Chereads / Demiga Storey of Creed / Chapter 1 - Curse of Epiales.

Demiga Storey of Creed

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Chapter 1 - Curse of Epiales.

My name is creed I'm 15 years old I have black hair bright green eyes i'm 5'4 I wear a leather chest plate over a black long sleeve shirt with black cloth pants I carry a standard katana nothing special I'm pretty average I live in a small village with my mother I never knew my father all I know is he passed through my village I never really cared I spent my time at the nearby training ground I'm pretty good at fighting hand to hand and I'm pretty good with a katana I've never lost a fight but I believe I angered one of the gods more specifically Epiales the god of nightmares as far back as I can remember I've had they's nightmare were I die it's different every time not just that time moves differently is slower one hour fells like a year since I'm 15 years old I've decided to go to the temple of Epiales I'm setting out today I give my mom a hug and tell her I'll be back soon I start to leave following the path after a few hours I reach a thick forest I put out a sigh and start walking threw the forest I see a clearing with a stream I decided to stay till morning right before I go to bed I hear a howl I quickly jump up creed draws his 2 and a half long katana two wolves quickly jump towards him creed does a upwords slash and kills the first wolf he quickly switches to a downward vertical slash the last wolf bites towards creeds left arm but creed side steps barley dojing the bite and kicks the wolf under the chean creed then jumps back getting distance from the wolf the wolf luts out of a small wine then rushes towards creed creed puts all his weight on his left leg and spens the wolf stops and looks around but when it sees creed it's head hits to ground I put out a small sigh throws wolves were a good workout if I didn't focus on speed they probably would of killed me I guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight sign a few hours pass I see the shadows start to move I quickly draw my katana a giant Snake burst out of the forest creed jumps up landing on the giant snakes head and stabbed downward on the snake's head but the tip of the katana brakes due to the scails creed jumps up and say damn it damn it it's scales are to strong I can't win the snake opens its mouth and lunges upwards towards creed when suddenly creeds right hand starts to emit a bright black light the broken katana catches on fire but for some reason it's a pail black flame creed lifts his arm up the broken katana facing the shy creed jumps down and slash simultaneously cutting the snake down the middle the snake quickly burns to ask leaving only a few scales I start to pant what the hell was that why did my sword catch bonfire and why was it black I lift the blade up to my face but see nothing what the hell is that on my hand a symbol of a black sun is on the back of my right hand was that magic I heard stories but to actually be able to use it not just that but it seems incredibly strong another few hours pass with nothing happening when a shimmer of light comes from the sky I stand up and stretch I then look at the scails I walk over and only see around 6 green scales the same size as my head well I guess a offering would be helpful I pick them up and carry them under my left arm I start to walk after a few hours I see a giant oak tree bigger than a four story house I quickly walk towards it I see a wooden key on one of the branches and decide to try to git it to find out what it's fore I put the scales on the ground and jump up to the lowest branch but I'm half a inch away I draw my sword and jump upwords right before I start to fall I stick the sword in the tree I spin myself tell both me feet are on the sword I put my left hand of the branche and neal down grabbing the sword with my right hand I pull the blade out causing me to fall slight but I pull myself up to the branch with my left hand I jump up to the nexts branch and keep going till I reach the branch with the key I grab the key and examon it I jump downward to the branch I was on last and keep doing so until I land on the ground I put the key around my neck and pick the scales up and keep walking until I see the temple to Epiales I quickly rush to it I walk-in not seeing any priest I sigh guess since he's the god of nightmares it makes sense he has no priest I walk towards a pillar in the middle I put all the scales on the pillar and kneel all mighty Epiales I creed humbly ask you to remove my curse as sacrifice I offer the scales of a giant Serpenti suddenly hear a deep voice who dares to disturb me Epiales god of nightmares and such a pathetic offering wait a minute I have no memory of cursing you mortal why do you believe I have cursed you lord Epiales ever time I sleep I have these nightmares where I die in painful ways and each time it changes that's curse could only mean you're the this is very interesting typically I would never release this curse but that key around your neck is important one of my children so I will make an exception if you offer the key as well I quickly put the key on the pedestal you may now leave I quickly run out of the temple scared why did Epiales appear I've never heard of such a thing I start to walk back after a few hours I see identical snake to the one I killed I draw my katana and try to sneak by when the snake looks at where I am and charges me I run towards the snake plz work and stab the sword in it left eye the snake starts to hiss and shakes it head frantically causing me to fly of the snake rushes towards me I see a nearby broken branch and pick it up and throw it into the snakes other eye I run off after a few hours I'm Sure the snake isn't chasing me I take a break in the same place I camped out the first night I decide to camp out again but this time I decided to sleep in one of the trees I open my eyes to see three sun's one as black as night one a  bright yellow and one a aqua blue they collide and I sit up panting I look around and see it was just a dream I jump down from the tree and head home I quickly hug my mom I consider telling her what happened but I decide against it I go to a nearby tower I knock on the door a few minutes pass and the door finally opens a old man with Spiky white hair tells me to come in I do I ask him if he can teach me to use magic the old man Signs I can try but there's no guarantee you can even use magic I Know I can what proof do you have I then explain what happened with the black fire very interesting I'll explain a bit about Magic first not all hummons can use magic even if they can there's no telling what type of magic they can use but what's odd with you is your fire is black fire is one of the different types of magic you don't need fire to pre existing wich is necessary for elements like earth and water but for your fire to be black is unheard of if your hummon that is what do you mean of course I'm human I would not be so Sure I mean you could be a demigod we don't know your father's true identity after all will talk more tomorrow for now go home it's getting late I walk home and lay down me a demigod that's impossible I think about it in the morning I close my eyes and drift to sleep.