Chereads / The Story of The Death Squad / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

The squad moved up the stairs careful of every step. Their guns moved right to left. "We need to hurry!" Deadeye shouted. "Fine" Death called back running up the stairs. The rest of the squad followed suit. The stairway seemed endless. Three minutes till the helicopter was supposed to arrive. "Hurry!" Death shouted his voice echoing off the walls. He moved faster as did the rest of the squad. They moved faster and faster. Two minutes till the helicopter was supposed to arrive. Finally they made it to the roof. They opened the door leading to the rooftop outside. They could see the helicopter in the distance, but that also meant the enemy could too. Craig bent over, hands on his knees, sucking in hair. Luna, and Deadeye did the same. Their lungs felt like they were gonna burst if they didn't get air. "We need to take cover. They won't let us go without a fight" Medic said. Death nodded and walked towards some ventilation units. Craig looked at Deadeye who stood up straight now "c'mon Rookie" he said as he followed Death. Craig looked at Luna who was still panting. "C'mon.....luna...." Craig said still panting as well. Craig, and Luna went to Death as they heard a thump. "What the-" Medic began to say. Another thump. "I don't know" Deadeye said. Another thump as the door leading to the inside of the building came down. "Down now!" Death shouted getting a solid piece of cover. The rest followed. Red took out a sniper scope from his backpack, and put it on his M4 while putting the gun on semi-auto. He came up, and fired. Each shot dropped another body. Luna got close to the helicopter pad. Medic followed Luna shooting anyone who took aim at them. The helicopter was so close that they could hear the engine. "Get her on the helicopter Medic! The rest of you keep firing!" Death shouted. Craig could barely hear him over the gunfire, but he did as told. Finally the helicopter landed. "Get on!" The pilot yelled. A man stepped out, and helped Medic protect Luna. Luna stepped onto to the helicopter "Get us out of here!" She yelled. Luna could hear bullets ring after they hit the solid metal of the helicopter. The man stepped back in, and closed the large door to protect them. Medic kept firing as the helicopter pulled off then he took a bullet to the chest, the vest he was wearing was the only thing keeping him from death. He stumbled and kept firing. He moved to cover slowly still firing. He got hit a second time. Medic stumbled and fell to his knees. He got on one knee, and ran out of ammo in his M4. He ducked and looked at Death "I'm sorry!" He shouted. He took out a flare, and a pistol. He struck the flare, and waved it. "HEY OVER HERE!" Medic drew everyone's attention and shot at the enemy. He got on the helicopter pad again, and kept firing. He got hit two more times making him stumble more towards the edge as he fell to his knees. He dropped the flare as he got back up. "See you all in hell" Medic said firing the rest of the clip into the the enemy crowd. He got hit with one last bullet. Medic coughed up blood, and fell off the edge to his death. "MEDIC!" Death shouted. He screamed and shot more bullets into the crowd of enemies killing the rest of them. "Calm down Death...." Deadeye said going to him. "You're right" Death said rage in his voice "but not before I take down every mother fucker in this base!" Death took out a detonator and triggered it. The building shook. "Now I feel better" Death said getting out rappelling equipping. "Thank god I suggested rappelling" Deadeye said taking out his own rappelling equipment.