At the mention of the word "dead wife " his eyes turned red again.
Ming Yue saw this and wanted to hit herself for her foolish act.
To change the topic from his wife she asked "why don't you introduce yourself, I don't know your name yet"
"I am Han weisheng, CEO of Han Enterprise, nice to meet you miss Ming" weisheng extended his hands.
Our Ming yue just gave him the fishing rod to his extended hand and said "Ok Mr. CEO now please help me catch some fish, little bun told me that you are too good at fishing " 😂😂
Weisheng laughed at her silly behavior and nearly patted her head , only then he remembered that, now, for her he is a complete stranger, so he had to wait and the first thing now is to gain her trust.
"How about I teach you how to be good at fishing? "
"Wow, will you teach me"
"Thank you master" she bowed her head while laughing.
Little ming went to his grandparents who are sad enough to cry at any moment.
On seeing them little ming asked "Grandpa are you looking for me, father told me that you want to play with me "
While listening to their grandchild speaking to them in a distant manner their already swollen eyes welled up again.
Little ming now understand why they are behaving like this.
He retreated two steps back, asking "you, you are my grandparents right? "
"You seperated me and my father from Ming fairy 😖"
Grandma Li hugged him "sorry dear we don't have another choice at that time, your mom forgot about your father, so we don't know how we should tell her about you that's why we gave you to your father to raise you, but we love you, we love you sooo much" she kissed him at the top of his head.
"Even so you should have atleast told father that ming fairy is fine and just forgot about him "
"Sorry dear" grandma Li sobbed continuously.
"I will forgive you on only one condition"
"What is it?" grandpa Li asked with tear filled eyes
"I want my mother back"
"But now she didn't know that you are her son"
"Its ok I am willing to become her step child"
Both Mr and Mrs Li shocked at their grandson's behavior, only his looks are telling them that this is ming yue's son other than that everything is the exact replica of his father, his way of speaking, his cold aura, everything.
And at such a young age he could understand everything, but this is all their fault, if the child lives with it's mother it won't have anything to worry, so it will remain a child for some time, but without a mother it would not be a normal child, now their grandson's mental age will be above 6 or 7 , he lost his carefree childhood only because of them, this guilt is killing them inside.
They no longer wanted to make this little guy sad so they promised him that they will not leave china and make arrangements to get her married to the Han family.
"Thank you grandfather, grandmother."
At the other side Han weisheng is catching fish after fish but ming yue is waiting for the fish to take their bait as always.
Seeing her expression weisheng wanted to pinch her cheeks. Then he told her "come here ming yue I will help you "
Ming yue got near him, he pulled her closer and make her sit between his legs, while one of his leg is touching the ground and the other one is folded at the back of ming yue, his hands are itching to make her sit on his lap but he controlled himself and adjusted the fishing rod while his face is placed on top of ming yue's shoulder.
Ming yue's heart raced the moment he called her "come here ming yue " she wondered "why I think its a familiar feeling hearing my name from his mouth but clearly it is our first meeting, how strange " she cleared her head and walked close to his chair and sat at the edge of his long chair but suddenly a strong hand circled her waist and pulled her backwards , her heart was beating like a drum and her nose find a pleasant smell from the man who is pulling her closer, "why does his touch feel familiar? "
"Had his dead wife reincarnated in my body while my original soul died? If not why do I feel like I have known him before when this is our first meeting, god! Please explain what is happening here "
While so many questions popped in her mind, Han weisheng pulled her closer and both of his hands are now adjusting the fishing rod on ming yue's hands while his face is soo close to her and is placed on her shoulder, "what a pleasant smell" saying that in mind ming yue turned towards the source of the smell.
Her sudden movement make Han weisheng's lips to brush on ming yue soft cheeks.
Weisheng's heart is on a marathon, while ming yue's heart forgot to beat.
Both of them didn't know what to do except staring at each other, suddenly the awkward atmosphere turned normal only after the rod felt weight.
When Ming yue turned to see the rod, it is about to slip away from her hands, suddenly another pair of hands gripped the rod.
Finally ming yue caught her first fish for the day, and that one is considerably bigger than the fishes that her parents caught before.
On the other side of the pond
"Let us catch some fish and give that to mother she will be happy 😇" said little ming to break the silence.
Then the three of them (little ming, grandpa and grandma Li) sat at the edge of the pond With their fishing rod
Both grandpa and grandma Li wanted to spend their remaining time peacefully like this with their daughter and grandchild
But author has other plans for them 😅😅