Lies. That's what the fabric of society is made from. You can try and deny it or you can try and separate yourself from the group of liars and say that it doesn't apply to you. That's the saddest part of it all. Those who say that- they are lying to themselves.
We all lie to everyone every day.
Whether it be the over exaggerated gossip we concoct in our mind about others or the smile on our faces that go hand in hand with emotionally hollow eyes.
I've done both.
And do you know what I do at lunch still despite the knowledge of all of my lies and wrongdoings? I laugh, smile then make a shallow and ditzy comment to my so called friends. Then after, we over fantasize about an average looking boy for more than humanly possible. All of us never not smiling.
The term "fake it to make it" fits my friend group far too well. We are all pretending to be perfect, happy. And for what? To result in making ourselves even more miserable?
Why don't we just speak to the people that make us happy to be around? Who we can be ourselves around.
I guess I'll have to ask myself that next time I see her.