Have you ever searched for something so hard to the point that you start to lose your mind? Well, this is the story of how I lost, searched, and still can't find my love.
I have been searching for forever. Since that day, since the day she disappeared, I have been searching. People say I might go crazy, that if don't stop, I will miss out on life, but how could I stop when she is still missing. My girlfriend, Mave has been missing since March 12, the day we were supposed to go on a date. And I have no idea where she could be or who could have kidnapped her. It has been 100 days, and still no clues. The police after 4 months decided to give up on the search, saying some bullshit about how she might be dead or how she might have run away herself. Like what the hell. Who runs away and leaves all their belonging behind, what sense does that make. They gave up, but I didn't, I can't. They said she was gone and I told them she wasn't, and now I have hope that she was alright. How? Well, let me start from the beginning.
I was sitting in the middle of class when I had received a message, I opened it to see that it was from StoryApp. You see this is a website that allows you to write, publish, and read stories for free. I had recently started this after one of my friends had introduced me to it, saying that I needed a way to get my emotions out. At first, I thought it was stupid, but I still gave it a try, and surprisingly it worked. I have had it for the past months that Mave has been gone. I wasn't interested in friends so I didn't follow anybody, but a lot of people followed me, they commented on stories that they liked and would tell me to keep writing more. I really liked this because it gave me a sense of comfort and happiness. Which brings us to today. As I opened up a message I had received, I noticed that it was from one of my followers. They had recommended that I read a book that they suggested was great. I wasn't really interested, but since we weren't doing anything right now, I had decided to open it. The title of the story was "Coming Home To My Love," but the author wasn't clarified. I started to think that it might be a waste of time after all, but as I sat there reading, I started to get a sense of deja-vu. I felt a sudden pull and attachment to the characters, mainly the author. At first, I didn't want to believe it because it could be giving false hope, but as I read more, I couldn't help, but be reminded of Mave. And that is when it hit me. This person had to be Mave, but to make sure, I made a list of things they had in common and didn't.
Things they have in common:
-She got kidnapped on March 12
-It has been 100 days since they both got kidnapped
-They both had a sibling who had slept with the ex-boyfriends
Things they don't have in common:
The hints were all there unless I was actually going crazy. But they had almost everything in common. This had to be her. I read it over and over, and the more I read, the more I was convinced that it was her. I knew it was her. This was her way of asking for help from someone who might know her. I went to the account but didn't find a location, email, or anything. Just the story. I had hope and this was hope I was going to use.
#End of Flashback
And that is how I ended up here, in front of the police station, about to walk in with my new found hope and evidence. I knew there was a 90% chance that they wouldn't believe me and would think that I have finally lost it, but they can't deny that the clues aren't all there. If it were just one, it could be left as a coincident. But there were multiple clues. So no matter how long it takes, I will make sure they see it my way and help me because, in the end, I can't find her myself. I would go to her sister, but that was out of the question. Ever since the disappearance of Mave, she locked herself out of the world. She left the house they lived in together and went going around, sleeping in the house of different men each night. Which is how she ended up in the hospital. Apparently, one of them had gone violent and had started to abuse her to the point that he broke a couple of her bones and drove her into a coma, I still visit her from time to time when I can, but now that I have some clue on where Mave might be, I can't visit her anymore, and the last thing I should do is make this a sick person problem. I took one last deep breath and walked into the station with my head high. I was going to find Mave, no matter what, or how long it takes. My only hope is that she is safe and unhurt by whoever she is with. Please, please, please hold on Mave, I am coming for you.
She didn't know why, but she suddenly was filled with a surge of hope. She felt that someone was coming for her. Like someone was looking for her and hadn't given up hope on her yet. She didn't know who it was or why, all she knew was that she was excited, that she was filled with newfound confidence. And with one big smile on her face, she looks up at the tiny window and says, "Please hurry, I am right here, waiting."