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Arabella Fitzgerald hates road trips... Especially since she always seem to find herself in one out hole or another. This one wasn't any different but it was way worse because she's finally stuck in THE MAfIA.

Chapter 1 - Chapter One

Five seconds more and am sure I'll pee my self... I needed to pee badly and to be sincere I didn't want to ask the bus driver for a pit stop, it felt a little cruel. I glanced at my black wristwatch again and held in an akward groan, we have been on this bus now for the past four hours and it was actually starting to erk me sitting here for so long.

I let out a strangled breath as my womb clenched and unclenched in despiration, I really needed to pee.

"Uhmm excuse me miss-" I turned towards a heavily pregnant lady sitting behind me, "-i wanted to ask if it would take more time to get to Las Vegas...You see the thing is... I haven't exactly been there before."

She looked like I had just asked her to marry her because her face was beyond pale and it looked like she would give anything to puke on me so I gracefully turned back to face the window again.

I could hear her laboured breathing and I debated on whether to turn towards her and ask if anything was wrong or I just put my earpuds into my ear and mind my business... After all, she had minded her business when I asked her a simple question. Well, minding my business it is!

I was about putting my earpuds in when I heard her whimper, this time around I wasn't the only one who did because more heads turned towards our direction at the back of the bus. "Uhmm are you feeling okay?" I asked, turning towards her

"Perfectly fine." She gritted out rewarding me with a cold glare, I felt chills down my back at the ice in her eyes and I wondered if I ever stole her Pringles or something... This was weird, I had to swallow my fear before turning to face my front again. It felt weird looking into her eyes-like she was going to end me or something.

Ignoring her whimpers and sounds of pain, I tried to tune her out but my professor would kill me if he knew that I left a patient to wither alone in pain... Why hadn't I majored in sociology or something, I rolled my eyes at myself but I still fought turning to face the woman again.

"Is it the baby?" I turned again and this time she brought her steely cold blue eyes to my neck and I squeaked before facing my front.

Of course it's the baby... What was I thinking, 'Don't ever ignore a patient in pain, their death would forever be a burden to you... Always remember this.' Professor Philip's words rang in my head at this moment and I silently asked him for forgiveness for all the times I ever made fun of his mango structured head.

"How do you feel now?" I turned again to ask her and this time around she spoke out shocking the hell out of me.

"Why don't you fucking mind your business!" She snarled, eyes stellar cold.

"A-am just trying to help." I stammered out cursing myself silently for yeilding under her stare.

"Well I don't need your dirty self all up in my business-" She looked away from me before whispering "-cunt."

I had never felt so dirty in my life, the idea of this lady rejecting my help hit me right in the heart and I struggled with the urine trying to pour out of my vagina and the tears trying to well up... My period must be on its way... Explains why am on the verge of tears.

The bus rushed passed a ditch and I was sent sideways hitting my head on the side of the window. Murmurs erupted from within the bus, a short gasp brought my attention back to the insultive lady behind me and I turned towards her in shock.

"Sir, excuse me sir," I brought the attention of the middle aged driver towards me. "Can we stop for a few minutes, I have a patient here who needs help." I stood up from my comfy seat before dragging my duffel bag underneath my chair. The sound of the engine being out off brought a smile on my face.

Finally! someone that listens to what i say.

The sound of the bus being opened brought on another satisfaction... Maybe the bus driver wanted to help, he entered into the bus before resting on another person's seat cubicle giving the pregnant lady a sort of look I tried to interpret but wasn't able to when the lady smiled back, she looked stupidly young with the smile on her face... Am I missing something here?

"Ten minutes!" The driver grunted out, giving me a glare before extracting a long thin cigarette from his pocket.

Or maybe he didn't want to help at all, maybe he just wanted to be a nuisance.

I looked around the bus and different eyes collided with mine... They were atleast six children in the bus and this irritating bus driver was about to smoke in front of them and the children were all looking at him in curiosity.

"Smoking is bad kids, don't ever emulate certain people." I looked pointedly at the driver letting him know that I was referring to him.

What the hell was he even doing at the back of the bus when his duty post was clearly at the front of the wheel.

"Two minutes." He gave me a mocking look and I turned towards the scary pregnant woman-who was also glaring at me-great! It seems today was glare at Bella day.

"Don't worry you can call me names and probably slit my neck but please I really need to check on this baby... To atleast make sure that he's okay w-" I tried to finish but she cut me off

"Her, she's a girl."

"-okay to make sure she's okay," I tried to smile but it looked like she was still doubting me so I opened up my bag before bringing out my ID... I stretched it towards her and flashed a satisfactory smile when she accepted it and seemed to be contemplating a bit.

"I don't give a dumb fuck about your ID or if you just graduated from Cambridge..." She spitted the word out like it was a sour food in her mouth before tossing my ID on the floor. "...just don't let anything happen to my princess."

"Is that a go ahead?" I asked dumbly and she gave me a irritated look before rolling her eyes. I took that as a go ahead before placing my hands under her arms to get her up.

"How far along are you?" I asked but she refused to answer and I gave her one of my very own glare before she answered.

"Just a month more and she'll be out of me... " Then she turned towards the bus driver and smiled radiantly at him. "Aren't you excited Jared?" She asked and he let out a grunt before dragging his cigarette into his lungs almost forcefully.

Oh wow! he's the daddy, am so excited for her...cue the eyeroll.

"Yeah... Super." He rolled his eyes before throwing the cigarette on the bus slowly crushing it with his feet.

The pregnant woman let out a smile at his dead face and I had to swallow my comments... That guy looked like he gave no fuck if she or the baby died and I was actually a bit worried for this woman or lady, I wasn't sure what to make of her but she seemed happy to be with him.

Oh so this was why he came into the bus!

I held in my judgement before extracting the HBP test kit from my bag before wrapping it around her very cold and pale arms. Her arms were too small and too bony to be that of someone expecting a baby.

"Hope you aren't offended but how old are you?" I asked her, staring directly into her blue eyes. If this was what I think it is then this wasn't an easy case.

She tried to compose herself but I saw a hint of fear in her eyes giving me the answer that i needed.

"Is that supposed to help my case or whatever it seems to be wrong with me." She asked confidently and to be sincere I had to commend her effort, she was brave and a little hardheaded. I wouldn't have been able to hold myself for long especially if someone was staring right into my eyes like I was doing to her.

"How old are you?!" This time around I asked with a lot of urgency as she held her breath, I dropped the HBP test kit before sending an apologetic look to an old woman who sent me a glare.

I turned towards the bus driver. "How old is your wife sir?" I asked him and was satisfied as panic surged through his eyes and he let out a harsh breath before closing his eyes, when he opened them they were hard.

"This bitch ain't my wife... She ain't even up to my shaggies, she just some white hot cake I knocked up overnight." He laughed like it was actually funny forgetting that children were in the room.

It seems like everyone was curious to find out what would happen because everywhere was quiet and all eyes were on us.

The pregnant woman beside me gasped in shock and she tried to compose herself but tears were already falling from her face.

"I only asked for your wife's age not yo-"

"She ain't my wife!"

"-your baby Mama's age then..." I tried a different approach and he gave me a quick head nod before answering.

"She'd be seventeen by November." He declared and I closed my eyes tight.

She was a minor.

Gasp resounded around the bus and whispers erupted from all corners, all fifteen occupants were all talking to each other. "What are you doing on the bus? when you know that you are very vulnerable especially during this times." I dropped down on one knee before facing the little pregnant girl who looked so much like a premature woman.

"Have been following him around for the past six months and we've been going on adventures together a-" She got cut off by Jared himself.

"And you've been wailing all day long-" He paused before adding.

"-Just die already, I can't breath no longer and you're just sucking me dry." Jared said opening the door to the bus undoubtedly going back to drive the bus.

"Hey bitch... Your ten minutes' been o'er for a long time now." He drawled before giving me an icy look... Then he jumped down from the bus and the pregnant girl beside me burst into tears.

"Hey-hey how are you feeling now, where's the pain coming from?" I wouldn't comfort her simply because she had a whole lot of things to worry about... Starting with her baby.

"It like someone's hitting a sledgehammer on my puss-"

I shushed her before giving her a certain look.

"-my vagina and it's really disheartening."

I pressed my hand just under her abdomen when the bus sprang to life taking us through a ditch again except this time around sounds of screams and pain could be heard. A loud piercing blast cut through the air and a loud manly voice shrieked in pain before a violent this could be heard I found myself shielding this little girl with my body. I looked up at her strangled face before trying to calm her indirectly with my eyes.

I knew it wasn't working the moment she started shouting. "Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit."

I panicked as more smoke enveloped the bus and different men in hoodies entered into bus, the children at the front of the bus were already crying and it looked like there was no movement in the bus driver stand. Holy shit!

Who where this people? I could feel a very strong panic coursing through my vein as this men held an elderly woman at gun point, I think am going to be sick.

I held the pregnant girl's hands in mine as I tried... Keyword... Tried to calm her down.

Her hitched breathing brought my eyes to her face again... She was already hyperventilating. "Come on... Deep breaths, deep breaths." I whispered

"H-how can you be so calm ri-" She let out a piercing scream and every other thing in the bus quietened to nothing.

Shit! They'd be here any second. I pressed my head on her low abdominal part of the body and let out a curse as the baby's head was rather trying to make an appearance and in that moment every other singal thing I had learnt in uni flew through the window as the sound of big monster boots began to move closer towards our directions.

I was still on my knees so I was hidden from their view but this girl was not and I was going to do everything to protect her and her baby... E-even if it meant surrendering my own life.

Then the most unimaginable thing happened next.

"I-i think I j-just p-peed my self."

Oh shit!!! Her water broke.

I think I just peed my body too! Oh shit!