The Kusuma family is gathering in front of the operating room waiting for mili to be inside to perform the surgery. Ed's always beside Ji. During off-duty he'll accompany Ji anywhere. Hours passed and the operating room light was still on. Biru waited anxiously while playing with his fingers. It was obvious on her face that he was very worried. After almost half a day the operating room light finally changed off, and a doctor came out in his operating clothes.
"How's the surgery, doctor?"
The Blue word that immediately came to Rudi's doctor when he came out, followed by the rest of Kusuma's family who came close.
"The operation went smoothly and successfully. The patient will soon be transferred back his veil" Says doctor Rudi was friendly while removing his mask.
"Thank goodness"
All in unison sighed a sigh of relief. Bi smiles, his steady-face now looks calmer.
"Thank you doctor"
"You're welcome. Excuse me"