"So you just came back from abroad?" asks Gina trying to dilute the awkward atmosphere between them

"Hmm, I spent a long time abroad. I've been there for about seven years. Now it's time for me to spend some time here," explained Yudha in a calm tone while sipping his coffee

Gina and Yudha spend coffee together, not much they talk about. Because Gina and Yudha are relatively quiet towards people, they know

Drrt drrt drrt

Gina's cell phone voice erases the silence between the two of them

"Hello Angel" greets Gina as soon as she receives a call

"Gina, where are you? I've arrived at the airport."

"Ah, I forgot. I'll be right there."

Gina disconnects her phone with Angel and puts her phone in a bag while telling Yudha

"I'm sorry I had to leave immediately. I still have other business. Next time we see each other again. Thanks for the coffee!" said Gina in a calm tone and a thin smile on her lips as she walked away from Yudha

Yudha just nodded a sign agreeing, then smiled

"We'll see you soon," murmurs as she watches Gina's passing

Gina walked quickly to leave the restaurant. But when he was about to get in his car. He was instantly possible, staring blankly at the man from his past pieces. Now stands not far from where he stands

Gina's gaze instantly changes sharply. Her face has now turned violent, and his hands are starting to clench

"Eh, Gina, you're here? We haven't seen each other in a long time. I don't think I'll see you again after you've left home in nearly three years. I'm glad I finally see you again.

"Ah!" says Siska with a plain face and about to hug Gina. But Gina pulls him over until Siska squeals

"Gina! What are you doing? Siska has been nice to say hello to you first even though she knows that your attitude will be like this to her," shouts Riko while holding Siska, who is about to fall

"If I had known I was going to misbehave, what would have come near me? Until I want to hug me all!" says Gina in a cynical tone.

"Gina, can't you forgive me? I accidentally took Riko from you. We fell in love without us noticing," said Siska, who has now started to tear up

"Stop showing off crocodile tears in front of me. I'm not at all interested in that.

Gina was about to walk away, but Riko pulled her hand

"Gina, I didn't expect you to change at all. Your attitude is still the same as it was three years ago. Our relationship is long over. Why do you still feel a grudge against Siska? After all, I decided to choose her as my companion.

"Then congratulations to you, and don't bother me anymore," says Gina indifferently

"Gina, please forgive us. We're going to have a wedding soon, and I hope you're going to come and give your blessing," Siska pleaded.

"Stop hoping. Because at any time I will never forgive you both" Gina's voice sounded so cold and her eyes so sharp. He then walks away, leaving them and steps towards the car to rush to the airport to pick up Angel

Gina spurs her car at high speed, leaving Riko and Siska still staring at her.

Gina holds the steering wheel of the car very tightly. Her tears began to drip considering the pieces of the past that hurt her heart as well as her physique

Flashback on

Gina and Riko have been in a relationship since they were in the middle of high school. Their relationship is already known to their respective families because Riko and Gina's parents are good friends.

But things start to change when Siska enters Gina's house as her half-sister. At first, Gina and Siska were good friends. But without Gina knowing, Siska is starting to envy Gina. Siska behaves nicely in front of her but slanders her in the back.

One day Riko gives a doll to Gina through Siska. But unbeknownst to Gina, Siska has ruined it

"Gina, if you don't like it, you don't have to ruin it. That's the gift Riko gave you for your birthday," said Siska with a grim face.

"I didn't break it at all. This doll's hand was cut off when I found it in a cardboard box wrapped in gift paper."

Gina tries to defend herself with her relaxed demeanor

"You mean I gave you this broken doll" Riko opens her voice.

"No, that's not it. I mean, maybe..."

"Are you now accusing me?" said Siska cutting off Gina's talk.

"Stop it! Gina, I didn't expect you to have changed Riko's word to end the debate between them.

One day Gina and Siska argued by the stairs

"Gina, what do you mean to say that I've been trying to ruin your relationship with Riko? I didn't do that at all. And I never intended to take Riko from you!" said Siska, holding Gina's hand so as not to leave.

"That's reality, and I'm not lying at all! First, you ruined Riko's gift doll and gave it to me. The second you told Riko that I was starting to change and be rude to you out of jealousy," said Gina, who also began to get emotional.

"I didn't do that!" Siska insists

"Let go of my hand!"


Gina blows Siska's hand until she finally falls down some stairs and sprains her leg


At the same time came Riko

"Gina, what are you doing? You're crazy. From now on, we break up, and our engagement will be canceled."

Siska smiles slyly at Gina when she hears it

"Gina, you're embarrassing me. From now on, get out of this house. I don't want to see you. And Siska will be engaged to Riko."

Flash back off

Gina stopped her car on the side of the road as she put her head on the steering wheel with tears. Long enough he stopped after feeling calm he resumed his journey to the airport

It didn't take long to find Angel upon her arrival at the airport because Angel's been waiting for him on the side of the road.

"Angel, I miss you so much!" says Gina as she gets out of the car and approaches Angel.

"You were a long time ago, and you said it wasn't too far away. I've been waiting for an hour here," murmured Angel to Gina

"I'm sorry there was an unexpected incident before I came here."

"What's going on? Did you get into an accident? Are you hurt? Where? Where's it going?" Angel looks panicked and worried

"I wasn't involved in an accident. I met Siska and Riko.

His face immediately looked moody when he mentioned both names. Angel was surprised to hear it.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"I'm okay. Let's go, and it's getting late" take Gina with angel's suitcase in the trunk