Chereads / Barbaric realms / Chapter 60 - Chapter 60 An offer

Chapter 60 - Chapter 60 An offer

"Dumps of history. Then I was right to tell her no,"

"It was right. They have intended to use whoever they want to stay in power,"

"The offer is connected with this." Zeus continued

The figure felt his gaze as it's a burning light shining on him, The figure let out a huff and said,

"It is. We would like to make an effort to take them out of the world's."

Zeus's eyes widen only a little until a glimpse of curiosity appears in his eyes. Shai glanced at the other deities, seeing different in their expressions. Athena was concerned by his words, thinking of the way it could go. Hermes was watching how Zeus would react to them and wanted to hear the rest of the offer. Ares stared at the figure shock at first but changed into hesitant. Shai glanced at Eurus, seeing him looking over the deities until there gaze met, he gave her a faint smile Shai didn't realize she smiled as well.

"You want to take them out of the world's?" Zeus inquired

The figure tightened his fist and having courage to say,

"Yes, they have been blatant in their ambitions to take and control the world's, you know that for decades, Zeus. You know what they have done. They have trapped and killed whoever disagrees with them,"

"I know very what they have done, figure, you know what they would do if we fail,"

The figures shivered at the tone of his voice, dark and foreboding of what they wanted to do. Could ruin their worlds. Shai looked at them, seeing their tension building and then looked at the other deities. Their expansions were dreary filled with reluctance. All three of their eyes were on the figure waiting for his response, Shai looked back at Zeus, seeing him staring at her, wondering.

"You have been listening to both sides. What do you think that we should do?" Zeus asked 

Shai looked into his gaze, seeing his eyes glow with curiosity, he could noticed that she was watching them and to get a better understanding of what the woman has done to them, that's admirable to her. Their gazes shift to her and decided to say, 

"I have already made my decision and the figure made a decision now it's up to you and the other deities around you to either risk them knowing you ripped apart your contract, taking full initiative against you. Taking you as their enemy." 

Shai glanced at the deities behind her, seeing that they weren't hesitant as before, but willing to hear what she had to say, Shai breathed deeply then continued, it was heavy on her to say this to them, they will not like what she has to say at first, but after they might agree with them.

"How long do you want to be under their boot? Being under there control through there written threats and there venomous words, do you truly want to stay on this dead end. Where the only thing they want is your complete obedience, to be blind to their acts and follow there commands even if it leads to your..."

Shai watched their eyes, it was mixed, but they still agreed with her words. Shai turned to the figures, there were hooked on what she said, the words she spoke rang true to them. Shai looked back at Zeus and he waited for her to continue,

"There listening, good. That means they have thought of this before, they might help us,"

"You'r not interrupting me. Not stopping me from continuing, you have been thinking of this for a while?" Shai asked

"That we have, it seems you have recognized that Shai," Zeus said

"I have. I wanted to be honest, we do need you help with the higher ups, with out your help we will go nowhere. They will come after us and slaughter us,"

Shai wanted to see their reaction and saw that it hasn't changed. There was a little concern in their eyes, however, it didn't bother them from what they're expressing,

"I know that won't affect you, but when will it affect you? after they kill us what would happen to you. You all can't be killed, when will be the point they can't cross, when will you all see that without them on you will be better off,"

Shai is watching Zeus for his reaction and saw that he stared at her emptily, showing no emotion. Zeus turned to the figure and the figure looked to him, 

"You knew that we didn't sign another contract?" Zeus 

"I had no clue of that,"

Zeus looked at Shai seeing the gleam in her eyes, it didn't have distressed in it like he assumed but filled with optimism. That what he thought she would be, full of a new hope.

"Shai, you know of our distaste for them," 

"Yes, i do," 

"Then you have taken what we have thought and placed it into words, not well but well enough,"

Zeus looked at Hermes, Athena and Ares, they are staring at Shai, then turned to him, he could tell what there were thinking but he wanted to hear from them, 

"What do you three think of their propels," 

Hermes looked at Athena, and she glanced at him, she was uncertain how to start but she wasn't the first one to speak, Ares took his helmet off and placed it on Shai's chair, Ares glared down at her, Shai stared back at him not relenting from his burning gaze. Ares let out a scoff, turning his attention to Zeus,


"If they were willing to get this far to just ask. How far are they willing to fulfil it?" Ares inquired

Shai felt Zeus gaze turn to her and which she turns away hers to Ares, for a moment, She glanced at the figure and Eurus, noticing the urgency in the figure's eyes, Eurus was worried of course he was in a room that has powerful being's, asking them to go against the higher ups that are trapped them. they could have disagreed and killed them so easily but that hadn't. Shai noticed that he was fidgeting thinking of what could happen, 

"We are willing to see the end of their control over the realms," Shai let out

She looked at Zeus sternly, she couldn't let this slip past them, it will be harder for them to break their hold without the deities help, Zeus turned to Athena who's watching there interaction, done contemplating, She rests her hand on Shais chair saying,

"She hasn't given us any reason to doubt her. She has given us more than enough to trust her, and with her weapon in hand there will be better cause to the problem at hand."

Shai felt a small smile start to appear on her face, but there was one more voice that must be heard, Hermes glanced down at Shai and started to feel a grin appear on his face, but stopped seeing Zeus glaring at him, Hermes cleared his throat floating around Athena and Ares, he then went between them trying to not smile while he did it, see Shai watching him confused. He stood behind Shai and then said, 

"If we are placing a trust on someone, i would bet on the person who was able to beat Zeus," 

Hermes placed his hand on Shai's head then she tried to stare at him thought her hair, He grin down at her and continued, 

 "Plus i wanted to be tagged in," 

Ares glared at him

"Hermes," He seethed 

Hermes turned to him with a grin and moved his hand off Shai's head, he leans on the chair looking over Shai's shoulder, his face switched from a grin to a serious quickly. Zeus looked bewildered, he dosen't do that unless there was something was deeply wrong. Shai looked between them concerned, if Zeus is this stunned then it must have been for worse,

"If we are to go with you, then there will be great strife, you see we have our problams with the higher ups,"

Hermes lays his chin on her shoulder stareing at the figuers, the figuers haven't seen his eyes turn so cold before. The only time he has done that was in an a old meeting with Zeus, Hermes didn't want to show them that. Apologizing before leaving with him, but this could mean for somthing on there end.

"You both know they hold the others in time,"

The figuers jumped, The figuer didn't think they would bring that up. The other figuer felt his heart burn with stress, they wanted to have a secure line to go against them, the other figuer tapped his fingers against the chair,

"if that is what they wanted,"

He glanced at Shai's left side, where the weapon could be.

"Then it might be possible," the other figuer thought

Shai looked at Hermes, who looked down at her,

"You want the weapon to help move you to other relams?"

Hermes grins,

"That is exactly what we need to aggree with your offer,"