Starmist came towards Crystal and asked her, "How do you plan on doing that all the information we had was destroyed in the fire."
Crystal took a deep breath and replied, "we will figure it out somehow, I mean five stones mean five points" Crystal said.
"You need to be careful, those stones have more power than most know about putting the wrong stone in the wrong location can be really bad," Thunder said.
Crystal thought for a while and said, "then we need to study the stones and the locations. It the old times they didn't have books.
Forest said that some landmarks bare more secrets than most books ever written." Thunder looked around and said, "you might be right, even though it was before my time I believe there were ways to keep information in case of something ever where to happen."
Nylla landed and said, "the riders are back and they brought that darkness with them again." Crystal and her team went into hiding.