Chereads / Barbaric realms / Chapter 48 - Chapter 48 It's Her

Chapter 48 - Chapter 48 It's Her


They stared at the system that glowed orange. The other figure looked at it in wonder, while the figure stared at it in concern, 

"What is this?" The figure huffed

They stared at the orange glow as it started to move to the next computer system. The figure heard it utter, 

"He wasn't meant for this."  

It twirled around the system with the color shining from it, The figure's eyes widened as the other figure followed the glow, the figure remembered the voice of the orange glow but couldn't find her name. 

"I remember the higher-up calling me into the meeting. It was when I was assigned to watch over that realm. They closed the door behind me, saying that something dangerous was made that day. Whether it is good or bad. In the end, we knew it was for bad, but they assigned me the take into finding the scroll and the user," 

The other figure touched the glow and saw it move away from him. It spoke to them again, but it sounded defeated. 

"Yuval...Bates... they took," 

The figure looked at it and walked over to it, asking, "Who are... where are you?" 

It went to another one without saying a word. The figures followed it with a little bickering between each other. 

"Figure what do you think this is?" The other finger asked 

"Im not sure. I tried to ask, but it only seemed to want to move closer," the figure answered 

Herman's system starts to make a noise, hearing the clashes from his fight with Shai. her voice came through the system,

"This is not what you..." 

They both heard a scoff from him before he would answer her,

"But this is what they took me for."  

"Not me," 

The figure looked back at it. Then pondered again, "Not Me? what would that mean," 

"Are you a part of making the AI?" The figure asked 

it had four of the thirteen systems that were around Herman. It made a huff before going to the fifth one. The other figure was interested in this as well, asking, 

"I don't mean to stop you, but what is your deal with Herman?" 

It stopped and twirled around the system to the figures it looked like codes. The other figure tried to touch it again, and he got through to it. He felt as if he had typed d ok wn codes on computer, going past him as if he saw another life.

"I have,"

The codes of orange let out with static. It moved again before saying,

"Made it G..orege its here. It's talking with me, and the way it, no, he speaks is more human than machine."

"What do you Sid?"

The figure stared stuned at it before muttering,


The figure knew what the orange bunch of codes is, Sidney Lincoln. The creator of the AI somehow still exists.

"It's's own emotions Gorege it's own mind that I made... i did what no other thought would. Herman is here ... it's made to help humanity,"

It went to the sixth one and moved past it, trying to head words the seventh system with the figures left behind,

"She is Sidney Lincoln?" The other figuer muttered

"It appears to be yes... she must have been restless." The figure let out,

The other figuer stared at him and saw something different in his eyes, It was warm, filled with compassion and understanding. That is what's making him wonder what the figure knows,

"Can you tell me why?" The other figure asked

The figure glanced at him before his eyes went back to the orange codes moving to the ninth system. They could hear Shai's fight with Herman again. Herman was screaming on pain as it sounds like Shai was taking the advantage,

"Her spirit must be in agony. Having been killed by one of her manipulators, leaving her restless soul to stay here longer than intended,"

"To watch her creation?"

"No, her creation died the same day she did. She is still here to witness what will happen to Herman. It's my guess," the figure told him

"Do you think she'll help Shai?"

The figure looked at the orange codes and heard it say Herman once more and went to the last four. They both heard a scream again coming from Herman.

The figure went to the codes while the other figure tried to follow him, but he stopped hearing Shais voice come from the system,

"You have done enough, Herman."

A loud crash can be heard, and he wasn't sure if it was either Shai or Herman, but that certainly was strong. He stood three feet away from Herman's system, feeling the blows there exchanging. He looked up at the figure and saw him talking with her,

"What are you intend on doing?" The figure asked

The codes shined brighter and with a voice came from it, "To help the one who,"

It went static before her voice came through. "Can help others,"

The soul went to Herman's system that now glowed from over heating, its dark black swirled with the orange. The figure went to the system as it went quite around the room, but it didn't last long.


Herman cried out in pain. The figures covered their eyes, having the glowing light bright for their eyes, the figures felt the room shake.

"You must stop him,"

Shai looked around the carnage around her and the destroy rubble of codes around her. The storm that had Herman in it started to dissipate with Shai feeling dizzy, her weapon shaking in her grasp, warning her of something to come. She stared down at it, letting out,

"I don't know how long I'm going to make it,"

Shai heard a sound coming from Herman and looked at him, he's standing on one leg looking at her, Herman started to chuckle. Shai glared at him, wondering why he would laugh at this moment unless he knew what their plan was. He took a step towards her and pointed at her,

"You have them looking for my system," Herman accused

He glared at her with a face snarled. He took another step to her with his voice sounding brash,

"They found it... they have found my system."

Shai smiled at his words while standing straight. She felt her weapon in her grasp and told Herman,

"You should've kept you gaurd up, Herman,"

She aims the pistol at him, glowing red and green, shining from dark to light. Her veins glowed gold with her eyes having a mix of brown and gold. She felt her limbs yearning for her to stop fighting, but Shai knew she can't not until the task was done, Herman felt his body burning worse than what Shai had done to him,

"I won't stop... not now, "

Herman moved closer to her only a foot away, The weapon in her grip shook again as Herman lunged at her, having his hand shift into a blade. Shai moved back but his hand stabs her right side, she shot the gun and moved her keg to kick him off her in spit of that Herman grabbed her Pepin and pulled her closer making the blade sink into her side. Shai coughed out blood onto him, and Herman smirked, taking his hand back,

"That should have hit your lung, Shai. Too bad you moved away," Herman mocked

She held her side while her weapon pulsed on her hip, telling Shai in some way to be cautious, she looked up at him hearing bullet went past her to Herman who moved away from the bullet and ran at her agian, he made his hand into to a blade once more and tryed to go for her neck, Shai grabbed his blades stared intensely at him before head butting him causing him to move back, Shai dropped his right hand and hit the inside of his elbow then taking her elbow hitting him in the face, Herman moved away from her blow and made his arm dissappear, he walked back and stared at Shai with a grin ,

"Is this all you have?" Herman inquired

His arms appeared agian with him wating for her response, Shai glanced at him before staring behind him with a grin of her own,

"You should know by now that I'm full of comebacks,"

A warm glow of green and red appers behind him with vines made of pure fire wrapped around him, Herman yelled in pain as he was pulled back the the vines wrapped around him, buring his codes, Shai felt the blood gushing throught her hand. Her breath was rapied with her body shaking.

"How will I stop this," Shai whispered

She looked around her and saw the codes around her, all burned and torn to sunder. She felt the blood slowly stop draining from her, Shai looked around her side and saw that it stopped bleeding. Shai stood up hearing Herman struggles taking her shirt ripping the bottom of it, she wrapped it around the wound,


She looked up at Herman and saw him out of the trap, he ran at her with anger lite in his eyes,