Chereads / LOVE FORTITUDE / Chapter 15 - EPS 15

Chapter 15 - EPS 15

Note: The content below is a little odd but not without lessons, so take the lessons in it. Not recommended to follow. Thanks

After Indri and her mother finished cooking, her mother called Dewa and her friends to eat.

"Wa, Dewa" Called the mother Dewa

"What ma'am?" Asked Dewa

"Let's eat together, son" invite his mother

"Yes ma'am, I'll be playing the game soon"

"Play the game all the time, get out of the room quickly, eat with us here"

"Yes ma'am, soon"

"Oh, my god, you keep playing the game anyway"

"Soon ma'am, bear, it's about to finish, we'll also eat later, mother and Indri go ahead"

Because Dewa's mother was too annoyed with him, he opened the door to his son's room and said.

"Oh, my God, you guys are really addicted to the game, huh?" Asked the god's mother

"Yes ma'am, we'll also eat later," answered Dewa

"Astagfirullah son, do you try to reward your boyfriend who has helped mother cook. Poor, he's been waiting for you at the dining table "

"Yes ma'am, this is also over, mom just go first to the dining table. We'll follow you later "

"Okay, mother go ahead. We will also be there soon. "

"Okay, don't be too long, the Indrens, he's been waiting for that"

"Yes ma'am"

Dewa's mother walked towards the dining table. And soon he and his friends caught up with his mother. When he got there, Indri immediately greeted him by getting rice as well as side dishes for him. Then her lover said.

"Here, dear, I have brought food for you," said Indri

"Ciee, ciee" said Jepri

Then Doni replied by laughing "Hahaha"

"What the heck are you," said the god

Then Dewa and his friends sat down and Indri gave the food to her lover. Dewa's mother said.

"I think your friends are jealous, Wa, because Indri takes your food," said Dewa's mother

"Maybe mom"

With an annoyed face, Indri said, "You know, just jealous, not looking for a boyfriend. This is just taking care of people's business "

While holding Indri Dewa's left cheek, he said.

"That's right you dear, hahaha"

"Isn't that right?" Asked Indri

"Yeah, you know they just take care of our business."

"Alright, don't keep making a fuss. Come on eat "Take his mother Dewa to them

"Yes, tan" said Doni and Jepri simultaneously

They also eat quietly without saying anything. After that Indri and his mother Dewa cleared the dining table and his lover Dewa helped their mother wash the dishes they had eaten.

Dewa and his friends returned to their room when they got there without thinking, Doni immediately invited Dewa and Jepri to play a game. However, Jepri said.

"I just finished eating Don, you just asked to play a game, it's bad"

"Come on!" Take Doni

"Hadeh Don, Don. In your brain it's just games, don't you know? " Dewa asked mockingly

"Hahaha, he's not just a game Wa," said Jepri

"Then?" Dewa asked

"Ahh. Yes, I have to explain to you, Wa? " Asked Jepri

"Wow, it's bad, you guys" said Doni

"Is that right?" Asked Jepri

"Even though I was naughty. My brain is not that bad, bro, "said Doni

"Hadeh, we already know you from Junior Don's Middle School. So, we know what is in your brain, "said the god

"That's mah first Wa" said Doni

"Alah, what a lie Wa. When you were still in school, your boyfriend was often used as a material with Doni, "said Jepri

"Crazy you Don" Said Dewa

"Jep, Jep. You keep slandering me, "said Doni

"Is that right?" Asked Jepri

"As naughty as I am, I have never made a girlfriend a friend for material" said Doni.

"Then who do you imagine?" Dewa asked

"Don't imagine anyone," replied Doni

"Alah, just lie he is Wa. I often stay at her house, then at night she pretends to pee but it takes a long time, "said Jepri.

"What are you doing Jep?" Dewa asked

"I see, Wa" replied Jepri

"So how about Jep"

"Yes, I just heard it from outside he said (That earlier, that earlier)"

"Are you serious Jep?"

"Seriously Wa"

"Wow. It's really bad, this Japanese kid's brain "

"Ha ha ha. Indeed he has always had a brain like that Wa "

"Don't listen to Jepri Wa. Like you don't know him, Wa, "said Doni

"You mean Don?" Asked Dewa

"Yes, you know yourself Wa."

"Know what?"

"Jepri mah has always liked to slander people"

"Hemm, you know?"

"Don, Don. Just be honest. There's no need to reverse the facts, "said Jepri

"But yes. All that ugliness can still be changed on their own accord or for some reason, "said the god

"You mean Wa" Asked Doni

"Yes, like this. Sometimes humans need something or an event that makes him aware of a mistake whether it's because of a woman, an accident or something else. Because God always gives good land to humans to work on. However, sometimes humans themselves choose self-reliance. "

"Hemm. Yes, Wa, "said Jepri

"Yes, Jep.


All things are created as boundaries

To split something from something else

However, life always provides two pieces of land to work on

That is, between fertility and self-deprivation

The two of them split each other to limit the time to meet face to face

This world is empty

Samar is also pseudo

However, life always provides choices for us to work on, right?

That is at every time spot on your heart

The bitch always wants to meet to make love with uncertainty

Even though life always leaves the fertility of the garden to heaven

The noble hue she really is.

And kindness always reveals itself to be an event.

For you to work on being your own silent embrace. " Ucao Dewa

Due to Doni's limited understanding of poetry, he also asked Dewa

"You mean Wa?"

"Yes .. Don, Don


Kindness is a law that restricts movement

Also the customs made in each village

They are friends but in different places

All are one way, one direction to goodness

For you, for us as well as all the human beings who live

In that village ..

The crowd became even more pronounced

When I imagined myself as the blood of an injured person

Who never tightens all the rules of the highway

I'm just driving

Without paying attention to the surroundings

Like our foolishness

At that time ..

He always closed the eyes of the heart

Fill the water pool with hue black ink

We too become ignorant without delving into a content

In parable

It is also the policy of the scholars

They are sacred within us

Flow of desire

For good it becomes a form of the heaven realm. " God answered

"Listen, Don, said Ustad Dewa with his wise words," said Jepri

"Hadeh Jep

(What is poem 3?)

Poetry is not a policy to become a scholar

Poetry is only fishermen looking for small fish

In the vast ocean ..

Fish always imagine themselves to be water

Living in the bathtubs of your house, my house is everyone's home too.

Without ever dreaming of becoming rainwater that is held tight by God

Because poetry is only words of interpretation that never exceed the words of the apostle as well as the word of God

That which was dropped into the books. " Said the god

"Yes, yes Wa"

"Understand Don, Jep?" Dewa asked them

"Yes, Wa" said Doni and Jepri simultaneously

"Okay, let's play a game!" Invite God

"Come on" answered Jepri

"Hadeh. Earlier, when I invited you, I didn't want to be Jep. Well, what if Dewa invited you to want? " Asked Doni

"Already, let's want to play the game or not?" Dewa asked

"Yes yes Wa, I just got angry"

"Not angry, Don. Later, I'm afraid to be lazy to move first. Finally lie down then fall asleep "

"Come on, go" Jepri said while pressing the game application on his cellphone

After the Asr prayer they took a walk to Siger.