Day 12, large amounts of machinery were rapidly lowered from space via carbon nanowires.
The volume of the Earth Era vessel was too massive to land directly on the planet's surface, as it would have turned itself into a pile of junk due to its own mass; thus, it could only float in space and lower materials in this manner.
The whole process looked very exaggerated; from a height of eight thousand kilometers, it was almost like free fall, then, via the hanging ropes, it began braking about a thousand kilometers from the ground, eventually slowing down to a stop.
In this way, dozens or even hundreds of tons of machinery could be smoothly placed on the ground.
The Earth Era had three small space shuttles, each about the size of a small plane. However, these shuttles had a carrying capacity of no more than one ton and using them consumed precious chemical fuel.
Thus, unless absolutely necessary, people would not utilize these flying machines.