After school and when Dewa and Indri have arrived at their respective homes. At that time they were taking a break to calm their minds because they were tired at school. They also chattingan.
"Hi, Indri" said Dewa
"Yes, Wa" answered Indri
"What are you doing?"
"Just seat ya, what about you?"
Because of the incident that night, Indri immediately became a cool person for Dewa. Because he felt that he was indebted to God.
"I'm lying down here, yes, while calming my mind, hehe"
"Earlier at school, how?"
"I see, as usual"
"How about usual?"
"Yes, it's tiring Wa, especially during math class, uhh. I think my head is about to break because I think too much "
"Hehehe, be patient"
"Yes, Wa, if you were at school you were happy, right?"
"Not really, Miss"
"Why is that, Wa ?, didn't you seem happy? Especially when you read your favorite novel "
"Hehehe, that means you saw me while reading a novel on the terrace, right?"
"Not really, I just saw it, I also left the canteen, right? I have to skip your class, right?
"Hehe, yeah too"
"Uhh, what a god, besides being cold like ice cubes, he is also forgetful, huh?"
"Hehehe. Yes, especially if you miss you. The others won't be able to enter except your shadow. "
"Dewa, now clever rag too huh?"
"Dihh. What a crap. That's serious, Ms.
"Yes, Indri, Eh. Let's play tonight! I'll pick you home later. Yes, we just hang out hanging out in coffee. While eating fried food or something "
"Hemmm, but I'm not holding the money, Wa"
"Dihh. Why do you have to have money to try ?. Calm down I will pay "
"Hehehe. So bother ya "
"It's okay, Indri is pretty. I'm even happy if you want to play with me "
Because this is the first time a man wants to treat Indri. So Indri did not think long and agreed to Dewa's invitation.
"Yes Wa, I want"
"Okay tonight I'll pick you up at home, okay?"
"Yes Dewa, what time are you going to pick up?"
"Yes, around 8 times yes"
"OK, Wa"
"Okay, I want to go to sleep first, OK?"
"Yes, God"
They finished the chattan that afternoon and Dewa went to sleep. However, Indri felt that it was the first time a man wanted to treat her.
Because usually she is the one who treats men so that sometimes Indri doesn't buy anything at school. And she thought all men were the same, unreliable. Can only stand idly by women
"Seriously, is there a man who wants to treat me?" (Indri wonders to himself) "
After that Indri lay down while imagining how Dewa paid for her food and herself.
And at night, Dewa was ngechat Indri.
"Indri" Call God
"Yes, Wa"
"Are you ready yet?"
"Hmmm, can't you wait to date me?"
"Huh, dating? We're just playing, right?"
"But, just playing together, right?"
"Yes, hehehe"
"Alright, get ready, Indri, I want to go to your house"
"Yes. Already "
Dewa also left for Indri's house, when he arrived at Indri's house.
"Assalamualaikum" Hail God
"Waalaikum greetings" replied his father Indri
Dewa also shakes hands with his father Indri. However, Indri secretly peeked from behind the door of her room when Dewa shook hands with her father.
"Can I come in uncle?"
"Ohh, please"
"Who are you and what do you need here?"
"I am Dewa Om, a friend of Indri. I came here because I wanted to invite Indri to play uncle, can I? "
"Um, that's fine, but don't come back too late, huh?"
"Yes, uncle"
"Please come in first, sit down first"
"Yes, uncle"
Dewa also entered Indri's house then sat on a chair.
"The senses are there right uncle?" Asked Dewa
"There is," replied Indri's father
"Indri, Indri" Call Indri's father
"Yes, well" answered Indri
"Here is your friend"
"Yes, Indri is getting ready now"
Even though Indri has been ready since Dewa has not arrived at her house, Indri deliberately said that just to observe Dewa and his father chatting.
Soon Indri came out of her room and invited Dewa to go to play.
"Come on, Wa" Invite Indri
"Come on" answered Dewa
They said goodbye to Indri's parents and then left Indri's house. When in front of Dewa's motorbike.
"Dri" Calling God
"Why?" Asked Indri
"Here, wear the helmet (While wearing the helmet to the head of Indri)"
And immediately Indri's face turns red because Dewa wears a helmet on her. Then they went to a coffee shop not far from where they lived.
Arriving there and after they got off the motorbike, Dewa took off the helmet that Indri was wearing. And immediately Indri's face turned red.
"Hey. Why is that face so red? "Asked Dewa
"Hmmm, seriously?" Indri asked back
"Yes, cie, cie. Yes, I am a very romantic person, haha. "Praise God to myself
"Huh, what the heck are you"
"Hahaha, let's go inside. We drink coffee while eating fried "
"Come on (with a smile)"
They also entered the coffee shop and ordered coffee 2 and fried foods. After that the merchant served coffee and fried food to them.
"Eh, eat it, Dri!" Dewa ordered to Indri
"Yes, yes" replied Indri with glee
Indri also ate fried food and drank the coffee that the merchant had served. Then invite Dewa to sit outside while enjoying the air.
"Wa, let's just sit outside!" Invite Indri
"Eh, how come outside, what's here?" Asked Dewa
"It's okay, just outside is better. Yes, all enjoy the air "
"Okay, let's go"
They also brought their respective fried coffee and then moved to sit outside the outlet. When they were outside the booth, they talked and Indri looked at the sky.
"Wa," Call Indri
"What?" Asked the god
"The star is really beautiful, huh?"
"Yes yes, but all those stars will not be able to beat the beauty of your face"
"What a rag (While pinching the belly of God)"
"Ouch, it hurts Indri"
"This time we talk more often
More often arrange stories
Until the story of the face of this earth is only the two of us
Me and you, here
We see the sky is empty even though it has stars and moon
The eye of the wind sighs into our bodies
Until the rain falls wet hair
and your eyes ..
This time more often seduce my innocent face
It feels like I just want to be alone with you.
Without any distance
Always making out.
Seducing .. "
"Hemmm, that's good poetry. Indri is clever too for his poetry "
"Hehehe, just normal.
Interrupted by their conversation, the rain fell.
"Wahhh ,, It's raining again, Dri" Said Dewa
"Yes, Wa" answered Indri
"Come on in, Dri"
"No, we just here"
"Don't be like that Indri, beautiful. What will you do if you get sick later?"
"Um, why not Wa"
"Indri, it's cold here. What if you are sick? "(With a face full of worry)
"Not God"
"Okay, let's just here"
However, soon Indri's hands hugged her own body. Because a very considerate male God. So Dewa immediately took off the jacket he was wearing and then put it on Indri.
"Wa, can I ask you or not?" Asked Indri
"Yes, of course you can, Indri"
"Why yes, rain always comes suddenly at the time we never wanted?"
"Because the rain only wants us to be alone, making love, leaving traces of memories in human memory, also leaving our story in this place.
"You know what, Dri?"
"What, Wa"
"The rain is a pile of tears from human wounds
Then he yawned and flew into the arms of the sun
Then fell into the arms of the cloud
Tears never fall on its mouth
It is the hand of God
Because God scars too much tears and tears
The rain is your tears that wobbled yesterday
Always looking for a way out of all deadlocks
Who never wanted to fall into a devil's embrace as if he had stolen fate.
Because the rain just wants to fall and wet my body
Until I get cold ..
Then I got sick more often
Because longing is always stabbing me from behind
Longing that always presents your shadows when we are separated by distance and hate "
"Hmmm, but in the future, yes, I want no distance, I hate it again"
"Yes, I hope so" With a smile
"Yes" With a smile
Without realizing it, the rain had stopped. And Dewa also invited Indri to go home because the time had shown 22:00.
"Come home, Dri, the rain has stopped, too, it's 10:00 at night"
"Oh, yes, come on"
Dewa also escorted Indri back to his house. Arriving at Indri Dewa's house, he accompanied Indri to enter the house.
Then Dewa stopped for a moment just to say goodbye to his parents Indri. Then after that Dewa went home.