleeping in the mudroom.." Sapphire said as she walks around,exploring every inch.

10XT approaches the window,and looks out onto a beautiful city scene...

An Attack chopper raises into view...

Hovering threateningly..

"HIT THE DECK!!" 10XT yells out,gunning for Sapphire and tackling the female to protect her, as a flurry of high velocity rounds began to tear into the building. After what felt like an eternity of gunfire,the ruckus eventually stopped. "What the hell is going on!?" Sapphire asked.

"I have about as much of an answer as you do. We need to get out of here. Do you trust me?" 10XT asked.


"Do you trust me Sapphire Williams,yes or no?" 10XT asked.

Sapphire swallows the lump of nerve and fear that lodged itself in her throat

"I do." She assured with a nod.

10XT picks Sapphire up bridal style,and the chopper winds up for another flurry of gunfire,when the machine suddenly leaps from the window,with Sapphire screaming the whole way down.

As soon as he landed,it was dead in the middle of a FCPD Squad.

"Uhh Blue..?" Sapphire asked.

"Hm?" 10XT answered.

"How are you with fighting hands full..?" She asked as they surrounded the machine at a safe distance,using Augshields to block their path.

"Not good enough. Get ready."

Sapphire nods worriedly.

As an unarmed unit attempts to attack 10XT,Sapphire was thrown as high up as he could muster,to counter the officer and send him flying into his comrades and opening a path,catching Sapphire once more and fleeing at as high of a speed as he could muster.

"Once we're free of the police we need to go our separate ways." 10XT said.


"For now I cannot risk you getting injured,and as you can see they're tracking me somehow. You have my communication code,ill come looking for you." 10XT said.

"Are you sure you can handle yourself,Blue?" Sapphire asked.

They stop in an alleyway,and she was set down. "I'm about as sure about myself as you are. We will meet again." 10XT assures.

"All right then...Dont shuffle off into the great beyond without me,if you can help it,okay?" Sapphire asked.

10XT chuckles,"Ill try to. Stay alive,Sapphire."

"You too,Blue."

And with that,the machine took to the rooftops to lose the police tailing him.

As soon as he was free...he slowed down..

Eventually his jog slowed to a walk as he got into the larger half of the city.

In order to stay under the radar,he had to keep moving.

10XT comes to rest at the entrance of an alleyway.


Battery Death in..



"Excuse me." A voice spoke.

10XT turns his gaze to an unaugmented,masked human. He gets to his feet,towering over the male,only slightly. The mask was blank,save for a pair of sight holes.

"Please don't be a bounty hunter,my day has already been shitty enough as is." He said,making sure that he expressed such.

"Im not. But I saw you on the news,and out on the street. What are you?" The male asked.

"I cannot disclose that information yet." 10XT responds.

"Then at least come with me. You can explain when you feel the time is right." He said,as his cybernetic panther trots up.

The biomechanical being showed some interest,approaching 10XT. She too had a mask,but it blocked out the view of her eyes on his side. She looks him up and down,before sniffing at his hand when he reached out to pet her.

He runs his hand along the side of her neck...

"Is me?" 10XT asked.

"To a degree,yes." The male said.

"Then ill come with you." 10XT agrees.

"Good. I hope you can keep up." The male said as the panther joins up with him,and he mounts her like mounting the back of a horse.

Once 10XT prepared for a sprint,he began to follow the lead of the stranger out of the city and into the barren desert that bordered the city.

As they got further out a distinct hex shape began to form in the sky. "Hey,what's that in the sky?" 10XT asked as he ran alongside the stranger and his mount. "Thats the FCPD's prison dome. Its been like that for years. One wrong move,and youll make like the dinosaurs and cease to exist." The Stranger answers.

"So you mean-"

"Yep. The sky can fall."

A gate came into view,and they came to stop at it. unnoticed at such a distance was a 20 foot tall concrete wall.where the hexagons seemed to be supported.

The gate was unguarded.

"Strange...FCPD should be crawling all over the place..." 10XT said.

"None of those pigs come this far out just to stand at a gate all day. They've got better crime to do." The Stranger said.

"I know it took me a while,but may I ask your name?" 10XT asked.

"Its Karma." The Stranger said as he led the machine to a side door. Upon walking through,10XT was blinded with bright,garden-like colors,much like in Jigjig's park..

For only a moment,he saw ghosty whisps of life energy,but it only lasted a moment..

"Welcome to the greener side of the fence." Karma said.