Are you sure about that I said
Yes I'm sure about this I'm really worried about you so I'm going to stay the night with you alright because your probably sad about this whole thing but Serena said
Thank you so much Serena I said
As I began to see that there was a lot of construction workers that began to rebuild the village as I began to slowly start to rebuild my home as I spent a lot of hour fixing it as the sound of nails and other things began to fill around the village with a loud echo
As I began to see Serena as she looked towards the old photos that were lying around the wooden flooring as I began to see she was laying on the couch as she had her hair up in a bun and wear some glasses
As she wear some long pink sweater that had fuzzy strain of pink string as it began to and she had long black leggings as she began to cover her self in brown blanket as she looked at the halo tv that was playing a movie on it
Oh hey yoshima are you feel any better after this whole thing ? Serena said
Yes a little bit still trying to get over this but the werid thing was about Mark's death was that I though I saw him go with the creature and they put a fake body that looked like him and that died i said
What do you mean by that Serena said
So after he faked his death maybe I don't know
he acted weridly that was for sure I said
Why don't we just watch this movie then after that we should go to sleep we have a long travel to the next city of Vernahabba province of Terstana Serena said
As she began to feel sleepy then proceeded to let her head down onto my shoulder as she had slept then I began to feel my eyes had began to feel heavy as I began to slowly close my eyes then fell asleep
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