'Are you kidding me? Who does he think he is?' Elyse furiously thought to herself.
She was currently on her study desk at home, trying to study but to no avail. The mysterious boy earlier on had been on her mind the entire way home. The more she thought about the earlier events that had just occurred, the more frustrated she got.
"That's cute."
"Excuse me?" Elyse questioned the boy, narrowing her eyes.
The boy shifted his body so that he was facing the other side, losing interest in her.
"You're exactly like they said." he grumbled, making himself comfortable again by folding his arms against his chest, preparing himself for another nap.
"What?" Elyse stomped over to the fence. What did who said about her? She wanted to know!
"If you'd gain a centimeter every time you asked me an obvious question, you'd be towering over me by now." He grunted, annoyed at her constant questions being shot at him for every word he said.
Elyse's jaw dropped. Yes, she was a little over 160 centimeters, but that was almost an average height for students around her age, she checked!
"I'll have you know that I'm 164 centimeters tall, and might I remind you of my position in this school and the country. One word and I could have you expelled!" She yapped away, not noticing that the boy had fallen asleep with a small smirk on his face.
The familiar tiny noise of a snore had erupted Elyse's rant, finally getting her attention. She snapped her head towards the now sleeping boy and steam came out of her ears.
'How dare he not pay attention to me! And not only that, he fell asleep while I was talking to him! Well, I guess this is what is expected of talking to a student from Keisetsu...' she thought, finally deciding to push those thoughts at the back of her head.
She looked out of her window and into the dark sky. Before she knew it, night had arrived and once again, neither her father nor her brothers were home. They rarely were anyways. She honestly had gotten sick of hearing the same reasons. Going on business trips and her father taking her brothers with him, claiming they needed to know how to run the family business in order to take over the future.
The thought had left Elyse upset. Growing up, she had always assumed she was going to take over the Roxley's name after her father, being the oldest playing a huge factor. But then came her younger twin brothers. Elyse had never seen such delight in her father's eyes when they were delivered.
Before the arriving of the twins, Elyse had tried countless of times to impress her father, trying to capture his attention, even for only a short while. Yet, he was always busy. Constantly shooing her away, asking young Elyse to find her mother. At first, Elyse had thought nothing of it, while her kind mother entertained her.
Elyse loved her mother, more than anyone in the world. She was a goddess in Elyse's eyes. Gentle yet having enough authority to reprimand others when she thought it was not right. Elyse's mother was a beautiful woman, with the same soft auburn hair that Elyse had inherited, along with a soft smile that Elyse would never forget, her mother gave her whenever Elyse felt sad.
"Don't worry, love. After a storm, always comes a rainbow." she would say, patting a young Elyse's head in comfort.
Elyse was only 5 when her mother had delivered the twins. That was when she had started to notice that her father coincidentally no longer had any excessive work piled up at home. He suddenly always had time to spare, to care for the twins and his wife of course. Though he did include Elyse, but he often focused on the twins.
For a while, Elyse felt a little happier, thinking that her father was finally paying attention to her. She also loved her adorable younger brothers to death, but always felt a little jealous at the end of the day. However, she always had her mother to shower her in constant attention.
Since young, Elyse had always an intelligence above average. It didn't take her long to figure out that her father had wanted boys to take over the family business. Someone who was capable of managing a huge cooperation, someone worthy of his fortune and someone who was able to carry on the family's name. The twins had checked all the boxes and she knew that. Yet, she continued trying her hardest to get her father to notice her. Even for something as small as congratulating her on getting first in class.
Then, tragedy stuck when a single sentence had changed the life of the Roxley's forever.
"Mr Roxley, I'm afraid its too late... Your wife only has approximately three months left..."
Cancer. It has always been a bitch. Why couldn't things just go her way for once. Something bad had always happened to her, leaving her all alone, in this lonely world.
The Roxley's stood in front of a well polished marble tombstone. However, it wasn't a depressing dark rainy day like the books Elyse used to read with her mother had described. In fact, the sun was shining, almost glaring at them. After the funeral, her father went back to devoting any free time to his work, using it as a coping mechanism. Only this time round, he always brought the twins along with him.
Before her mother had gone, she had passed Elyse a tiny pendant in the shape of a square with its sides curved and rounded. In the middle of it had a weird symbol engraved on it. It looked as if there were four legs coming out of a tiny sphere.
"I will always love you, Elyse. Please, I entrust this to you. I trust you would know what to do with it. And not a word to anyone else about it, understand?" her mother weakly placed the pendant in Elyse's small hands and closed it. Confused, the young Elyse just nodded along with tears rolling down her cheeks. Not bothering to question about the pendant or the words she had just heard.
Elyse now sighed as tears welled up in her eyes. Looking up at the stars, she whispered, "I miss you, mom..."
For the first time in a while, Elyse found herself being unable to study, with her thoughts all muddled up, she went to her bed, drifting off to a dreamless slumber thinking, once again, about who was that boy she had spoken to. She didn't even get to know his name...