May 14, 2025
We've been in hiding from the government for eight years now; the government thinks we died from a would you rather we did this so we could be off their radar and trackers. It's easier to sneak around when the government doesn't know your even alive. We live in an apartment complex, and we're the only ones who live here, so we can do anything we want. Inside it has a round table that we moved to the middle of the kitchen, and there's a office, or at least it's an office now. We have all of our papers, and computers in the office; It's pretty much a mess but we don't care. We're trying to get out of this place anyway.
I went out to look for a new place to stay, a "nicer" place. Then I saw a few government workers they were talking about something. Maybe they were talking about me and the guys but I couldn't tell for sure. So I took out one of Nagisa's inventions; it is small enough so it can fit in your ear, it helps over hear conversations so when we're out we can eavesdrop. All I heard was "General I have found residents in a near by area about 8 miles north from here."
"I hear another voice, yet this one is more stern sounding unlike the other voice I just heard. "OK it's getting dark we will check it out right at dusk in the morning, till than we will camp out here tonight. "I hear people sitting, so I take out the ear piece, I make sure No one is paying attention and I started to run North. "8 miles north from there was the area me and the guys are staying at I have to tell them we have to move tonight.
"where is she, she's been gone for half an hour now? Don't worry Zack it's Lucy we're talking about, she can handle herself better than we can handle ourselves. What ever mason," Zack says in annoyance" "Door slams" Nagisa looks up from the computer and says, "what was that?" It was just Lucy guys. "Mason yelling to the other guys" "Hey guys" I say out of breath. Hey why are you so out of breath, Nagisa asked with a questionable face. I panted, I took a deep breath and said "the government found us we have to leave, tonight!" Nagisa comes in and says, " What how though I thought we were off their radar?"
" We are they must have used a thermal tracker out here or something?" Anyway we have to leave tonight, so start packing guys." " Wait were will we go that's safe for use now?" I did think of a plan when I was running back here, you know." Come on Zack its Lucy were talking about, she always has a plan." says Nagisa. We all gathered around the table, as Zack moved his Scythe. I took Zack's laptop and started to log into his account. "Wait how do you know my password?" I looked up and said it was easy, I see you type it in all the time Zack." Oh OK than." When it finished loading I pulled up a map. OK so we are here right now the military or what ever are, are 8 miles south of here so they are about right here, I used a drawing pen to circle the area they are in.' we know that there is an area of gangsters to the east of us, to the west of use there is a group of water and siren, But there is also an area of wild fires so witch are the two easier ways to get out? Zack what do u think?" I think the gangsters and the sirens. Does everyone agree with that? "yes" . " OK than I say in a phyco way, would you rather go hang with the gangsters or see if the sirens will let us swim through?" Nagisa says, I say sirens. I say sirens mason says. OK what about you Zack?" My opinion is that we go to the gangsters, the sirens will sing their song and try to kill us in an instant, and than there's the dragons to the north of the gangsters." "OK, Lucy what do you think?" Mason asked." Hmm, I think we should go towards the gangsters because Zack is right we know that area better than the west." Nagisa stands to protest "Yeah but how are we going to past The gangsters though did you think of that?" " Actually yes I did." Wait you did? Already?" masons says surprised. "Yes I did remember mason can use fire and roast those bitches, Zack can go all phyco on them and shit like that and you and I can get our blood lust on! That's my plan what else would we do?" " Yeah OK, but only because I haven't gotten to do any blood lust in awhile", said Nagisa. "Great, start packing guys we leave right when it gets dark, so maybe we can avoid some gangsters."