"Drip...Drip....Drip...." .
In the distance I could hear hear the rain pounding hard outside the building and I felt as if I had been drenched myself but it felt more like it was a warm blanket engulfing me rather than water, I tried looking around but the room but it was much to dark, I seemed to be in a room with no window.
"hello is anyone close by" my voice echoed in the eerily empty house.
I slowly got up and walked towards what seemed like a door but as soon as I touched it, it fell over
"slamming!" onto the ground it didn't take me long to realize what had happen here, bodies littered everywhere from people I knew from the village and soldiers to massive holes in the walls as if a massive battle had ensued in this very halls.
"no.. no.. no.. no, why did all these people have to die!" I said as my knees hit the ground and i punched the floor.
but suddenly the worst had hit me.
"mom....dad, please be ok. theirs no way you would fall here, you were too strong!" I scrambled to my feet looking around
their faces weren't among the deceased and for a second I had felt relief, until I had gone down stairs and seen my mother hunched over on her knees with a blade like wound thought her chest.
"mom" I rushed over too her side and laid her down as the tears gushed down from my face and gripped her hands in mine
"no please don't leave me like this, you can't what am I going to do without you" I cried out to her
but suddenly I could feel slight movement from her as she spoke to me.
"Deion" she said weakly
"mom, you're ok" I feel this light hit me as if everything was going to be ok now.
"I'm so sorry Deion but I need you to listen to me right now, the remaining soldiers will have called in for back up already so soon they will be here in a massive force to make sure everyone in this town never lives to tell the tale about what happened here today so need you to run back to the house and get your emergency pack to leave this town and not look back no matter what happens." she said in a distressed weak voice.
"But what about you, dad and the rest of the village, every else is dead. what will I do." I said tearfully to her last wishes.
"I'm sorry Deion but I don't know and your father is already gone, but you have too survive, if you live to see another day you will eventually know what you must do." she said as tears entered her eyes and voice.
she sat up and raised her arms weakly for one final embrace and kissed me on my forehead, before losing all of her remaining strength and falling.
I caught her before she hit the floor, but I was too late the last ember of her warmth were leaving her body.
"No you have to tell me who did this to you first." I just barely made out the words roughly as my throat felt raw from all the crying.
"Always remember my baby De, strength only exists when one accepts their past and present and continues to move forwards... I love you." she said weakly as all of here remaining warmth left her body and she was just this cold corpse in my hands.
"no mom." without a delay I was interrupted by the extremely loud sound of multiple heavy vehicles arriving in town.
I placed mom down slowly and wiped the tears from my face as I hide next to the closes window to see what was going on.
"what happened here lieutenant why is it that we sent 400 soldiers to take out a small town of rebels but only 2 are left alive and crying about a shadow man!" a large burly man exclaims while smoking.
"we have no idea sir after we got report of the elimination of our prime target rebel one Kofi Matthew's and they were reported searching for the prime target rebel two Moesha Tenebris when suddenly this shadowy figure suddenly started to take out our soldiers and townspeople alike, it was a utter massacre, we only lived because we were just arriving into town and saw him just finishing outside. sir who ever did this today was clearly a extremely high Deus level Animo user, we haven't seen someone exhibit that much Dark power in 200 years" the men exclaimed in fear.
I felt new sadness and anger swell in me as I hear my mother and fathers name being mentioned but I knew mom didn't want me to waste my life here without finding out who that Deus level shadow man was.
"first I need to make it home without getting caught by these guys and then I will decide what to do once I make out here alive." I look at my mom one last time before solidifying my resolve.
I crept out the back of the house will looking around to make sure no one was close by.
"And finding that guy will be easy considering dark Animo users are rare to come by and even if he's leagues above me I have a dark type attribute too even if I'm only A tier." I said as I covered my body in shadow to erase all traces emitted off of myself.
Town wasn't massive by any means but it was big enough for 300 people to live their so I had to get around quite a few house's with around 600 soldiers now in the town but at least now I have a reason to use all the martial arts and stealth techniques drilled into me for the last 13 years.
"No Deion stay strong mom and dad are dead now and I have to live for their sakes and move on forward, strength only exists if you accept the past and present and continue to move forward." I reassured myself silently
I finally reached my house where fifteen soldiers had been station around the area searching and five were inside.
I used the tunnel mom and dad built just incase we were trapped in the basement to crawl my way in but two guys were already searching the basement were dad keep the only computer in town and mom keep her collection of weapons.
"Damn how do I deal with these two" thinking to my self.
"I know"
I used my shadow too cover their faces and grabbed their arms then jump out as they struggled on the floor and grabbed the twin sai's on the wall and stab them both through the arteries in their necks for quick deaths.
"I hate having to do this but it's the only way." I quickly moved the bodies aside and closed the hatch into the basement and locked it to start to pack for my now long journey ahead.
"It these moments in life where you really start to appreciate your Animo abilities... ah shadow storage I love you." I said as I started to pack the weapons my mom had into my shadow which had a near infinite storage capacity.
lastly I checked my dad's computer so I could erase all the data than put the holodrive into my shadow to destroy later but as I was searching thought it I found maps of government prisons where they secretly held rebel forces and secret weapon test facilities.
"damn even after quitting to raise me you never stopped trying to help the cause you believed in, wait he never send these to anyone."
I copied all of the data left behind and stored it than silently destroyed the whole thing and stored the original drive.
"I don't know if I'll ever become a rebel like you but at least I'll do this last thing for you guys and deliver this to the rebels if i ever find them." I looked at the remains of the computer one last time.
after that I searched the men for anything I could use but all they had was a Animo rifle, a pistol and some ammo cartridges but any weapon is useful so I put them into the shadow as well.
I grabbed the emergency pack and I was getting ready to leave by the hole again until I forgot one thing my laptop was upstairs in my room and it had contacts of the people I communicated with in it so if they find it and go to these guys they might be in danger and I don't want what happened to me to happen to any of them and I've had it since I was 10 years old so it's probably the last thing I'll have my parents had given to me that I had keep for so long.
"You got this my boy what's a few extra guards going to do to you, you are a beast you already stabbed two motherfuckers in the neck what's a few extra going to do to you!" I said as I took out a dagger from my shadow ready for anything.
"knock.... knock, hey Jimmy, Kevin are you guy done in their or not the general is going to kill us if you guys are slacking and he wants all of us to report outside the house's in fifteen minutes. and I really don't want shit for being late to that." he said in a tired voice
I covered myself and the bodys with my shadow than used it to open the lock on the hatch to wait for him to come downstairs to me.
"ha!" he took the bait and as soon as he got down I quickly took him out in the same way then searched him as fast as possible for some extra cartridges for the animo guns I had.
"You can never have enough refill cartridges I guess I just hope I won't have to use these anytime soon."
I equipped my shadow veil to head up stairs quietly, lucky me their was only one guy in the room and he was easy pickings.
"at this rate I have about six rifle cartridges and four pistol and each have about four animo recharges each so I shouldn't run into any trouble if I absolutely need to use them, here's hoping I don't and mom gave me quite a few lessons guns any way." trying to sound reassuring to my self.
I searched the room and found it among my clothes which I threw into my shadow because I do not want to wear the same clothes all the time or shoes for that matter which I will admit wasn't the best idea.
"Hey Terry are you done searching up here, I think everyone left with out us I can't find them and I don't want to take shit from general Harper." he said as he walked into my room
I was focused on putting my last shoe into the shadow until he whipped out his rifle and started blasting at me.
I quickly put up a shadow to absorb the bullets until he had exhausted his clip then I took out my pistol and shot him twice.
"great now what am I going to do against the men who just kicked down my front door." I said as I switched my pistol to the fully automatic rifle and started to sprayed half the clip down the stairs.
I hit the first three guys but now I can't get out by normal means anymore.
"now what shaquille, wait great idea just appeared." I said as I picked up and threw my single mattress down the stairs to stall for time they tried to push it back up but I threw a 400 pound dumbbell down the stairs.
I ran over to my parents room and quickly grabbed the two tequila bottles in their collection, my dad's favorite lighter and drenched a quarter of the mattress which was now stuck in the small stair case and threw a 200 pound dumb bell on top of it which hit at least three people toppling them over then splashed some of the tequila on the cloth then smashed the rest over the stairs.
"I hope you guys like fireball shots" I said as I threw the now burning cloth down the stairs and ran towards the window.
I put the other tequila and lighter into my shadow than equipped my shadow veil to keep my identity a secret for now at least.
I sprinted towards the spare room window because it was by the back and my dirt bike I built was sitting in the back.
the soldiers in the back were now rushing into the back door to see what the problem was and that was were I made my escape as soon as i jumped down I ripped of the rain protector for my bike and got on then covered both myself and the bike with a veil which eliminates noise and whipped out my keys which I always keep in my shadow then i was off and as I looked back to see the house I grew up in gone forever I solidified my heart one final time I have a mission now and I can't fail no matter what.
I raced towards the nearest highway and rode it for at least two hours east.
" I seem to be safe now but I need to find a place wash myself off, I don't think covered in blood and dirt is the best way to stay hidden and I've used too much animo to keep up my veil for any longer but at least I reach the outer boonies where the farmers live and damn I need to eat" I said as I looked at my animo gauge on my bike which was almost empty.
I tried to refill a little of it on the go but suddenly my strength was completely gone and I had to let go of my clutch to slow down but I started to wobble and my vision was getting blurry I dropped off the bike and rolled on the highway quite a bit, I tried moving with all of my strength but all I managed was to see a bright light shining towards me and I was out.