[POV Bai Chang]
Study Room, Third Floor-
After Zhang Wei left the room, I took a deep breath.
'How dare they target my men?'
I log in to my private server and jack up 'Jiffy' for auxiliary surveillance. Then it is time to return the favour of the old frenemy.
I hook to Feling's server and work my way into his logs. There are various records of his conversations with other people. As he is a person with a lot of issues and secrets to hide, he collects leverage on people around him and keeps them in his private server.
I came across it when I was deep scanning his servers and cloud data as well as any network or neural connection of data.
My searches did bear fruits as I stumbled upon his archives.
'Come on, Come on, show me something good…' I played around his recent archives.
While simultaneously I play the video recording brought to me by my squad.