Chereads / The Alpha's mate is a white wolf / Chapter 4 - Chapter 3

Chapter 4 - Chapter 3

After a nice, relaxing shower, I made my way to the kitchen to get a snack before starting my homework. When I entered the kitchen, mom was busy making a chocolate cake. "Why are you making a chocolate cake?" "Me and your father has a meeting with one of the companies here later on and we are going for dinner as well. You and Josh will be joining us but you can come later as the meeting is first and then dinner will be served. I will send you the location. Be there before 7" "Fine". I grabbed an apple and then left. I walked into Josh's room and told him what mom said. Then walked backed to my room and finished my work before we had to leave.

After finishing my work, I walked in to the closet and looked at what I was going to wear. I decided to wear a pair of black jeans with a light pink top and a leather jacket with long black Nike shoes . I then walked to Josh's room and I saw he was already ready. We then both headed down to the garage.

Mom and dad already left 3 hours ago. It takes about an hour to get there so we left at 5p.m just incase of traffic. We took the white Jeep SUV for better travelling since the place is far away.

I put the location on the GPS and then we drove off. We first went to the small Cafe down the street to get a snack. I got a cup of coffee with a chocolate donut. Josh got a hot chocolate with a cream filled donut. We took our food and got in the car. We drove off and ate along the way. We chatted and listened to music and sang. These are some of the moments I love having my brother.

We were about 2km away when a large animal jumped in front of the SUV and caused Josh to swerve it. We hit the tree but managed not to get ourselves seriously injured. We looked to see a big grey wolf running back into the forest. We decided it was best to stay in the car and call our parents.

I called my mom's phone about 3 times but she didn't answer. I called dad about 5 times and he also didn't answer. Just before we could call 911, the battery died. We were on our own. Josh then decided it was best if we got out and grab some sticks and start running towards that place since it is about 2 km away. I wanted to argue but then thought that if we stayed, then that wolf can return and can also bring his friends with them. So I just went along with Josh's plan.

We got out and found long branches and started jogging along the way. After about 10 minutes, we heard a loud howl. This made us know that a wolf is nearby. We started running, hoping that it won't catch us and we will make it to that place in time before it gets dark. But we were wrong. The wolf appeared in front of us and started charging towards us. Josh took the branch and hit the wolf. I helped him. We managed to knock the wolf out after a lots of scratches and bites. I had the worst. Josh bent a little and told me to get on him so that I don't hurt myself further. I argued with telling that he was also hurt but he refused and made me get on his back.

He jogged slowly while I kept watch on our surroundings. We finally reached a mansion. Josh walked up the stairs and opened the door, not caring what the people thought of us since we were more scared of the wolf coming back for us. As soon as he closed the door, he set me down and hugged me. As he did that, I started to cry, knowing that we nearly died today. Just then someone cleared their throat and we turned to that person.

I saw it was Cole and Tay standing in front of us. We wanted to say something but we couldn't, I continued to shake in Josh's hold while Tay and Cole came towards us. Cole looked furious and Tay looked concerned. Cole then spoke " What happened to you two?" " We were driving here to meet our parents, when a wolf jumped out of nowhere in front our car and I avoided it but crashed the car into a tree. We decided to jog the way here in case it returned and came with more. But we got attacked by it on the way. We managed to knock it out. Elle had the worst and I had to carry her rest of the way. When we saw this place we rushed in and now we are here " " Oh my God, come on you two, let's get you clean up. Cole carry Elle and put her on the sofa, Josh can you manage to follow Cole while I go and get the doctor and a first aid kit " " You have a doctor? " " Yeah, now follow Cole"

Cole picked me up and walked and set me on the sofa. Throughout the whole time, I felt sparks. He walked back and helped Josh and then came back and sat with me. After a few minutes, I saw mom and dad and two other people come down, busy talking with each other. Mom saw me and screamed my name and rushed towards me, dad followed but went to Josh. I did not want to be near them because they didn't answer the phones. If they did, we wouldn't be in this condition. I ignored my mom and moved closer to Cole. Josh ignored dad and walked slowly and sat by me as well. Just then, Tay walked in with the doctor.

The doctor checked us and wrapped all of our wounds and told our parents of how they must care for us. When he left, my mom spoke " Can you two tell me why did you end up in this condition" I then spoke " Why should we, when we are in this condition because of you two. If you both just answered your phones when we called you, we wouldn't be in this position but no, business is more important. You know what, me and Josh are leaving, we are going home, we don't care how we get there, we are leaving right now because if we both stay, we will both end up doing something we will regret. Now if you excuse, we are going" "No you will be coming home with us and you will not speak to me like this. This is not our fault that you got injured if you don't tell us what happened." "No. This is your fault mom and dad. Elle tried to call the both of you several times when we met the accident but you two were so concern about your stupid business that you did not answer our calls when we were in trouble. Now me and Elle are leaving. Once we get better we are leaving Riverfalls and are going to stay with grandma and grandpa because they will take better care of us and will not be constantly moving from place to place because of a stupid business they run. Now me and Elle got to get home so we can start packing because i assure, me and Elle will not be staying in your house anymore from tomorrow onwards. We will be staying a hotel that we will pay for and we will leave when we recover." Josh said. Mom tried to talk but we just stopped her.

I then asked "Cole can i borrow your phone for a minute" "Sure" I then proceeded to call for an Uber to come and fetch us here so that we could go home but before i could Cole spoke " Why don't you and Josh stay here until you both fully recover, we have extra rooms for the both of you. So instead of going home now, you can stay then tomorrow me and Tay can take you to your house to fetch your things and bring them back for you here and we can get some to tow your crash car to the garage and have people bring your cars here if you guys want" " Um..... Can me and Elle first discuss this privately and come back to you?" "Yeah" "Thanks" Josh then dragged me to a corner "Do you think we should here Elle" "I am not sure but it will be better than staying at a hotel." " Yeah but do you think we will be invading their space" " I think so. Let's just stay at the hotel until we recover than we can go and stay with grandma and grandpa" " Yeah. Let's inform them of our decision"

Before we could speak, Tay spoke " Before you guys tell us your decision, we want to tell you that you will not invade our space if that's what you are thinking." . Me and Josh looked at each other and made our final decision again. " Me and Josh would love to stay here with all of you if you all want" Just then, Cole's dad spoke "we would love have both of you here." Cole then said " Then it is settled. You will be staying here with us for as long as you want." Cole's mom said" Come on now, now that is settled, let us have dinner, I am sure that the both of you are starving from all that walking but first why don't the both of you freshen up quickly and then we can start dinner" " Okay" Cole and Tay then lead us upstairs. I went with Tay and Josh with Cole.