Rong Zian soon stopped on his tracks when he heard Wu Yange yelling, "Where do you think you are going! Come back here!" in an admonishing tone. Left with no choice Rong Zian walked over to the table and sat as far away from both of them as possible. 'This is going to be awkward,' he thought to himself.
Seeing how far Rong Zian was sitting, Wu Yange couldn't stay silent. This isn't the picture he imagined when he decided to have breakfast with his little rabbit, Rong Zian had to be corrected. "Come sit next to me," he said disregarding Zhao Lee who was sitting at the same table.
Rong Zian hesitated but soon made his decision when Wu Yange followed up his sentence saying, "if you don't come over, I will make you sit on my lap. Is that what you want?"